Chapter Six

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Your POV

My eyelids fluttered open to see that I was back home. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I sat up with out any trouble. I removed the covers covering my body and saw that there was nothing wrong with me stomach, or even a scratch or bruise on my entire body. I pulled my wrist in front of me; nothing but the scars that were already there. I swallowed hard and pulled my wrists away, letting them fall on my bed.

It was all a dream. I felt completely numb, everything that just happened in the past 4-5 days was fake, everything was fake. I took a deep breath and threw my feet over the bed, letting them touch my warm carpet. I looked over at my alarm clock '8:43' it read in big red lettering.
"Well that was one long depression nap" I said to myself before getting up. I walked over to my kitchen and opened my fridge, nothing looked good, nor did I have much.

'I really need a job'  I thought as I closed my fridge and grabbed my phone. I looked up job offers around me, the first ones that popped up where local pizza places, making roll my eyes. But after a few scrolls I saw one that caught my eye. It was a new club that just opened up and needed waitresses, women waitresses. It payed 15 dollars an hour plus all the tips you would be getting. It may be a club for rich old people but it was completely worth it. I got the address and found out that it was 4 blocks away. This better be worth it because I don't have a car.


Once I got to the club, I could already tell it was fancy. The building looked like it was two stories, the outside had bright neon lights surrounding the sign. It had a red carpet leading into the front door, there were pictures of women as an amusement. Once I walked in, I was completely shocked.

There was a huge bar in the middle and then lots of space for dancing. There were couches around the walls and tables along with them. There was a second floor, which only covered half of the first floor, but it was still pretty huge. There was a DJ set on the second floor and more couches and tables along with more room to dance. The whole place only lit up with the colors of blue, pink and purple.

"Hello, may I help you?" Someone said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked over to see a women, about my age, smiling at me. She had light brown hair that was tied in a tight ponytail, along with warm brown eyes. She looked extremely nice and a good person to be around.
"Hi, I was actually looking for a job" I said and her eyes filled up with glee.
"Please tell me as a waitress" she remarked and I felt my lips form into a smile.
"Yeah" I nodded my head.
"Oh thank god, every girl that came threw so far was a complete bitch, or just wondering if they could be a stripper" she said making us both laugh.
"I can take you to the manager, if it goes well come see me after, I'll be at the bar" she said, I quickly nodded my head.

She took me up the stairs and over to a small door on the left. She knocked on it first before fully coming him, a smile on her face. The manager looked up and slightly smiled, but he was making himself do it. He looked in his late twenties, his hair was a dark brown which was put off to the side messily with a little gel. His eyes were a dark blue that carried out the rest of his features, strong jawline, pink lips. He looked like an actual god.

"Someone is here for a job" she said and moved out of the way so he could see me fully. His once forced smile turned into a real one, becoming wider. He waved me in and I slowly walked in, with him watching my every move. I then sat down at the chair in front of the desk, just like any other office.

"Name?" He asked, his voice was deep and smooth which reminded me of Mark.
"Y/n L/n" I said kindly with a smile and he smirks.
"And what job are you after?" He asked, grabbing a pen and clicking it with his teeth, starring at me the whole time. I swallowed hard and continued to make sure I didn't looked nervous.
"Waitress" I remarked and he looked down at his desk and rolled back and opened up a drawer and pulled out a file. He looked up at me, making eye contact with me causing me to lightly blush and look down.

I heard the drawer close and I looked up to him writing something down on what looked like a job resume. Once he was done writing, he looked up at me with a straight face, which was completely attractive, so I swallowed hard and just smiled.


After the job interview, he said that I was hired and that I would work tonight, due to them just opening and hardly having any workers, I needed to be there. I walked over to the bar and say the same girl was there cleaning wine glasses. Once she saw me her eyes lit up and she carefully set down the glass and walked over to me.

"Well?" She asked, obviously about how the job interview went.
"He said I could start working tonight" I said and she smiled and put her arms up.
"This is going to be so much fun! Finally someone who isn't a bitch" she joked and I smiled.
"By the way, my name is Star" she said, making us both giggle.
"I'm Y/n" I say and she shook my hand.

A/n: Edited on 2/9/18

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