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~chapter 4~

"I-I could expla-" Shawn cuts me off.

"No! You don't like me. You don't want to be my girlfriend. You never even cared about me." He began to soften his voice.

He takes off something off his wrist and walks away.

I run over to where he stood. He threw the bracelet I gave him when we told "I like you" to eachother for the first time.

I held it in my hand and held it on my chest.

A teardrop fell down my cheek and I began to sob.

"Camer-" I turn around to no one.

I was alone again. I hated it.

"Who's gonna be my savior? My knight in shining armor?" I thought to myself.

I was in bigger problems than I have ever been.

I began to walk. Where? I don't know.

I walked for a while until I stopped.

I saw a road and a park. Back to the real world.

I walk all the way back to the hotel and opened my room door.

No one was inside. I went to the bathroom and showered.

"I've heard that you've, settled down and you've, found a girl, and you're, married now" I began to sing until I heard the door open.

I turned off the water and stood.

"Hello?" I asked.

No one answered. I heard footsteps walk around.

"Taylor?" I talked again. He was the only one who had a key besides me.

I stood there only hearing the footsteps get closer.

The bathroom door opens and I stand there in fear.

The shower curtains open and I stand their in shock.

"What are you doing here?"

Trust Me? (Magcon Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now