Chapter Twenty-Five

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Your POV

I jumped up from someone banging on my door once more. 'I'm going to have to get used to that' I said to myself as I sat up and walked over to the door. It opened up and saw the guy again, the one who was supposedly training me.
"The boss wants to see you" he spoke with a slightly frightened tone, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.
"Oh? Okay" I said and he moved out of the way so I could walk by, then he closed the iron door and started to walk down the hall with me close to his hells. "You know I never got your name?" I questioned, stepping next to him as we continued to walk.
"It's Justin" he said bluntly, making me kiss my lips and look down at the plain grey ground before me.
"Justin's a cool name, I had a kid in my class named Justin. He was kind of a jerk though" I told Justin with a soft, light tone that had passion in it, causing him to look over at me.
"I could literally care less" he spoke coldly to me, making me lock eyes with him for a second before he looked back in front of me.

We stepped into a light gray elevator, it looked like a fancy hotel elevator. Causing me to question why my room looked so much like shit. As Justin pressed the '12th' floor I gripped onto the handles.
"Why are there so many floors?" I asked with curiosity, looking over at Justin.
"Because its a big building?" He said bluntly with a tinge of sass, causing me to roll my eyes. A awkward silence filled the air and I never wanted so bad to jump out of an elevator.


The doors opened up and all I could see was a long hallway with way to many rooms, making me cringe.
"Ah! Y/n come in here" I heard my lame ass excuse of a father call my name. I rolled my eyes as we walked down the narrow hallway. As we stepped into the dark room, then only thing giving light was a computer screen. There wasn't only one though, there were about twenty other computers screens, all hooked up to the wall. My eyes trailed after the wires, which all lead into a small closet.

"We would like you to see something" He spoke with such joy in his voice that it seemed staged. I just nodded my head, and looked back at the computer screen. It looked like it was an apartment, a rather clean one too. I then saw a light golden retriever with a light pink collar and I knew who it was right away.

"Chica?" I questioned as I moved closer to the screen, watching the dog jump into the couch.
"We've been watching Mark for quite a while now, ever since we got high radiations from his lovely apartment" He spoke with a rather interrogating tone.
"Who've what?!" I asked, looking over at him with my eyebrows furrowed with frustration.
"Don't worry about it" He spoke through his gritted white teeth, making me glare at him before focusing back on the screen.

Mark then came into view, talking to some girl with blond hair. She was smiling at him and he smiled back, making me move closer. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but they were definitely talking about something. I watched as she kept getting closer to Mark, causing my hands to ball up in a fist. It looked as if they were only inches away before she grabbed him and kissed him, with him quickly returning the kiss, pulling her closer.

"Is the live?" I questioned bluntly, looking over at Justin but he just shrugged.
"It always have been" He spoke with a wicked smile as he tapped me on shoulder. I looked over at him with emotionless eyes with a deep frown on my face. "Aw honey-" "I am nothing to you" I spoke, cutting Him off with a glare.
"So you're mad?" He asked me, and I took a deep breath in before looking at the ground.
"I want to leave" I stated, crossing my arms and looking back up at Him.
"Well, that's not gonna happen, not until you agree that you will go after Mark, retrieve him and bring him back here. Then you can leave" He said to me, causing me to give him a nasty look, locking eyes with him.
"I'm not fucking doing that!" I yelled at him furrowing my eyebrows and clenching my jaw.
"Yes you will, you just don't know it yet" he smiled at me before snapping his fingers.

A guard grabbing my shoulder but I quickly placed my hand over his, pushing his hand away and swinging my other one across his cheek. My knuckles bashed against his nose, causing him to back up and clench his nose with a painful grunt.
"Don't fucking touch, none of you" I spoke softly, walking out fo the room and back into the elevator. I felt a horrible pain in my chest, a mental pain that made me break down and start to cry. My eyes filled with hot tears as they streamed down my face, with me not moving a muscle. I clicked the button to take me back to my room.



    Justin's POV

I watched as Y/n rushed out of the room, her eyes squinting from trying to keep her tears in. I felt so bad for her, giving Him a death glare.

"Why would you do that?" I asked, gritting my teeth.
"Anger is the best when your trying to hurt someone" he spoke as he clicked a button on the panel of the computer screens, then all the computers lit up with different rooms.
"She doesn't want to hurt him! She doesn't want to hurt anyone, that's not going to make her mad, it's going to make her miserable!" I raised my voice at Him, it got quite and I swallowed down the lump in my throat, keeping eye contact with him.

"Justin, you know what happens with the workers who raise a voice with me. I like you, I really do but you don't want to end up like your sister, now do you?"

It took every nerve in my body not to slam this middle aged man against the wall. I felt my face relax as I took a deep breath through my nose.
"No." I flatly said, looking over at the wall to avoid his eye contact.
"No what?" He asked, making me slowly look over at him with a emotionless face.
"No Sir" I said, feeling weakened by the fact that he just stood me up, towering over me as if he was some monster; not gonna lie he pretty much was.
"Now get out of here" he spoke to me so low it was as if I was a dog, but I did as he told me. I took my time to leave the room, but as soon as I exited the door I heard Him speak up.

"Take off the video of Mark and go to the live camera, i haven't checked on him in a while" He said, making me stop dead in my tracks. It's fake? My thoughts were filled with me telling Y/n the good news, so that's exactly what I was doing.

I have so many ideas for new books and it's really hard to finish this one because I don't give a fuck anymore, honestly I could just spoil it for you all since I knows what happens but I won't lol. When I finish this book someone better give me and damn trophy.

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