Chapter Five

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Your POV

When I woke up the next morning, I could hear birds chirping, feeding there babies and cars zipping by and small talking from outside, letting me know that the day has officially started. I rubbed my eyes as I let them adjust to the early sunlight that was hitting my face. I went to get up but was locked down due to something on my stomach. I looked to see that Mark's arms were warp around my waist; I immediately felt my face flush with a bright red. He was extremely close to me, his face in the crook of my neck, his body right next to mine.

I didn't know how to react to this moment, I didn't want to move because I might wake him up, so I couldn't move his arms. I turned my head and my cheek meet the top of his head, his fluffy hair poking me in the face. I felt the corners of my lips start to tug into a smile, at first I tried to stop and focus on the problem but I ended up smiling anyway. I heard Mark let out a little grunt and move a little, making my heart jump out of my chest. He then lifted his head and I quickly moved mine away and once he had his head up he made eye contact. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and then looked down at his arms, which were still warped around my waist. He jumped and quickly pulled his arms off and looked back at me, his face filled with surprise and sorrowful look.

"I'm so sorry! I never meet for that to happen!" He said, apologizing which I just found adorable.
"It's okay, I actually had a really nice sleep" I told him with a smile on my face, which made his face wash over with a smile.
"I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable" he said and I shook my head.
"You didn't" I reminded him and fell silent, nether of us realized that we were extremely close to each other. My eyes quickly darted from his lips and back to his eyes. We we're only inches apart and I could now feel his breath against my lips.

I quickly pulled away and looked down, cutting us off from whatever was about to happen. I felt my stomach turn into knots and butterflies appear. I felt Mark pull away from me and I could start to sense the now thick tension start to form. I looked back up to see Mark now sitting on the bed starring at me with a concern look. It then looked like he had an idea pop in his head and his eyes lit up.

"You wanna make breakfast?" He asked in a joyful tone that broke the tension, making me smile.
"Yeah!" I said happily and he smiled wider and got up out of bed and quickly opened the door and began to walk to the kitchen. I smiled to myself as I got up and headed to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face to fully wake up. Once I did I started to make my way to the kitchen when I felt a cold hand grab my hand, making me jump up.

I turned around to see Dark with a blank look on his face.
"Yes?" I questioned him for the sudden intubation.
"I uh" he chocked out and looked down in embarrassment, which made me slightly smile at his efforts. He took a deep breath and then looked me in the eye again, his eyes tense. "I wanted to know if you wanted to..." he trailed off and then his eyes darted to the ground, furrowing his eyes.
"Never mind" he said quietly and quickly and then looked up at me once more before walking back down the hall.

I watched him carefully as he went back to his room, wondering what he was going to say to me. I shook my head, clearing the thoughts and turning back to the kitchen. Once I got there I saw Mark grabbing out eggs and bacon from the fridge. I smiled and walked over to him and began to help him cook.


After me and Mark finished breakfast, everyone was up and walking around. I got myself a plate of eggs, bacon and toast and quickly sat down at the table. Wilford quickly sat next to me and gave me a crazy smile, making butterflies form in my stomach. I looked back at my food and began to eat, for once I actually felt like eating.

While I ate Wilford made told jokes and stories that made me laugh, even though he was insane he still could make me smile. Once I was finished with my plate I put it in the sink and sat down on the couch.

The man, or demon, that looked exactly like Jack walked over and sat next to me; extremely close to me. I felt uneasy and strongly wanted to move away from him, but something told me that if I did so it wouldn't end well. I looked over at him as he stared blankly at the lit TV that was showing cartoons that Mark must have put on earlier. I then turned my head and focused on what was happing on the TV until I felt his cold rough hand lay upon my thigh, making me shutter. His hand then started to slowly travel inward, making me nervous so I quickly put my hand on top of his to stop him.

I then was pinned up against the wall, his hand warped around my wrist and the other on my shoulder. It all happened to fast that it took me a moment to recall and warp my head around it. I looked at him, eyes filled with complete terror.

"The names Anti" he said, his voice was off, very off; it crack it ways I never thought a voice could do. "And I always get what I want" he remarked and then gave me a evil, sinister smirk.
"I'm sorry" I said quietly, hoping that Mark or someone would come along and help me out with this situation.
"Dark really thought he could go anywhere with you, pathetic he is. You could do so much better" he whispered my ear, his sharp fangs slightly cut my cheek as he pulled away and smirked at me again.
"I'm sorry?" I repeated myself, except this time with more of a sassy questioning tone that made his smirk fade.
"Do I really have to repeat myself?" He growled, his once black, soulless eyes lighting up with a tinge of dark green.
"Please, do us both a favor and back off" I said calmly, letting a deep breath out my nose.
"That's cute, it really is" He said, his voice cracking more, sounding more demonic than ever. I slightly pushed him back with my free hand, but nothing happened, making me look weak and pathetic. I quickly realized that I just had enough and looked him in his soulless eyes.

"Let me go" I quickly demanded and he tilted his head and a huge, crazy grin come onto his face.
"As you wish" he said and let out a insane giggle before gripping my shoulders and pulling me. He then forced me so what my back was facing the left side of the room and threw me with what felt like all his strength. My vision was only of him smirking as his face got farther and farther before I hit the wall.

But it wasn't a wall. It was a window. A glass window and I slammed right against it. I felt my back break in 10 different places as I lost my breath due to how hard I just hit my back. I then saw that I was outside and fall down, many shards of glass surrounding me, I could already hear yelling coming from the house.

Once I landed on the ground, it took me while to get back to breathing. Mark hurried over to my side and I could see panic and worry filling his face. I could see him moving his lips but nothing was coming out, but I just couldn't hear him. All I could hear was a continuing ringing going on in my ears.

I furrowed my eyebrows at Mark in confusion, hoping he would notice that I couldn't hear him. I turned my head so I could see the sky. White, fluffy clouds slowly passing by and birds flying over. I then realized that Wilford was at my other side, trying to get my attention. My eyes darted from his brown eyes to his pink mustache. His lips where moving as well, but it made no sense to me.

"What are you saying?" I said, but I didn't hear myself, my ears where still ringing but I could tell I said something because Wilford stopped talking and looked over at Mark. I looked forward to see the window I just flew out of, along with glass shards everywhere, but there was one I noticed almost immediately, the one on my stomach.
"Aw man" I felt my voice speak out and I looked over at Mark who had tears in his eyes, which made me frown.
"I literally can't feel anything" I said, making Mark look down at me. The noise around me was slowly coming in and out, like it was fighting on wether it should do so or not.
"If I just close my eyes, everything will be okay, I swear" I said and looked back at the sky. I could hear Mark and Wilford shout but it was muffled. I slowly closed my eyes, resting easy. I took a sharp breath in before I remained calm and whiteness started to consume my eyes instead of black. Then everything came to a sudden stop.

A/n: edited on 2/6/18

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