Chapter Four

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Your POV

Once I got dressed, which was in a hoodie of Marks and some black shorts, he must have used these for a video once because if we wore these, his balls would fall out. I then grabbed my towel and walked out to see Mark placing plates on the table. I walked over to him and once he saw me his eyes lit up and he smiled, making me blush slightly.

"Here I can take that" he simply said as he gently grabbed the towel from my hands. I watched him as he took it and threw it in a basket in a small room, which must be a washer and dryer room, and then walk back to me. "Sit down" he said kindly, his eyes full of happiness. I sat down at the chair closest to me and then looked up at Mark who was placing a plate down for me, which was filled with bacon, eggs, and french toast. I smiled at him, thanking him as he gave me a fork.

As I grabbed my fork to began eating, I heard two doors open and the sound of running coming towards me. I turned my head to see that Wilford and Dark came running down the hall, like two brothers fighting on who could make it down the hall first. Once they got to the table Wilford sat down to the chair across from me and Dark did the same. I heard Mark huff as he handed them a plate of food like mine.

"Thank you Marky" Wilford said in a teasing tone as he filled his mouth with eggs, making me giggle. I picked up my fork and ate some eggs myself as Mark made his way to the table and sat next to me. We all ate in silence, not that it was bad but, I didn't prefer it. As I was about to eat a piece of french toast, I heard the front door knob twist and then the door was flung open. I turned my head to see who had opened the door, my lips parted slightly and my eyes widen.

"Jack!" Mark said excitedly as he got up to greet his friend. Then another man walked in, Well he floated in and his eyes locked with mine. He looked like Jack, a lot like Jack actually. He had pale gray skin, kinda like Dark, he had black soulless eyes just like Dark too. Along with a long thin cut along his throat with little drops of dried blood rolling down his neck. He then turned his head, looking away from me as he crossed his arms.

"Who's this?" Jack asked, causing me to look over at him. His blue eyes met mine as he smiled at me.
"This is Y/n, she will be staying with us as well" Mark said as he smiled at me, making me slightly blush. I waved at Jack, not planning to say anything and he waved back and laughed slightly. As he went back to talking to Mark, they both came over to the table and sat down. It was quite anymore and I enjoyed that.

After breakfast I went to go to my room to chill for bit, to clear my mind and relax when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Mark, with a smile on his face like usual.
"Hey" - "Hey". The edges of his lips spread wider due to how fast my response was. "Uh Jack usually sleeps in your room" - "it's fine, I could just go home-" - "No! No it's fine, you can just take my bed." - "then where are you gonna sleep?" I asked and he hesitated, debating where he was going to sleep.

"I can just sleep on the couch" he said kindly.
"No I can-" I started to say but he quickly stopped me.
"I'm not letting you sleep on the couch" he said. I felt a smile appear on my face and my face flush, causing me to look down. I heard Mark chuckled which made me blush more than I already was.

"Or we could just share a bed," I shyly remarked. His bed was big enough, I'm sure. And it would save one of us the trouble of waking up with back pain from sleeping on the floor or couch. Not that I wanted to do so, which I did but, it would just be much more easier.

"A-Are you okay with that? Not that any would happen! I'm just saying that maybe you wouldn't be comfortable with that, and if you are that's totally okay!" He said quickly, which made me smile due to how adorable this man was.
"It's fine, I'm okay with it" I answered his question and it ended with both of us blushing and smiling at each other, like two toddlers just kissed for the first time.

"Hey, you guys wanna play uno?" We heard Jack yell and we both moved so we could see him clearly. He had a pack of uno cards in his hand, holding them up with a grin oh his face.
"Yeah, sure" Mark answered back and then looked back at me, seeing if I was okay with it. I nodded my head and he looked back at Jack and gave him a thumbs up, indicating that we both were playing.

Everything here seemed wonderful, as if I just entered a whole new world. I was here, standing with, in the SAME room, as two of my favorite youtubers ever. I could live like this forever, my mind was clear, I wasn't thinking negatively. But something told me; deep down that this would be all over soon. I tried to ignore that feeling and I shook my head. I saw Mark walking over to Jack to start our game and I quickly followed behind.


A/n: edited on February 1, 2018

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