Chapter Twenty-six

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I made my way through the empty gray hall way to Y/n jail like room. As I got closer to her room, I could hear crying. It made my heart sink as I stopped in front of her door. I inhaled through my nose as I lightly knocked on the iron door causing the crying to suddenly stop.

"What?" She asked, her voice cracked and was filled with pain. My eyes flickered from the ground to the door, thinking of what to say.
"Y/n? I need to tell you something" I said in a whisper shout, causing me to hear her move. I heard shuffling before I saw her head pop up in the small window of the door.

"W-What?" She sniffed, causing me to pull in my lips and look away.
"I'm coming in" I told her, but I got no response. I opened the door slowly, making sure she was out of the way and stepped into the small room. Her face was puffed out due to crying and her eyes were slightly red and droopy, causing my heart to sink to the bottom of my chest. No one should have to go through this.

"The video, it was fake. He made it up so hopefully you would get mad and maybe want to actually hurt him, which we can both see didn't happen" I told her. She looked up at me with confusion mixed with a slight annoyance.
"Is he stupid?" She asked me, causing me to smile.
"Probably" I told her and she smiled and slightly giggled, causing me to smile more and I felt my heart being lifted. "But we still need to continue your training because one, I would be killed if I didn't do my job and two, he would know something was up if you didn't" I told her and she rolled her eyes.
"But working out sucks" she said, dragging out the s making me smirk.
"It's not that hard" I told her and she looked at me with annoyance.

"Of course you would say that, you already have a six pack." She said, making me laugh and shake my head.
"Whatever, just meet me in the gym in ten, Okay?" I told her and she nodded as she whipped away her tears left on her face. I smiled once more at her before leaving her in her thoughts, walking down the hall and over to the gym.

Marks POV

I let out a huge annoying sigh as I plopped down on my couch, petting Chica. I couldn't think, eat or work all because I was worried about Y/n. She's been gone for what felt like forever, and I have no idea where she is. I've tried calling her millions upon millions of times but it always went straight to voicemail. I've checked her house, but she's not there either. I've tried going to police but they weren't any help either. I'm starting to think she blocked my number and moved away without telling me, but that's the last thing I wanted to think.

I heard a knock on my door, a pretty quick one too. My heart skipped a beat as my thoughts were covered with Y/n being at the door. I quickly got up and walked over to the door, grabbing the golden door handled and twisting it open. My smile went to a frown as I saw Sean standing there with a large suitcase.

"Well this wasn't planned?" I questioned him, but all he didn't was roll his baby blue eyes at me.
"You think? Let me in and I'll explain everything" he told me with a slight worried tone, causing me to quickly let him in. I moved to the side and he walked past me and I close the door, locking it.

"So?" I asked him as he placed his suitcase against the coffee table in my living room.
"Oh god where do I start? and you aren't safe" he told me, causing me to give him and confused look. "I'm pretty sure people are after us, hunting us" he finished, making me more confused as hell.
"What? Why?" I asked him and he gave me a looked asking me if I was dumb.
"Mark, we're not normal, our egos literally come to life." Sean said, making me kiss my teeth and pull in my lips.
"Yeah? But no one knows but really close ones-"
"Yeah but what if the F.B.I or the government knows?"
"Why would they know?"
"Damnit Mark, Felix got kidnapped, Mariza is looking for him everywhere and doesn't know what happened to him, the only thing that she could did was a note saying something about he's special or something, that's he's not the only one. What else could that mean?"

I looked at Sean with a slightly scared look, I had no idea what to do.
"I-That's why he hasn't answered my why didn't you just call and tell me?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes again.
"God you don't know anything, they record everything on your phones, there basically like trackers for everyone, that's why I got rid of mine" he told me, making my face relax with my eyes with realization.

"Y/n just disappeared, I've tried calling her millions of times but...but it always went straight to voicemail" I told him and his mouth opened up a little.
"Did she have anything to do with the government?" Sean asked and I gave him a look asking if he was stupid or not.
"No...not at all but...what if they took her because they know you know her personally?" Sean asked, causing my heart to throb and sink to my stomach.

"Sean if they hurt her I swear to god I will kill them" I told Sean, clenching my jaw.
"I know...I know...let's just hope she turns up soon. Okay?" Sean said in a calming voice, causing me to take a deep breath in.
"Okay" I said, running my hands through my hair before letting a long, exhausted sigh out.

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