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Hello to the person who is reading this. Most likely my future self. So hi there future me how ya doing?

I felt like writing down everything that's in my head in this chapter as I don't wanna annoy my friends with this stuff as they both probably have their own battles to fight so I doubt they need mine as well.

Anyway it was a good day and all that. I hung out with my boyfriend then went to my sisters house to meet her cat Ally. Everything was fine doing then as we walked home and just had some dinner and all that.

I decided to have a bath as I still had a lush bathbomb. (for anyone who doesn't know what lush is it's a really good smelling store that sells vegan products by their bathbombs r so good) Anyway it was a blue/pink/yellow one and it was so glittery and it was so good.

Fast track to a few minutes later I decided to shave my legs quickly as I needed to. Anyway I accidentally cut my knee shaving and then the next thing I knew I was getting the razor and cutting my kneecaps on both legs watching the blood from one of the cuts run down my leg which I found interesting and just wanted to keep going and stopped after about 8-9 cuts between the both knees.

I finally cleaned up the dry blood and now my knees sting so fucking bad and idk what to do because I can't tell anyone in my house and my dads at work :(

But I wanted to keep going so bad as I feel like I deserve it idk y but I know I deserve it 😞
I'll talk to y'all later

Stay strong xx 💔😞

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