Chapter one

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Your POV

I can't do this anymore, I've been trying my hardest to fight this, but nothing is helping, no one is helping. Everything sucks. No one cares. Having all your friends turn on you at the end of the year makes everything shit, not having a family to go to sure does help a lot, with my father being gone and my mother being an alcoholic.

I looked down at the marble counter top of the sink and see the razor blade I've been using lately, dried bits of blood still at the tip. I use my shaking fingers to pick up the sharp blade and stare at it while my mind floods with all the times I've hurt myself with it. I look up at myself in the mirror. Ew, everyone thought I was ugly, there's no doubt about it.

I look down at my wrist to see many light frail scars already. I slightly push the razor down to my wrist so where it was making contact. After taking a deep shaky breath I push down and apply pressure as hard as I could as I slid it across my wrist. I did it once more below the first one, closing my eyes due to the pain that shot threw my arm. I repeat the same thing but for my other arm. I felt hot tears roll down my face as I did so.

I stood there, starring at myself in my mirror as blood poured out of my wrist, it was painful yes, but I didn't mind. Blood drip on the floor quickly as I started to get lightheaded, slowly looking down at my arms. I shook my head softly and slowly as I started to lean against the sink. I put pressure on the razor blade, cutting my fingers, and made two more huge, deep cuts along my left and right wrist. I then looked up at myself in the mirror once more before everything started to slowly turn black.

Little dots consumed my vision before I fell, due to my legs becoming week like jelly and hitting the wall with a loud thud. I blinked a couple of times before I fully went under.


I woke up to the sunlight kissing my face, making me blink a few times before getting my vision clear. I turned my head to see that I was in a room I was unfamiliar with, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I looked around the room, sitting up a bit to get a better view. It was a room with white wall, and a beige colored carpet, with white modern furniture. There was a huge window next to the bed so I turned my body, making the bed creak, to look out it and sure enough, I was in middle of LA. I lived right outside of LA, so I knew the city by heart.

I then heard the door knob twist and I put my full attention to that. Once the door knob unlocked the door opened up gently and someone was starting to come in. I pulled the sheets of the bed up to my chin as a million thoughts raced threw my head.

Once I got a clear look of the man, my heart nearly stopped pounding and dropped to the floor. My breath got heavier as he got further in the room. There was no way I, was in the same room as THE Markiplier.

"Uh, Hey" He said in a kind, low smooth voice. I was completely lost for words, I was so shocked to even let out a little squeal. "Look, I know you might be confused, but I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help, I promise". I winced at the words 'I promise', like I've never been told those words.

"Why am I here? H-How did I get here?" I asked in a shaky voice after finding the courage to do so.
"Well, I was at one of my friend's place, Ryan, since he just got a new apartment and you happen to be his next door neighbor. I heard a loud thud come from your apartment and went to go check it out and..." he said trailing off a bit, as if he didn't want to finish. I looked down at my arms to see that were bandage from the beginning of my wrist to my elbow. I looked up at him with a sadden expression.

"S-Shouldn't I be at a hospital...or dead?" I said the last part quietly but he still caught on, giving me a worried look, his brown eyes locking with mine.
"I didn't want you to go to a mental hospital, or suicide watch or something like that" he said as he scanned my eyes, searching for something.
"But you don't even know me?" I said in a confused voice and he took a deep breath.
"I don't have to, to save a life. Now, I'm making some soup and I'm sure your hungry so come on" He said, change the subject quite quickly, I stared at him, asking myself if I really should take food from him but all my sense were saying yes, due to how hungry I really was.

Me and Mark sat at the table together, eating chicken and dumplings that he had just made. It was quite, and I may have been really hungry, I was t really in the mood to eat. I took a couple of bites, but after I just want feeling it.

"I never did get your name?" Mark said, breaking the silence that was starting to consuming us
"Oh, it's Y/n" I said looking up at him, who was watching my every move.
"Well I'm Mark" he said in a kindly manner that made me smile a little. It went back to being quite, which really made me uncomfortable.

"So if you don't mind me asking, why did you do it" he said making me look up again which eyes filled with regret.
"I rather not talk ab-" I started to say but was cut off when Marks front door was slammed open and closed, a man coming threw. He had what happened to look like a suit on, but ended up being covered with holes and rips. He hands where covered in blood, so was his clothes. His skin was more of a gray color, his eyes completely soulless, they were black with a slight tint of red. His features looked exactly like Mark, which confused me, knowing that Mark didn't have a twin.

The man took a few heavy breaths and then looked over at Mark and I. A wicked smirk came across his face as he was me, making me tense up and my heart start to beat faster. It was like a shock went threw my body to be afraid of him.

"Mark, who's your lady friend" He teased, locking eyes with me for a split second before I looked down at my bowl.
"Her name is Y/n, she will be staying with us for a few days" Mark said in a calm, tender voice.
"Ah, seems like she's quite quiet" he said, his voice trailing off. He then walked over to us, making my heart pound even more faster.

"My name is Dark, it's a pleasure to meet you" He said, I looked up at him to see he was slightly smirking. He put his hand out for me to shake, I was hesitant at first but took it. Instead of shaking my hand, he brung it up to his lips and kissed it softly, making my face heat up. He then let go of my hand, letting it fall back down to my side and walked down the hall, supposedly the bathroom.

I looked over at Mark who was shaking his head.
"Do you live with him?" I asked and he nodded his head. "Why was he covered in...blood" I said nervously, as if I didn't want to know and I don't.
"Only Satan knows what he does" Mark said taking in deep breath.
"Do you live with anyone else?" I asked and Mark looked up at me.
"Yeah. My other ego Wilford" he said rolling his eyes.
"Is he nice?" I asked, but knew the question.
"Eh, He's absolutely insane" Mark said shrugging his shoulders.


A/n: edited on 1/7/18

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