The End -2-

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~Chapter 54~

Maddie POV

I watched each of them go and come back with tears filled in their eyes. It's hard. It's hard knowing that the love of your life is dying right before your eyes, and every moment at that second counts.

"Maddie." The doctor called my name. I stood up immediately and follow behind him.

"Is he okay?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"Ask him." The doctor responded as he pointed to the door.

I walked in seeing Taylor in tears. He looked over to see me and his eyes widened and his smile grew.

"Hey Brad." I say barely. I wanted call him that when we grew old. He would come downstairs with his newspaper and I would have his coffee ready. I would say "Hey Brad." And he would say.

"Hey Angelina." He said which caused me to smile through the pain.

"How are you?" I ask.

"Maddie, stop with the shit and give me a hug." He said. I ran into his arms and felt his warmth on my skin. He gave the best hugs.

"Taylor, I love you." I say through the tears.

I felt his teardrop fall on my forehead as he kissed over it.

"I love you too baby." He said as he rocked side to side just like he did every night before I went to sleep.

"How am I going to do it?" I ask, looking at him.

"Do what?" He asked in curiousity.

"How am I supposed to live without you?" I ask looking deep in his eyes.

He tried to ignore the question because there was no answer but he spoke anyways.

"There is more to life than me. I might be gone but I will always be with you." He said as more tears fell from his eyes.

"I want to see you. I want to hear you. I want to touch you. I want to love you forever." I say as I began to cry again.

"I want to do the same but my life is coming to an end." He said as he began to cry as well.

I never saw him cry. He never cries but when he does, that he's scared. He's scared to die.

"Can you smile? Can you laugh? Can you kiss me?" I said through the dozens of knives stabbing me in the heart.

He attempts to laugh but it was useless.

He grabbed my face and leaned in to give me the best kiss ever.

"I want to commit to you." He said as he let go of my lips.

He pulls something off the counter and began to speak.

"I, Taylor give you Madeline this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."

He slid the ring onto my ring finger as tears escaped my eyes.

"I now pronounce us husband and wife."

I give a kiss on the lips as we don't let go.

Minutes pasted and I didn't want to let go. He was the only thing that makes me happy and I couldn't risk losing him now.

His machine began to make noises as the grip of his hand begin to weaken.

I look at his machine as the line became one long one.


The sound rang in my head over and over again.

"TAYLOR! TAYLOR!" I screamed over an over again.

I began to panic as I realized the truth.

"This is all a dream." I kept repeating as I held his hand in mine.

"Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt
Change the Fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine"

I sang it over and over again. I wanted him back. I wanted to bring back what once was mine.

"NOOO!" I screamed looking at his body becoming pale.



I sat beside his bed. Just staring at a plain wall. My eyes were dry but puffy. And my tears soaked into my skin.

I stand up and look over at Taylor.

"Taylor, I forgot." I said.

"I forgot to tell you many things."

"I forgot to tell you how much I love you."

"I forgot to tell you that I stole your pink bandana."

"I forgot to tell you I am dying inside."

I stared at his body feeling his cold skin on my hand. His body was completely pale.

I want to be with him. Forever.

I ripped the string from the window blinds off.

I poked a hole in the ceiling and tied the string in it.

I gave Taylor one last kiss and rolled the table under the string.

I hopped up one chair to the other and climbed on the table.

I took one last breath and inserted my head through the hole.

I stepped off.

It was the right thing to do.

Trust me.

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