Chapter Nineteen

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Your POV

I woke up the sun hitting my eye, making me wince and pull my hands over my eyes, rubbing them. I groaned as I sat up straight and opened my eyes, blinking a little to get my eyesight clear before standing up fully. I yawned and stretched my arms as I made my way to my bathroom to brush my teeth. I opened the bathroom door and was hit with steam and the smell of Axe body wash.

"What the hell?" I questioned as I realized that someone, preferably a guy, was taking a shower. I looked at the floor and saw a pair of tan pants, along with suspenders and a yellow button up shirt.
'Fucking Wilford' I thought as I shook my head at the thought of him really getting comfortable here. I heard the doorbell ring and I slowly walked to my front door, not wanting to talk to people so early in the morning. I stood on my tippy toes and looked threw the peek hole of my door and saw nobody there. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and put my feet flat before opening the door and peaking my head outside.

There was nothing but a black leather briefcase, that had gold initials on it, which were cursive and were my initials on it.
"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself as I picked up the the briefcase, feeling how heavy it was. I furrowed my eyebrows once again and walked back inside, closing the door behind me with the heel of my foot. I softly placed it on my counter, still looking at how fancy it looked up close.

"What's that?" I heard Wilford say, causing me to jump slightly and look over at him. I felt my heart speed up faster and my entire face heat up. The only thing he had on was a towel, which he was loosely had around his waist, which exposed his v-line and abs. And his hair was wet and still dripping, hanging over his eyes making him look amazing.
"I-It's a uh suitcase-or something and yeah" I chocked out, trying my best not to look at him at him again so I wouldn't lose it. I heard him step over to me and stand next to me, the scent of Axe filled me nose.
"It looks like it has your initials" he responded, looking closely to the lettering.
"Y-Yeah I noticed that too" I said, rubbing my forearm.

"Thanks for letting me use the shower" he stated as he walked past me and fully into my small kitchen.
"I never said you could use it, you just did" I giggled and he rolled his eyes playfully while grabbing a bowl from one of my cabinets.
"You seem tense?" He questioned and turned to face me, crossing his arms.
"I'm...not" I lied and he smirked, putting the bowl down on the counter and walking slowly up to me.
"I can tell you that I'm making you nervous, sweetheart, and I hate being lied to" his smirked widen as he said so, putting his hand on the side of my cheek.
"S-Sorry" I stuttered and tried to break eye contact, but he cleared his throat on purpose, causing me to look him in the eyes. "I-It's just the fact that your shirtless, t-that's all" I squeaked our before he could say another thing.
"So I was right? I am making you nervous; adorable" he said, more to himself than me causing me to blush ten times deeper than I already was. He let go of my cheek and smiled at me before going back to his bowl, reaching in one of my cabinets for my cereal.

I quickly walked to my bedroom and grabbed a pair of ripped skinny jeans and slid them on, leaving on Marks hoodie. I checked my phone and saw a text message from Mark, asking if I was free today. I nearly forgot that he had a party tonight, so the thought of him asking if I could help set up flashes through my head. I replied to him that I was, then slid my phone in my pocket and walked back out to the living room. I saw Wilford eating Cheerios that I forgot I had, still in a towel and nothing more.

I heard a ding come from my phone and I quickly removed it from my pocket and saw that Mark texted me back.

'Do you wanna maybe come over and help me with my party?' - 'doesn't it start at like 9? It's 10 am' - 'well we could hang out till then, if your okay with it?' - 'of course I am' - 'I'm on my way to pick you then' - 'okay'

I looked up from my phone to see Wilford happily eating, making me slightly giggle.
"Hey Wil, I'm going out for a while, you can chill here if you want. Just stay out of my room and don't make a mess" I said as I put my shoes on, slowly sliding them over my heel. "Oh, and don't be loud either, I don't want to cops here. Again." I finished as I stood up and looked at him. He nodded his head and went back to eating his breakfast, making me question if he really heard me or not.

'I'm here' Marks text popped up on my phone, making me wonder how in the hell he got here so fast. I waved at Wilford before exiting my house and stepping outside, letting the morning air hit me on the way out. I saw Marks car on the side of the rode, causing me to uncontrollably smile like an idiot. I walked over to his car, us meeting eye contact before I opened the car door and hopped in.

"Your still wearing my hoodie?" He whispered, causing me to looked over at him after I put my seatbelt on.
"Oh yeah, I slept in it and didn't feel like changing my outfit" I said as I held out the hoodie, looking down at it once more.
"Aww" Mark said causing me to blush lightly at his comment and look at over him, meeting his big brown eyes once more.


     "Chica!" I smiled as I saw the fluffy golden dog once again, bending my knees and rubbing her fur.
"She missed you" Mark said as he shit the door behind us and walked over to her as well, petting her head.
"I think I'm in love with your dog, if you ever need me to baby-I mean doggy-sit I'm open" I said, causing Mark to chuckle.
"Of course" He said smiling, then stood up and looked around his house, then saw his phone and quickly grabbed it. "Okay, we can go to party city and get some snacks, and then go to Walmart or something an get a cake" Mark said, causing me to get up, rubbing China's head once more before getting up.
"Okay, but we're definitely getting a cake from a bakery, Walmart cakes are not that good" I smiled at him and he laughed.
"Okay cake master, lead the way" he said, signaling me to open the door, causing me to do so. I lead the way back to his car and slid in the passenger seat once more before closing the door. Mark sat in the driver seat, of course, and turned on the car, soft music was playing as well.

"So who's all gonna be at this party?" I asked while putting on my seatbelt.
"Most of me and Jacks friends and some of their people" he said softly, causing me to smile for no reason at all.
"I'm only know you two, so I might just stick with you for the night, if that's okay?" I asked, looking over into those brown eyes of his.
"Of course it is" he smiled at me, causing me to pull my lips together to stop smiling like a complete idiot.

Edited on 5-1-18
Lmao I have so much drama going on, lol hate fake bitchs ya know?

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