Literal heartbreak

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I haven't posted in a while but I've been busy with homework and just work in general. Sorry for not updating

So a lot of things have gone down lately and I honestly just want to face palm at some of them and for the rest of the events I just want to sit in silence as I go over the exact memories of what happened.

At work the other day, I began cleaning tables as that was a job I had to do before I finished work. Anyway as I was cleaning the tables I could feel eyes on me and could hear whispers but I just ignored it. A few seconds later a kid yelled out 'hasn't she cleaned that table already?' And all his friends and him began laughing i don't know why but I began having tears in my eyes so I just stopped wiping the tables as I was nearly done anyway. I was then in a really pissed off mood and later found out that I couldn't express my own option to my friends as apparently that's wrong of me.

Now to explain the title of this chapter which is 'literal heartbreak'.

So I thought personally that I sometimes make friends happy and like to think that I'm there to comfort them but apparently I'm not. I was told the other day by one of my best friends that only one person can make her happy and comfort her and that person isn't me. I didn't say anything except that she would do good in the tafe course she was talking about doing, but deep down I just wanted to cry. I have been there for her when she was upset and crying over someone who she thought didn't like her and let her cry on my shoulder at school, but apparently that means nothing to her. I feel so upset and hurt by this especially when she says she only has 1 friend. Who am I then? A stranger?

And then to top off the bad news my mum is selling and getting rid of the dogs at her house. I'm literally so upset and pissed at her and my sister as my mum said for us to have him but we aren't suppose to have keys at our house so as much as I want to have him I can't. My sister was then pissing me off by saying even if we could have a dog we want a puppy not him. I was so hurt by her words aswell as Scruffy (the dog) as been apart of our family for roughly 3 years now and he's family. You don't just ditch family. So I'm really pissed at them both right now and just hope that Scruffy doesn't get sold 😭😭😭

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