A new friend

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I'm in a better mood then last night and I felt like updating and omg.

So today I had work and before I went to work I was in a really grumpy mood but then randomly I was so hyper at work. Like every customer who was served today got a a cheerful smile and a welcoming greeting.

Something embarrassing also happened at work today. I first off went to go outside to see if any trays were out there, and on the way out I tripped over nothing 😂😂 I thought lucky no one saw it I'll be ok but what I didn't know was what would happen next 😂😂

I wasn't really paying attention as I was looking to see if tables were dirty but I walk around the restraunt and while not paying attention I walked straight into the side of a couch seat thing we have hitting my knee straight into it. To make matters worse I did it in from of a family and a guy said 'oooo Thad got to hurt.' Although it was embarrassing, I quickly got over that feeling and started laughing at myself instead 😂😂😂. So today was a great day at work and funny as I got to laugh at myself 😂


Last night I made a new internet friend and we messaged straight for 2 hours until I went to sleep at 1am :). We talked this morning until I had to work and we just have great conversations already 😂😂 except the only bad thing is he lives in America so time zones suck sometimes.

Also random part added here but I was in the mood to do homework before and did a chapter of maths work. Like Am I ok? I never do homework even if ta due the next day as I'm too lazy but tonight and went and sat down and did a chapter so now I'm just watching YouTube :)


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