Chapter Fifteen

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Your POV

I gave Mark's table their food and drinks, and quickly gave drinks to my other tables. It was nearly eleven o'clock, and my shift ended at one am. I groaned as I made my way back to the bar.

"Y/n!" Star jumped up as she made her way over to me, which was nearby Marks table.
"Yeah?" I asked and she turned my body left towards a table of what looked like college age men, frat boys.
"Do you see how beautiful those guys are? There's four, two for the each of us?" She asked, making me widen my eyes and slightly blush.
"Uh, I'm good" I said and backed up a little bit, "they seem like fuck boys anyway, I'm not trying to go through that again" I put my hands up and she rolled her eyes playfully.
"You are so lonely! Go get some dick girl" she said and pushed me slightly towards the table, catching their eye and causing them to look over this way.
"Great, their looking over now" I mumbled and looked over at Mark who was watching every in detail
"Star, no" I quickly stated and turned back over to her.
"Please, at least get the blonds ones number for me?" She asked, giving me puppy eyes.
"That's not even my table!" I exclaimed, making her drop her lip.
"Please! Your a lot prettier than me! Please please please!" She said and I shook my head.
"No, you can do it, just go over there! I can't do that!" I said and she huffed and gave me a sad look, making me feel horrible.

"Fine" I mumbled and she jumped up and hugged me.
"Thank you!" She said and then pushed me towards the table, making me slightly blush of embarrassment. As I made my way over to their table, I could already feel their eyes on me. Once I got there, I gave a quick wave with a small smile.

"Listen, my friend over there-" I stopped and pointed at Star, who quickly moved away and back to the bar, "who is very shy, wanted your number" I said and he cracked a smile.
"Yeah sure" He said and grabbed a napkin and a pen, which was in my hand, and wrote down his number.
"Sweet, thanks" I said as I quickly turned around to and began to walk back to Star, eyeing the number. But instead of an actually number, it said "I want yours instead" along with a winky face. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and turned back to him, who was already walking up to me.

"Uh, I'm not really interested" I plainly said, trying my best not to make this situation any worse. Once he stood in front of me, he was much taller than make which made me feel small and weak. He snaked his arm around my waist, in which a stepped back and knocked his arm off.
"Dude, it would be fan-fucking-tastic if you just leave me the the hell alone" I said, getting an attitude with him.
"Leave the girl alone" I heard Marks voice call out, making me freeze up.
"And what the hell are you gonna do?" The guy asked Mark, slightly pushing me out of the way and stepping up to Mark. Mark glared at him and quickly looked over at me.
"Are you okay?" Mark asked and I slightly smiled due to him being so damn cute. The blonde hair guy next to me pushed Mark, causing him to look over at him.
"I was talking to you" he raised his voice, getting up against Mark.
"And I clearly didn't give a fuck" Mark stated, making me giggle.
"Is there something funny?" The guy asked me, giving me a face full of hatred.
"Don't talk to her" Mark cut me off and the guy finally had enough. He swung at Mark, his knuckles hitting him roughly on his cheek, causing it to scratch up and bleed. Mark backed up a little and raised and his hand up to his cheek and touched his cheek, pulling his fingers away along with blood on it.

Mark gritted his teeth and did the same, raising his fist and making contact with the mans jaw, knocking his so hard that he fell down.
"Hey hey! Okay!" I yelled and helped up the man, or at least tried to, but he pushed me away and got up himself. He began to walk closer over to Mark, getting ready to punch him again but Zack quickly came over and griped the blonde shirt, pulling up closer so they were face to face.
"Get the hell out of my bar" he said in a low, raspy angry tone that even make me scared. He pushed the man away and looked at Mark.
"You two, get out. I will not have this" Zack said and Mark nodded, knowing he did something and unlike the blondey, owned up to it. Zack turned to me, making me tense up and swallowed down the lump that was forming in my throat.

"I need to talk to you" he simply said and I nodded slowly. He began to walk to his office, me following along; giving Mark one last look before I get inside. As soon as he closed the door I rambled on what happened and tried to get myself out of it the best I could.

"I'm not firing you" he stopped me in the middle of my story. "I'm sending you home for the night to learn your lesson for trying to flirt with a customer" he said, causing me to smash my lips together.
"I understand, I'm sorry" I said, hanging my head low and playing with my hands. I turned around and grabbed the golden knob of the door and twisted it, quietly opening and walking out. I made my way to the back where I kept my jacket and grabbed it, slipping it one and grabbing my purse.

"Are you leaving?" I heard Star ask behind me, causing me to turn around to her.
"Yeah, he's sending me home for the nigh" I said and she furrowed her eye brows in confusion.
"Because, I was flirting with a customer" I said and her face softened with realization.
"Why didn't you tell him it was me who wanted his number?" She asked, taking a step towards me.
"I didn't want the both of us getting in trouble" I said and she smiled.
"Thank you, I'll owe you" She said, throwing her arms around me and bringing me into a hug.
"Your welcome" I giggled and hugged her back. Once she pulled away and she smiled and walked me out. As I stepped outside, the cold air hit me in the face, causing me shake.

"Get home then" Star said, smiling at me once more before closing the door.
"Y/n?" I heard someone say, causing me to looked over and see Jack and Anti drunkly sway back and forth, having an argument about something. Wilford was talking with Dark on something, and Mark was walking over to me.
"Mark, your cheek" I said as he stopped in front of me.
"I'm sorry, I know I've shouldn't have done that, it just happened" Mark said, taking a deep breath in.
"Yeah, it's not like your here boyfriend" Anti butted in the conversation, causing my cheeks to heat up. "Right, Y/n?" Anti said while slipping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him, I could smell beer on his breath that made me pull away a little.
"Uh, Yeah" I blankly said and then completely moved away from him. Jack then stumbled his way over to us and drunkenly smiled at me and then pointed.
"You, Y/n, Mark told me so much about you" he said and clapped his hands together, making me smile.
"How about you save it for the morning?" I said, and he nodded his head.

"Y/n, darling, why are you out here?" Wilford said, now his and Dark coming over here as well.
"My uh boss is sending me home for the night" I said awkwardly and pulled my lips together.
"Why?" Dark asked, gritting his teeth as if he was ready to punch someone from being so mad.
"He thinks I was the one that flirted with the guy, which it wasn't, he wasn't even cute" I said and swallowed down the anxiety that I was starting to get due to everyone looking at me, "it was for Star. Anyway, I never told him it was Star who wanted his number but she was scared and so I did it, shit backfired, and I took the blame" I simply explained and took a deep breath in, looking him back in the eyes.

"Why don't you spend the night with me then?" Dark asked, but then froze, "I mean, us" he trailed off, sounding less confident then last time.
"Yessss! Y/n is so nice!" Jack slurped I'm his words as he warped his arm around my shoulders.
"I barely know you" I giggled and he smiled at me.
"We can all go to my house and order some pizza?" Mark asked, and everyone nodded their heads in agreement. Jack then moved away from me and began to walk to marks car, Dark and Wilford following him.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to, I'm sure Sean will be fine" Mark said softly, making me feel at ease.
"I actually want to go, plus I'm hungry" I said giving him a smile, causing him to smile back.
"Plus I like hanging out with you" I said softly, and Mark smirked.
"What was that?" He asked, stepping closer to me, causing me to blush and look away.
"Nothing," I said and began to walk after Dark and the rest of them.

A/n: Oof I'm really sorry I'm taking so long school it's literally taking over and state testing is next week so , uh , sorry

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