Chapter Twenty-Two

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Your POV

I woke up with my eyes puffy from crying all night. My throat dry and my head pounding about a mile a minute. I groaned as I grabbed my phone and flipped around in my bed, warping my blanket around my head.

"Y/n" I heard Dark say in a deep, smooth voice that vibrated my whole bed.
"I don't want to talk" I answered bluntly, my voice cracking as I said so.
"You don't have to talk, just listen" he started to say as he sat down at the edge of my bed, causing it to dip a little. "Mark, he's sorry. God he's really fucking sorry, you have him pacing around the house like a maniac" he slightly chuckled at himself, but quickly stopped when he realized I wasn't in a laughing matter. "Talk to him, and I hate to admit but I can tell you love him, which is hard for me but..." he stopped, taking a deep breath in and then continuing. "As long as your happy, and I'm not even capable of love, me and Wilford both".

"Dark, I'm sorry" I whispered as my voice cracked once again and I felt him scoot closer.
"Don't be, you did nothing wrong" I heard him say calmly, which made me feel a little better but I still felt horrible.
"I just, I don't know what to do Dark. All my trust for Mark is gone and I really want to trust him again but I don't think I can, I'm such a fucked person-"
"No your not! Everyone goes through problems and life is a train wreck with little commercials of happiness, and Mark is your commercial" Dark said, causing me to glance up and over at him with a slight smile on my face.
"You got that from Deadpool" I laughed and he blushed and turned away, causing me to laugh even more.
"Shut up and go see Mark" his voice echoed strongly making me smile even wider.

    The palms of my hands sweated at I took a stop in front of Marks door, debating whether or not I should just turn around. But something in my head screamed at me to knock on his door. So I felt my fist ball up and raise its self up to the door, only centimeters away from knocking. I took a deep breath in as I closed my eyes, telling my self to calm  down, that there's nothing to worry about.

As I got the confidence to knock on the door, I let my hand let out three small knocks, hoping it got his attention. I quickly brung my hand down to my side and shuffled my feet as I waited for him to answer. I bit my lip as I heard footsteps coming closer to the door, causing me to have a strange pain my stomach making me feel sick.

As I heard the door open, I looked up to see Mark with bags under his eyes and his face beat red.
"Wow" I whispered to myself as I examined his face, it looked as if he went through a break up. Well, he kinda did. "I-uh-I need to talk to you" I said, my voice cracking making me wince in cringe.
"Yeah, come in" he spoke in a raspy voice, which made my heart sink. As I stepped in, I could feel him watching me as I walked past. Once I heard the door close I turned around to him, who was just wearing his pajamas.

"Mark, I am so so sorry I acted like that. I was being stupid and I was a little drunk," I giggled a little, looking up and him causing him to smile.
"But I understand you were trying to help the problem and I only made it worse, once again I'm so sorry" I finished looking down at my hands and I waited for a reply. I saw him take a step closer to me making me look up at him with confused eyes. He placed his hands on my back and pulled me closer to his chest, causing me to blush. He grabbed my chin so I was making eyes contact with him and he swiftly placed his soft lips on mine, taking me back a little.

But I quickly kissed him back without hesitation and I could feel him smile against my lips, causing me to do the same. We had to pull away but we we're both smiling which made me blush even more. I looked away and he pulled me in a hug and kissed my head, making me feel safe.

"You wanna hang out today?" He asked with, making me smile even wider than I already was.
"Yes" I'm simply answered him and I buried my face in his chest.
"What do you wanna do?" He asked as I closed my eyes and relaxed.
"I've never seen all the Harry Potter movies?" I answered and I heard him take a deep breath in, surprised.
"Which one did you stop at?" He asked and I pulled my head out of his chest and looked him in the eyes.
"I never finished the first one" I answered and his face dropped and lost his hope.
"You poor, poor human being!!" He yelled as he picked me up and threw me over this shoulder, Making me scream and laugh. He walked over to his couch and lightly placed me on it and then ran over to his kitchen. He grabbed what ever he had in his cabinets and threw them on the seat next to me and then quickly picked up his phone.

"Yes hello, I need two large pizzas, pepperoni please" he said into the phone making me laugh.
"Two pizzas?" I questioned and he looked over at me, then furrowed his eyebrows.
"Your right, two is to little, excuse me need another pepperoni" he spoke, making me laughed and shake my head at him.

As he finished ordering the pizzas, he sat next to me on the couch, looking over at me with a smile.
"I've missed you" he spoke in a soft voice which made my heart flutter.
"I've missed you too," I said, locking eyes with his light brown ones which caused butterflies. I saw his eyes flash from my lips to my eyes repeatedly until I just gave in and leaned forward, warping my arms around his neck and pulling my closer. He hands trailed on my back as we got closer and soon enough our lips meet one another. It felt like it was the first time all over ago, I wish I could have this feeling for ever. I smiled against his lips but continued kissing him to the point where I slowly fell on top of him, which he didn't mind. Once we pulled apart, he smiled at me causing me to blush.

"I think I'm in love with you" he told me, his eyes sparkling with happiness, causing me to blush. I leaned down and kissed him again, then slowly pulled apart and made eye contact with him.
"I love you" I smiled and he quickly pulled me in a hug, making me laugh.

(Wooo the first part is finally finish)

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