Moving out

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This is a hard subject to talk about and is really personal but I just felt like it needed to be written on a page

Growing up as a kid my parents weren't together so I lived with my mum like when most relationships go to an end. Growing up she was always so caring and always looking out for us kids until she found the one thing that destroyed her life. That was alcohol.

During year 6 my older sister Tiana would have to come home form work around 8pm on school nights and make us dinner then. She would come home to the same thing every day. Us kids waiting for food while our mum drank so much she fell asleep in her recliner chair. When my mum decided to make dinner it was horrible as she had no taste buds so would put so much salt in the meal then yell at us for not eating it. Growing up more and more I began to teach myself how to cook some food so our sister didn't have to stress about it every day. It started off simple like egg bread and eventually lead onto cooking actual meat like beef or chicken. My mum took notice of this and told me that I know had to cook once a week or I would get punished by taking my iPod (does anyone even use them anymore) or something off me. I sighed in agreement as I knew I wasn't gonna win.

Whenever the weekend approached it meant us kids got to stay at or dads place. It was like a retreat. He would actually cook us food and give us dessert and even let us camp inside the house. We could talk and play games with him u til it was time to go to bed. Whenever we had to go back to my mums I got a bit upset as I knew she would just drink a lot.

She then began smoking a lot. Which was a bad idea as her lungs were already struggling form all the alcohol she had been drinking for years. We could always tell when she had smoked but every time you confronted her and said you could smell it on her breathe she would just roll her eyes and walk away. Us kids were sick of this. So when she went to the shops for groceries or whatever she needed, my brother younger sister and I would find all her cigarettes and hide them at the top corner of a high shelf as she was a small person. The clever part was whenever we knew she was looking for them we would ask what she's doing and she couldn't say looking for cigarettes as she told us she didn't smoke. We did the same to alcohol sort of. All four of us would search the house for alcohol and then Tiana would pour it down the sink. Although it was kind of fun doing this it was still getting annoying. She continued even after her car crash.
One day when she dropped my brother off at high school she had my pet dog Lucky in the backseat and my brother in the front. She began drifting off so my brother turned the wheel to stay on the road. After dropping him off she was nearly home when she drifted to sleep and crashed into a car. She smashed the front of it so badly that she had her leg stuck in the petal still. She was inpatient so she ripped her leg out causing more damage. The lady in the other car had only gotten whiplash thankfully but my mum didn't give a shit. My dad asked if she was driving with the influence and alcohol and finally admitted that she had 2 glasses full just that morning. This was a surprise to us kids, as my little sister and I got home from school o not see my mum but our dad. He told us she got in a accident and didn't know what hospital she was at. The part that made me and my sister cry was he didn't know where our dog was. We eventually found her at port Kennedy vets after a witness took her there. I'm so grateful for that guy. The last thing I remember about that night was we went to go pick up Lucky who had back pains as she was flung form the backseat into the front seat windscreen.  Even after that accident my mum didn't stop drinking. This affected her so much to the point where she had nearly died if it wasn't for my dad.

It started off weirdly as each night my mum would fall asleep around 6pm and not wake up until 8am in the morning form being passed out by alcohol. She didn't care though. We tried speaking to her as it was being harder for her to wake up. She would be asleep on the couch in the lounge room which is right near the kitchen and drop a pan and she still is snoring away. We just stopped trying to help her as once we talked to her she told us to mind our own business. There was no point in trying anymore.

One day we had woken up around 9 o'clock and surprised to see our mum lying there fast asleep. My brother tired to wake her up by shaking her but she didn't respond. We just left and looked for something to eat for breakfast. She still hasn't woken up an hour earlier so we rang our dad and said she was still sleeping. He came over and took us to the shops. When we arrived back around 4pm she was still asleep. My dad started trying different ways to wake her up. He pinched her ear, poked at her eye lid, opened and closed her mouth and even slapped her cheek. He began to worry once she didn't react. He called up an ambulance and told us kids to go into our rooms as he didn't want us to see it. We waited u til afterwards when our dad came and got us. He told us that she had suffered alcohol poisoning and if we had arrived 30 minutes later she would have been dead. That was terrifying news seeing at this stage I was only in year 8. My dad took us and the two dogs back to his place and explained to us that we were no longer going to live with my mum but instead going to live with my dad instead as my mum was a unfit parent. It took a while to sink in that we were living in a different house, but after a few weeks we had our personal stuff and clothes all at our dads house.

My mum still isn't happy that we don't live with her anymore but looking back my dad made the right choice. Form being here we have been able to be dropped and picked up from school, my football games and now even work. If I were to live with my mum I would be walking home in the pitch black and probably would get kidnapped and murdered.

Still to this day my mum still drinks everyday and every once in a while has a cigarette. Her life flashed before her and eyes and she nearly died. That didn't stop her from continuing her deadly habit. And I don't think it ever will.

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