Chapter Thirty-Three

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Your POV

After a while of being up and thinking about what had all happened, I realized how hungry I was. I got up quick and my neck stung with pain, causing me to groan a little.

'What the hell happened to me?' I asked myself as I fully got out of bed with my hand over my neck. I walked over to the door and opened it softly, trying my best to not make a sound. I then sternly stepped into the hallway, which was illuminated by a single light. I walked down the hallway and into the living room where everyone was. I couldn't remember most of them, but once I saw everyone's face memories flooded into my head.

"M-Mark?" I said in a quite, soft tone that was for some odd reason hard to get out. He looked over at me, and so did everyone else.
"Y/n! Oh my lil baby!" Wilford exclaimed while jumping up and over the couch and over to me. Before he tried to give me a hug I quickly backed up out of surprise, but he hugged me anyway. He kissed the top of my head before letting go of me, giving me a soft smile before moving away.

"We've missed you. Where did you go? And what happened?" Wilford asked, causing me to frown.
"So much explaining. Can't we eat something first? I'm like...really hungry" I slightly giggled.
"Your laugh is still as cute as always, and of course love, we can order a pizza?" He said, looking over at Mark with a questioning look. He pulled his lips together and nodded his head, grabbing his phone. Justin quickly snatched it out of his hand.

"Do you not understand that we're literally hiding from the government. We can have any signs that we are here, living. I can just cook something instead." Justin offered while placing Marks phone on the kitchen counter.
"Anything will do, thank you." I said and Justin smiled at me before turning around and digging into the refrigerator.


     After we ate dinner, which was fried chicken, Mac n cheese and green beans. Which I had to say wasn't bad at all. I told them everything, since the day I was token to right now. I even explained the video to Mark and how they forced me to betray him. How they inject a dark liquid into my neck that made me forgot everything that happened afterward. Justin told me that some sort of ego, quite like Dark was inside me, programmed to be violent and kill my targets.

"But what about Felix? He's still stuck there and only god knows what's going to happen to him." Jack said, butting into the conversation. It went silent before an idea popped into my head, causing me to smile a little.
"What if we...saved him?" I said and everyone gave me a confused look. "Okay, listen. We sneak in and get Felix out, and while we're at it, destroy the building with everyone inside it."

"Sweetheart this isn't mission impossible." Wilford said, causing me to slightly laugh and push him a little.
"No, we need to get Felix out of there, do we not? And these people are, monsters. It should be illegal what their doing to people." I finished, and everyone sat in silence before Justin shook his head.

"It would be way to risky, not to mention there's about two hundred men working there. We have no chance of succeeding." Justin said and I slightly frowned at his statement, he was right.
"But you know that place in and out, so you could be the leader and we would be in and out, as if we were even there. Please, I don't want to see anymore innocent people get hurt because of him." I said, grabbing his hand slightly and looking him in the eye. He stared at me, giving me a restless look but he knew I was in the right, and it had to be done.

"Fine." He said coldly, looking away from me and walking towards his jacket. "If we're going to do this, I need to get someone who can hack into the security cameras and look at which room he'll be in. It'll save time and won't have us looking floor to floor for this man. While we're at it, we're gonna need some explosives." Justin said while putting in his jacket and fluffing his hair up.

"I'm sorry explosives?" Mark said, stepping into the conversation, standing next to me.
"Well, it's the fastest way to kill everyone isn't it? There all bad people." Justin said, looking at Mark with an odd way for asking such question. I looked over at Mark, giving him a look that told him that this was right.

"Won't we get arrested or something for blowing up a building?" Mark asked, ignoring my glaze.
"If you get caught." Justin said while he walked over to the door, placing his hand on the handle.
"When I'm gone, do not make any loud noises, do not leave. And definitely do not open the door to anyone. The only people you can trust are the people in this room." Justin said looking at all of us.

He then pointed to Dark. "You're in charge, and don't let this one," He said while pointing over to me. "Don't let her get to crazy." He simply said.
"I'm not gonna get crazy." I said, folding my arms.
"Yes you will, it takes up to a week for all that...darkness to clear from you." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"What "darkness?"' I asked.
" don't remember. Someone explain it to her while I'm gone." Justin said while walking out the door and softly closing it.

"So who's explaining this shit to me?" I asked.

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