Chapter Thirty-Two

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Marks POV

I had to keep my hands placed on her shoulders until he injected all of the blue liquid into her neck. Once he did, and pulled it out she calmed down a little. He then grabbed her wrist while pulling out a large pocket knife.

"What are you doing?" I asked quickly and he looked at me again, slightly getting annoyed.
"I saw them put a tracker in her wrist not to long ago." He plainly said while flipping over her wrist. I could tell that he was hesitant about it, so was I. He placed his fingers over her inner arm and moved it down slowly, feeling the bumps of all the scars on her wrist. He looked up at me with a shocked and confused look, so I shook my head. Signaling him that now was not the best time.

He nodded his head and then slowly placed the knife on her wrist that looked a little redder than the rest of her body. He took a deep breath in before quickly slicing it open.
"First aid kit." He demanded while pressing her skin down so the chip would pop out.
"I already grabbed one when I saw you take out that knife." Dark said, coming up to him with it.
He looked are Dark strangely, giving him a werid look and looked at me.
"Don't ask." I said and he raised his eyebrows and then looked back at Y/n. He gave her a look that he was sorry for what he was about to do and she took a deep breath in before he grabbed the tracker. She tensed up a little and then he smashed it on the ground.

As he was busy warping her arm up, I walked over to jack who had a couple bags filled with things we both needed.
"I really hope this guy will explain everything to us after we leave." Jack whispered to me while I walked over to him.
"Yeah, you and me both." I told him with a worried tone.

"Do you have a place to stay at?" He asked while he placed the first aid kit in Y/n's lap.
"I think so, yeah." I told him and he nodded while he picked up Y/n but quickly grunted and put her back down. He glanced at his shoulder, sighing.
"I can pick her up?" I offered, and he nodded his head in agreement.

"Everyone in the car, now." He said while he helped Jack with the bags.
"But I want to finish my game-"
"Wilford shut the hell up and follow the man." Dark said coldly. I could tell he was worried about Y/n, as I was, but he never really liked showing his feelings. So he just snaps at everyone.

Wilford groaned as he turned off the console and followed Jack out the door and into my car. Justin grabbed everything else that Jack couldn't grab and left with them. I quickly picked up Y/n, realizing she was much lighter than before. I heard her mumble something before quickly going back to sleep. I slightly smiled at myself, remembering how cute she was. I held her tight as I walked to my car, sitting in the back with her in my lap. Once everyone was in the car and by everyone I just meant me, Y/n, Jack and who ever was this man, we quickly drove away from the house.

"Go to Amy's. I have a key to her house and she's in Ohio at the moment." I told Jack and he nodded his head. I looked down at Y/n with concern. I just hope she's okay.



     I woke up with a pounding headache, causing me to quickly place my cold hand over my burning head. I groaned in pain as I lifted my head up, realizing that I was under covers in some bed. The ways we're a light gray, and the room looked like a aesthetic teenage girl room. I then fully sat up to see where I was at, but still had no idea. I then heard the door open and I quickly grabbed the closest thing that was next to me. Which was a pen.

Dark stepped into the room with his dark raven hair covering his left eye. He made eye contact with me and then saw the pen in my hand, quickly putting his hands up defense.

"Hey now sweetheart, put the pen down." He said while stepping closer to me. I locked eyes with him, not really knowing if I could trust him or not.
"Babe I'm not going to hurt you, I just wanna talk." He said as he keep stepping closer to the point where he was at the end of the bed. I slowly put the pen back and he smiled at me. He then sat down at the end of the bed and took a deep breath in.

"Words can't explain how much I missed seeing your face. What happened to you? Why did you just disappear?" He said and I looked down, not wanting to say.
"I-I don't know if I can tell you." I stuttered out, my voice slightly cracking.
"Well try." He said, getting slightly angry with me. I looked up at him and he mad eye contact with me, which shot butterflies in my stomach.

Oh how I just missed this feeling.

"They might hurt me." I said blankly, looking back down.
"Who?" He asked, scooting closer to me as if he knew it made me nervous.

Low key kinda forgot how attractive he was. Oh fuck can't he read my mind? Or was that Wilford? Naw I'm pretty sure it was Wilford, he is a little crazy.

I took a deep breath before explaining everything to him. How I was basically kidnapped. How they broke my phone and locked me in a cell room for a month. How they forced me to train. How they wanted me to betray Mark and everyone else. How they took Felix. Every little thing I told him, which made me feel so much better. But by the time I was done, two whole hours passed.

"We ordered pizza if you want any?" Jack came into the room to see me and Dark on the bed. His eyes lit up when he saw me up and came rushing over.
"You're finally awake!" He said while hugging me, and I quickly hugged back.
"Yeah." I simply said in a sweet voice as he pulled away.
"I bet you're hungry, come on let's get you something to eat." Jack said and I nodded my head.
"I want to change out of these clothes first, then I'll eat." I said and he nodded his head and left us, giving Dark an eye to leave too.

"I'll get you something to wear." Dark said loudly to tell Jack to leave us alone, closing the door.
"What do you have in mind to wear?" Dark asked and I shrugged my shoulders at him.
"I don't mind, anything that's better than this." I said and he slightly smirked, which caused my heart to skip a beat. He started to unbutton his tux and and quickly took it off, putting it on the bed.

I watched as his muscles pushed against his dress shirt. He looked so...good. I watched as he unbutton his shirt and while he was half way down, he looked up at me. His hair slightly covered his eyes which just caused him to be even more attractive. We made eye contact and I felt my face flush red. I quickly looked away and raised my hand over my eyes to block the view.

"Babe, don't act like you don't like what you're seeing." He said in a voice deeper than normal.
"What are you doing exactly?" I asked as he stood up, which he was now completely shirtless.
"Giving you my shirt. I'm not sure Amy has any extra clothes that you can wear. Nor do I care." He said as I looked back over at him, my face getting redder than it already was.
"My shirt is long enough for you to wear it as a dress. Trust me, you'll be comfortable." He said kindly as he gave me his shirt. It was silky and smooth, along with it smelling like him was perfect.

"A-Are you sure?" I asked and he smirked at me and bend down to my height. So his eyes were leveled with mine, causing me to swallow down the lump in my throat. He placed his cold hand on my chin.
"Never been more positive about something in my life." He stated, his voice rattled in my ear. His deep voice always sent shivers down my spin, but it felt like the first time all over again. I slightly smiled at him and he kissed my head before exiting my room.

Before he was fully out, he stop and looked over at me.
"Oh and by the way, I can read your thoughts." He smirked before shutting the door. Leaving me in my thoughts. That he can read.

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