Chapter Ten

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Your POV

I flutter my eyes open and blinked a couple times to get them use to being open. I went to run them to get the sleep out of them, but my hands were quickly yanked back by what sounded like chains. I turned my head to see and they were in fact chains. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around the room I was currently in. It was extremely dark, the only light source was a small lit candle across the room from me. The floor was stone, which made me think that it was most likely a basement.

I tried to slip my hands out of the chains but there was no use, after I gave up after 5 minuets. I took a deep breath in and planted my head against the cold wall and starred into the darkness until I heard a door open; along with light now filling half the room. The sound of a light switch was heard and the whole room was lighted up, making me squint and blink my eyes a couple more times before the adjusted to the new light. The sound of shuffling and foot steps then started and I swallowed hard, getting anxious from not know who it was.

After the person landed on the last step I could fully see them, and just my luck, it was Dark. Once he saw me his lips turned into a smirk and he started to walk towards me. I started to struggle against the chains, hoping that it would let me lose and I could quickly get away, but it was no use. Once he got to me, I slowly stopped what I was doing and gave up, looking up at him with eyes full of hatred. He tilted his head at my misfortune, making that smirk into a large devilish one.

"I never really took you for a sassy kind of girl" he said, his voice low and deep.
"Then don't stereotype people" I committed and he chuckled and bent down to my height, our eye contact staying exactly where it was.
"Your adorable" he said causing my whole face to go red; I looked down to avoid the now uncomfortable contact. He grabbed my chin, not to harshly but due to his hands being so cold I jumped at little. He pulled my chin so my face was facing him and we made eye contact. "I can see why Mark started thinking about you" he stated and I furrowed my eyebrows at him in confusion.
"He thinks about me?" I asked, we only meet a day ago, how could he possibly think about me.
"Oh yes, every since you two meet and I've been dying to get my hands on you" he whispered, stroking my cheek like I was some kind of pet.
"Look, I'm not some kind of object. You can't just take me out of my home because you think I'm cute or whatever" I spat and his eyes started to turn red again, making me furrow my eyebrows due to how easily he got mad.

His finger nails pressured so hard in my skin from his gripping my chin that I felt trails of blood start to tickle down my jawline. He got up and snapped his fingers and magically my chains where gone. He grabbed me by my arm so hard I swear I would have a bruise later and made me stand up. Once I was in my feet his cold grey hands warped around my neck and he brung my face closer to his.

"I'm trying to be nice and obviously it's not working!!" He yelled in my face, making me flinch. "I could give you everything! Don't you understand that?!" He continued on, as his voice only got louder and his hand around my neck got tighter. "You won't understand what I could give you, the powers you could have!" He said and I began to chock. I warped my hands around his, trying to peal away his from my neck, but he only smirked. "I could just snap-" he started but cut himself off as he tighten his grip around my neck, "your neck in half. Is that what you want!" He yelled harshly in my face. He waited a second before his eyes turned completely red. "Answer me damnit!!" He yelled, making me close my eyes entirely, it felt like everything was crashing down. He loosen his grip and let me fall to the ground, coughing and hacking as I did my best to regain my breath. "Your pathetic, just like a princess" he said with no emotion in his voice.

I heard him turn around and I quickly stood up, to fast and fell against the wall but caught myself before Dark left.

"For the last god damn time...I am not a princess" I said harshly and Dark stopped. He turned around to see me standing up again and smiled mischievously.
"That's what I like in a girl, power" he said and I whipping my mouth from coughing so much.
"Okay listen buddy," I said making him tense up at the name I gave him. "I am not a pet, nor am I a princess. I don't know what you have planned for me but, kidnapping and physically hurting a girl is not a way to win there heart" I spat. His face loss all emotion, then it became angry and then back to emotionless. He knew I was right, and now felt sorry.

Edited 2/22/18

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