Chapter Three

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Your POV

I heard birds chirping outside of the window, making me huff as I opened my eyes. Not used to the light I rubbed them and stretched my arms out. I looked out the huge window and slightly smiled as I saw the sun peaking over the tall buildings of Los Angeles. I threw the covers off my body, still in the large flannel, and felt the cold air rush over my legs giving me goosebumps. I moved over to the side of the bed and let my feet touch the soft carpet.

Once I got up, I realized that I haven't took a shower in a while. I felt gross and hated the feeling of low hygiene. I walked out of the small bedroom and immediately smelled bacon being cooked. So I made my way to the kitchen to see Mark cooking and singing along to a song in his head.

"Hey Mark?" I asked shyly, completely unaware that I was so nervous. He turned around and immediately blushed as he saw me, causing me to blush along side him.
"Yeah?" He answered as he looked at me with a face of sympathy.
"C-Could I take a shower" I said and looked down at my hands trying to calm myself down.
"Yeah, the towels are in the closet across of the bathroom, do you need clothes?" He said and I looked up at him in realization as I completely forgot about clean clothes.
"Oh uh yeah" I said I started to rub my arm and he smiled at me.
"It's okay" He said as he walked past me and went down the hall to the last bedroom and opened the door, assuming that that's his room.

I waited for about a minute before he came back out with some clothes in his hands and a slight smile on his face once he saw me. He handed them to me and explain how to turn on his shower, I thanked him and made my way to the bathroom.

Once I closed the door of the bathroom, I turned on the shower to hot and began to strip, which didn't take long due to me not really having much on. I then looked at myself in the mirror and realized that there were the bandages over my arms. I didn't know if I should take them off, but if I didn't they would get wet. I thought about for a minute before I make up my mind and slowly started to take them off.

Once I saw what was under, I nearly wanted to vomit. Many, large, red gashes where spread over my wrist. I felt my eyes start to sting as my heart sunk to the pit of my stomach. I got the courage to look away as I shook my head and stepped into the shower, feeling what I usually felt; numb.


When I was done, I turned off and went to grabbed my towel to see that it wasn't there.
'I forgot it' I simply thought as walked over to the door and took a couple of breaths before I slowly opened the door. As I did, I saw Dark walk past and I quickly stopped him.

"I forgot to get a towel, could you grab me one please?" I asked as his mouth slowly formed into a devilish smirk. He walked over to the closest door and opened it up and quickly grabbed a white towel and turn around and walked back over to me. As he extended his arm to give it to me, I opened the door a little wider so my arm could slip through. Once I got my arm out of the door and slightly touched the towel, I felt Dark grab my hand and pull me out of the bathroom.

I squealed as I gripped the towel from the his hands and pressed it against my chest as he pushed me against the wall. His hand traveled up my thigh and onto my hips as he licked his lips. He looked me in the eye, his eyes full of hunger. I felt my heart start to pound and I felt my knees getting weaker by the second. He scanned my eyes smirking, knowing full well that I was com scared of him.

"Don't be scared kitten~" he whispered as his hand went up to my cheek and cuffed it.
"I-I-I" I stuttered out, not having any courage or strength to fully get out a full sentence.
"Your just so cute, I can't help myself" He said as he bit his lip, looking down at my neck lustfully, making me nervous and anxious. I went to move over to the bath but he quickly stopped me.
"Kitten isn't leaving until I get what I want" he remarked quickly, making my heart skip a beat. I quickly shook my head and smirked, obviously not agreeing with me. I tried to push his arm away but it wouldn't move and I swallowed hard, there was really no way I was gonna get out of this.

"No," I squealed quietly and he huffed out, getting angry with me.
"Do I have to repeat myself" he growled getting closer to my ear, "I could be so much rougher with you" he whispered. I swallowed hard and quickly felt a jolt of confidence, making me furrow my eyebrows in disbelief.
"And did I stutter? I said no" I said and then felt a lump start to form in the back of my throat as I heard Dark growl again. He pressed his body against mine and I felt his breath on my neck, making me anxious. I pushed his away with all my might, which only made him back up a couple of feet.

I quickly slid back in the bathroom and when I saw Dark's face I slammed the door and locked it, I heard him grunt from outside as I slid my body against the door. Once I got to the floor I pulled my knees up to my body and warped my arms around them, trying to understand everything that just happened. Once I warped my head around it, I was to scared to walk out again, so I just stayed exactly where I was, my heart racing quickly.

"Y/n?" I heard Mark call out, quietly knocking on the door. I stayed silent and he sighed, knowing he wasn't going to get me to talk. "Listen Dark told me what happened and I promise that will never will happen again, would you come out please?".

"I would have been better off dead" I spoke up, making the once thick tension thicker.
"No, that's not true" Mark stated and I just rolled my eyes because I was thinking differently.
"Why am I even here?" I said to myself and Mark then started to pound on the door a rougher.
"Don't say that, please come out" he said rather quickly and I sighed and slowly went to get up when I saw Dark sitting on the toilet.

My heart started to race faster as my eyes scanned his soulless face. 'How did he get in here?!' I thought and he looked over at me and huffed. I swallowed and looked him in the eyes.
"Magic, kitten" he remarked and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. 'How did he know that?' I thought and he smirked at me, making me feel uneasy. "I can read minds" he quickly stated.
'So we could have a conversation in my head?' I thought and he raised his eyebrows at me.
"Yes." He simply said.
'Then I want you to know that just because your attractive and very dominant doesn't mean I like you' I thought and he frowned, but then his face quickly washed over with that devilish smirk of his.
"You think I'm attractive?" He questioned and I felt my face start to heat up. He tilted his head, waiting for me to answer and I nodded my head slowly.

'That doesn't mean I'm not mad at you, you could have raped me' I quickly thought and I heard him stand up. I looked up at him, who was crossing his arms and looking down at me in disbelief. It made my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach and I pushed my towel against my body harder than it already was.

"Fine, if your going to be like that" he said and snapped his fingers and black smoke appeared for a second and once it cleared, he was gone. I blinked a little to see if I wasn't going blind or something and sure enough I wasn't. I took a deep breath and laid my head back against the door, looking up at the ceiling.

"Y/n?" Mark called out and I felt my lips start to inch into a smile.
"I'm coming out soon" I said softly, not really wanted to leave the steam filled bathroom but it had to be done if I wanted the day to start.

A/n: edited on 1/25/18

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