Chapter Fourteen

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Your POV

Me and Mark talked for what only seemed like minutes but it was really two hours, and the sun was starting to come up.
"We should probably go" Mark said laughing.
"Yeah" I simply said and smiled while looking out the window. We both got up, debating whether which one of us was paying, but Mark insisted that he would and quickly ran over to the cash register to do so. I pulled out a ten dollar bill and put it on the table for the waitress tip and once Mark came back we headed out. Once I left the restaurant, I felt extremely tired, causing me to yawn.

"We should definitely do this again" Mark explained, happily bouncing beside me.
"How are you not tired?" I said and he looked over at me with a smile.
"I don't know but there goes my sleep schedule" he said causing me to laugh.


It was nearly 8 pm and I was rushing to get ready due to me over sleeping since I got home. Once I grabbed my phone and slipped on my shoes, quickly grabbing my jacket and slipping it on. I headed outside and raced towards the bar, praying to god that I make it on time.

When I got there I went straight to the break room in the back, taking off my jacket and leaving it on the table. I slid my phone in my pocket and walked out, going over to where Star was, who was cleaning glasses for the night.

"Hey" I said as I came behind the bar and grabbed a tray, whipping it off.
"Hey" she said back in a joyful tone. "You seemed to be in a rush?" She questioned and I looked over at her.
"I stayed up till five and slept till seven thirty" o stated and she laughed.
"Oh my god, why did you stay up so late?" She asked again and I slightly blushed, thinking about how I spent it with Mark.
"I was out with a friend" I said calmly.
"Are you sure it was just a friend? Your blushing" she teased and I rolled my eyes. I noticed that people where starting to come in.
"Shut up and start serving" I joked and she playfully rolled her eyes while she grabbed a tray and made her way to the tables. As I was picking up my tray, I realized that a group of people I knew walked in. It was Mark, Dark, who looked human which confused me, I didn't even know he could do that, along with Wilford, Jack and Anti.

Mark and them sat down at the closest table to me, which was in my section to serve.
"Oh my god" I whispered to myself and smiled as I picked up my tray and walked over to them. Mark saw me first and smiled, making me slightly blush.
"This is the place you work at?" Mark asked as I made it to the table, now everyone looking at me.
"Yeah, I make like two hundred dollars in tips every night so I'm not complaining" I said and he nodded.
"Well, Anti really wanted to get wasted and Jack did so so here we are" Mark said and I looked over at Jack and Anti who looked extremely happy to be here.
"We have food here too, like sandwiches and pizza, I can give you a menu if you want" I said and Wilford face lit up.
"Would you please" Wilford said and I nodded, appreciating his love for food.
"Okay, in the mean time what do you two want to drink" I said looking back over at Jack and Anti.
"Two shots of whiskey please" Jack answered and I laughed at little.
"Okay, I'll be back" I said but right before I could get within ten steps a group of men called me over.

"Hey pretty lady, can we get a round of vodka?" He asked, him and his friends where at least in there mid forty's, which made me cringe a little how he was twice my age and hitting on me.
"Sure thing!" I sweetly said and I looked over at Mark, rolling my eyes, making him laugh. I walked behind the bar, there was a little window that lead to the kitchen, there was a little cooking going on, but there was only one chef. I grabbed three menus and six shot glasses, filling two with whiskey and the other four with vodka. I put everything on my tray and walked over to Marks table, giving them their menus and drinks. I went over to the other table, passing out their shots as well, every single one of them giving me a lustful look.

"What's your name cutie?" A man asked, there was always one who said that everyone was thinking, the stupid one.
"It's Y/n. Do you need anything else?" I asked blankly, trying to let them know I wasn't in a talking mood, nor will I ever be.
"Just your number" he said, making my face crinkle up due to the cringe.
"I have a boyfriend" I stated a little too harshly, making the mans face go blank. He payed for everyone's drink and awkwardly smiled at me, trying to fix the tension between us. I grabbed my tray and walked away, wanting to mentally slap myself for being so harsh. Thoughts ran threw my mind as if he told my boss and I got fired, me really needing this job I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me.

"Hey are you okay?" Star asked me, causing me to snap out of my thoughts and quickly look over at her.
"Yeah, fine" I said as I looked over at my tables while more and more people came in. I saw Mark and Jack and Anti waved me, probably wanting another drink. I smiled and walked over to them.

"We want a beer please, for both of us" Jack said and I nodded my head.
"Do you really have a boyfriend?" Mark asked, there was a slight disappointment in his voice that make me soften my face. I looked over to the table next to them to see if they've heard, they didn't. I bend down and lowered my head, hopping that the table next to me wouldn't hear me.
"No, I only say that so these older men would hop of my ass" I said and Mark sighed in relief, while Anti laughed and so did Wilford. They must get along. I smashed my lips together and hopped up and went back to the bar, getting Jacks and Antis beer.

While filling them up, one of my favorite songs came on. "All time low" came on, and Stat looked at me, as if she was ready to start dancing herself. It always sounded so cool in this place, due to there be speakers on every wall, causing every song to play seep into my ears. I quietly sang along as I grabbed the two beers in my hands and walked over to their table, slightly dancing and tapping along to the song. Mark saw me from a distance, watching every moved I made with a stupid little smile on his face.

When I got to the table I handed Jack and Anti their beers, then spinning around and starting to sing along to the song. I looked up at Mark and tapped his menu, seeing if he was ready to order. He never took his eyes off me, which made me blush and re think what I was doing.

"Are you guys ready to order?" I asked, feeling my face heat up due to now realizing that everyone was looking at me.
"Yeah" Wilford said happily as he explained how he wanted a grilled cheese with a side of fries. Mark and Dark said they wanted the same thing, and I quickly wrote it down my small notepad.

"Why'd you stop?" Dark asked, causing me to looked at him.
"Hun?" I asked, confused about what he was asking about.
"Dancing. It was adorable" he stated with a sly smirk coming upon his face causing mine to blush deeply.
"O-Oh thank you" I said and I saw Mark roll his eyes, making the situation much worse. "I'll be back soon with your food" I said and quickly walked back to the bar.
"What happened? Your face is so red!" Star laughed, making me groan.

Edited on 3/14/17

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