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~chapter 44~

Allison POV

I walked into my room and got ready to go to sleep.

I put on my pajamas, wiped off my makeup, and used the ladies room before I did the best thing ever. Watch Netflix.

I searched through the selection of movies and shows and began to watch Wilfred.

As I was watching, Aaron walked in. I looked up and immediately looked back on my computer screen.

He did his own thing and sat on his bed, on his phone.

I felt tension and I sat there quiet.

"I'm sorry." Aaron spoke suddenly.

I jumped and responded quickly.

"No. D-don't be sorry."

"I shouldn't have been a douche." He came out.

"You could've have been a bit less douche-y" I said causing us both to laugh.

We set aside our phones and laptops and began to speak.

We talked all night about our childhoods all the way to our wills.

Finally we knocked out and woke up the next morning ready to start the day.

It was a smooth morning. No drama, no tension, just friendship.

We got ready and headed to Matt's room.

We all ate pancakes and hash-browns from McDonalds.

After we all ate, we all began to make vines and youtube videos.

Taylor and Nash planned to smack cam Carter while Nash was filming a Youtube video with Cam and Hayes. Jack and Jack were making an improv vine and Shawn & Jacob were making a duet vine.

That leaves me and my phone to do our own business.

When we were in the middle of doing our own things, Jack G stopped us.

"Can I get your attention?" He asked everyone.

We all put down our electronics and gave our attention to Jack.

"Um, it isn't easy saying this. But my mom texted me last night." He continued.

"She got a new job." We all clapped for her but we were confused what the big announcement was.

"She was transferred to Australia."
"I'm moving with her."

We all stood there in shock.

All the guys held their hands on their face and stayed silent.

We all hugged Jack and began to talk to him.

But during the converstation, the door slammed shut.

We realized that Jack J stormed out.

"Did he just find out?" Taylor asked Jack.

Jack nodded.

I chased after him while all the guys sat there in disbelief.

"JACK" I screamed, trying to get his attention.

He finally stopped and sat on the bench.

I reached up to him and sat by him.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

He ignored me and looked the opposite way.

"I know. We are all sad. Jack G is all our backbone and we a-" he interrupted me.


I rubbed his back in comfort.

Tears rolled down my face as I wiped away his.

"He has been my best friend ever since we were little and I can't let him go." He said.

"We are never ready to let go. But sometimes you just have to." I used my words to help him.

"You don't understand. He is my brother. I've spent all my life being his friend and I can't just let him go." He said still crying.

"Think of it postitively. You will be able to communicate and still visit him. Not to mention, you will charisma each moment you have together." I say.

He wiped his tears and sat up. He hugged me and thanked me.

We walked back to the room and acted like nothing ever happened.

It made me realize that memories are meant to be remembered and moments are meant to cherished.

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