Chapter Twenty-seven

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Your POV

Me and Justin we're on our way to get some lunch in this god forbidden place before I heard a scream, along with multiple grunts and groans. I stop and gave Justin a curious look, causing him his face to fill with worry and shake his head. I furrowed my eyebrows at him with confusion before looking down the hall way with all the noise.

I saw what looked like two buff men dragging a sandy blonde man across the hall. I saw his blue eyes glance over at me and Justin, begging for help. I felt my heart jump out of my chest as I realized that was one of Marks good friends I always saw him on Skype with, Felix. His head faced towards me and it looked like his face lit up with mercy when he saw me.

"Felix?!" I yelled and I saw him nod his head viciously, still trying to fight off the two much stronger men. I began to run towards him when I felt someone jolt my arm backs, causing me to whipper. I looked back at Justin to see him holding my hand, shaking his head.

"Let go of me!" I yelled at him, slapping his arm away from me so hard that it had to leave a mark.
I began to run towards Felix again, trying my best to get away from Justin as well. Once I got close to Felix, I grabbed the man on the right, pulling his shoulder towards me. Once he faced me I bashed my fist against his nose, causing my knuckles to burst out of my skin. He landed on the floor with a loud thud and groan, causing me to turn to the other man. He frowned at me before he pushed Felix on the ground to face me.

His hands bawled into fists before stepping closer to me. I took a deep breath in before I raised my fist, ready to slam it into his nose as well. But Justin grabbed my arm and brung it back, taking a hold of my waist and dragging me away.

"S-Stop!" I yelled through huffs as I struggled against Justin, beginning to get frustrated with him. We we're almost out of the hall way as I saw the men pick up Felix again, causing me to become more then just angry. I grunted once more before bending my head down to bite Justin's hand with all my might, causing him to yell in pain and let go of me. I ran as I fast as I could to Felix and once I got close to him I jumped on the of the guys back, putting him in a choke hold and pulling him backwards. He let go of Felix and warped his hands around my arms, trying to pry my arms off his neck.

"She's like a fucking spider monkey!" The guy yelled through gasps as I held on tighter. The other man let go of Felix and grab me from behind, pulling me off of him, throwing me to the ground. I got the air knocked of me, causing me to gasp for air as I rolled over on my stomach. I quickly pushed myself up, but as I was I felt someone's foot collide with my stomach, causing me to gag and loose my breath once more. I felt to the floor holding my stomach in pain, causing angry to rush through my body.

'Did he just kick me? And really think he's about to get away with it?!' I quickly got up, having a hand over my stomach as I pulled the guys shoulder, turning him around. I threw my knuckles repeatedly into his face, his nose, his jaw, his eyes, anything I saw until he landed on the floor. I got on top of him, continuing to punch him with every muscle in my body.

"Y/n stop!" I heard Justin yell at me, but I sure as hell didn't. I felt Justin grabbed both of my upper arms, basically dragging me away from the now extremely bloody man. "I'm so sorry, it won't happen again" Justin told the men as he continued to drag me away from them.
"Control your bitch" The man I was just on top said, causing my blood to boil.
"I AM NOT HIS-" I started to yell at this asshole before Justin threw his hand over my mouth.
"I will" he said as he helped me up, still with his hand over my mouth and started to push me away from them. I have Felix pleading eyes, and he just gave me a face full of terror, which made my heart skink to stomach. Justin fully turned me around and lead me out of the hallway and towards the elevator.

He took my back to my room, I could tell he was pissed with me, and I had absolutely no idea why. I thought I was doing the right thing. As we turned into my room, Justin pushed me towards my bed, causing me to sit down on it. I looked up at him with eyes filled with confusion.

"What the hell were you fucking thinking?" Justin asked me, clearly pissed at me.
"He was of my friends! I'm not going to watch someone get dragged into a room for no reason! He's has no purpose of being here! I swear if they hurt him!!" I yelled with angry just flooding out of me like a volcano.
"You could have got killed! Killed Y/n! What would happen then huh?!" Justin yelled at me, causing me to back up a little...I hated getting yelled at. I balled my hands into fist as I took a deep breath in looking down.

"Well I'm just so fucking sorry, but I could care less if I died if it was to protect someone" I told Justin, clenching my jaw.
"That's not a way to talk to one of my workers" I heard someone say, I then looked up to see him standing there with a sly smirk on his face.
"Why the actual fuck are you here?" I said to him, giving him a death glare.
"Just checking up on you" He said, causing me to stand up and step closer to him.
"Well that's the first time you've done that in years" I said, causing him to slightly laugh at me.
"After the video, I needed to see if you were okay" he said in the fakest caring tone I've ever heard.

"Oh so now you wanna be a dad?" I asked and his face went blank at my response.
"I was always here for you-"
"No the fuck you weren't! You left and never called! Never texted me! You know what that fucking does do a kid?! It's fucks them up! For life! And it's all your fucking fault, it always will be! Your a horrible fucking human being and if you ever try to say that bullshit again I swear you'll end up in a fucking hospital!" I told him, causing him to look over at Justin with widen eyes, then he smirked.

"That's the kind of angry I needed to see from you! I'm glad to see that finally!" He said happily and I clenched my jaw so I hard I swear it popped. I felt my hands clench so hard together that my fingernails were practically digging into my skin.
"Fucking leave" I told him, taking deep breaths through my nose.
"You don't wanna raise your tone with me again, remember what happened last time?" He said, causing me to huff in disbelief as he even remembered.
"Fuck you" I told him and all he did was smile at me. He looked over at Justin and nodded his head as they both walked out, closing the door and leaving me alone, completely pissed off. Once I knew they were gone, I punched the stone wall over and over until I at least felt a little bit better.

My knuckles were bruised and bloody, causing me to sit down on the bed and look at the wall with a blank expression. I was so angry, angry at everyone, angry at myself. And it all just poured out. Tears flooded my eyes in angry and frustration. I grunted loudly as I threw my pillow against the wall. I took a deep breath in before laying down on my back, sighing.

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