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Maybe I'm not loud enough for people to hear me? I think that's the problem in the problem itself. It's that I'm obviously too quiet for people to understand what is actually happening in my life or in my mind or brain or wherever. If it's not obvious enough I actually hate my weight and trust me I already know I'm skinny ok people I get it you don't have to tell me 24/7. To you I look skinny, but to me I don't ok?  It's all in my mind that I'm my skinny. You can tell me all you want. I'm aware. Ok if anything I need to fucking put on weight but that isn't gonna happen in my life because I physically can't put my mind to weighing over a certain number.

You people can tell me that I'm underweight all you want but it's not going to do anything. Instead it's just gonna frustrate and upset me instead because you don't know what is going on in my mind.

Look ok I get it i should be grateful that I'm not overweight and that I actually have the chance to eat food but I just can't.

I saw a photo the other day of me and all I could concentrate on was my arms.  I absolutely hate them so much and in the photo they looked so tiny and skinny and idek anymore

This has been on my mind since our form class at school today.

Thsi is what started this whole rant thing, that and I feel like vomiting but need to eat.

Ok so I walked into form and just leaned against the laptop trolley as o didn't want to sit down and I was talking to some friends in that class when one of them started poking my shoulder so I just laughed but then she started poking my stomach and saying out loud 'omg I didn't know you had abs' and I told her I didn't but she said it again. At this point some people started staring and she was poking my stomach staring at it and I hate people looking at my stomach so much because people can be judgmental af.

So yeah that happened today and honestly that was embarrassing for me as I hate my stomach and when people say anything about my stomach. If only I had abs though.

Have a great day/afternoon/night wherever you are.

Stay strong people 😭❤️💕

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