Chapter Thirty-Five

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Your POV

As everyone got into place, I quickly realized that Justin was in the corner minding his own business. I quickly got up and walked over to him, offering my Wii remote to him along with a warm smile.
"Did you wanna play too? There's enough for everyone." I said, snapping him out of his thoughts.
"Oh, I'm good, thanks for the offer though." He said bluntly, but gave me a weak smile.
"So mysterious, daddy likes." Anti said while slowly floating over to us.
"Sorry buddy, I don't swing that way." He said, giving a slight attitude but tried to be nice with it. I slightly laughed at them two, mainly Anti before I sat back down. As I sat back down next to Dark I could feel him warming up next to me, getting closer every second he could get. It made me blush but I did my best to hide it.
"Is everyone ready?" Mark asked, everyone else respond with a "yes" or "yeah" while I just nodded my head. Mark then sat on the couch and so did Jack, along with Anti. Wilford came and sat on the other side of me, so I was basically squished in between Wil and Dark. I could feel the both of them glancing at each other, causing a thick tension.
     But it soon was cut off by the sound of Mario Cart starting up and me smiling as I looked at the screen. I slowly felt Dark lean over to my ear and I could feel his warm breath go down my neck.
     "Do you want to team up?" He asked, his voice low and quite but still put butterflies in my stomach. I looked over at him with a smile.
     "Yeah, don't tell anyone though." I told him and he gave me a smirk.
      "Darling it wouldn't be fun if we told." He said and I sarcastically rolled my eyes at him as we began to pick out our players. Mark picked Mario and Jack picked Luigi, of course. I quickly picked Rosetta, watching her jump as I clicked on her filled my heart of the good times I had as a kid.
     "Why'd you pick her?" Wilford asked me and I looked over at him with my eyes narrowed at him.
     "She's the best princess and is so underrated." I told him and he slightly laughed.
     "Well that's because she sucks." Wilford said as he picked toad.
     "I bet you won't be saying that when I beat you." I smirked at him and he gave one back.
     "Make it a bet then." He said, quickly licking his lips which made me look away quickly. I face started to heat up and I heard him slightly laugh at my reaction before we started the game.

       "And would you look at that, I won, again." I said in a cocky tone as I smiled at myself.
     "We get it lass, you're good." Anti said with a simple tone attitude that made me look over at him with a straight face. I just rolled my eyes and looked back at the screen.
"Do you guys wanna play again?" I asked.
"I think I'm gonna hit the hay." Jack said and stood up while placing the remote on the coffee table.
"Yeah, I agree I need my beauty sleep." Wilford said as he stood up and placed his remote next to Jacks.
"Yeah me too." Anti said, while doing the same thing Wilford and Jack did.
"Jack, you and Anti can take the first room. Me and Wil can take the other one." Mark said while placing his remote with the others.
"I don't mind sleeping on the couch." I said while standing up as well. I placed my remote with the others and looked at Mark and narrowed my eyes at him.
"No, you out of all people should sleep in a bed, you need it." Mark said, giving me a sincere look.
"How about me and Y/n take the last room?" Dark said while throwing his arm around my shoulder, causing me to blush deeply at his action. Mark and Wilford looked at him, giving him a blank emotionless face that told him that he wasn't up for his bullshit.
"I don't mind sleeping on the couch, plus I can keep watch Incase anyone try's to break in." Justin said, stepping in and breaking the tension that was starting to form.
"So is everyone happy with there sleeping positions?" Jack asked and everyone looked around, seeing that no one had a problem except the boys. We all nodded our heads in agreement and then began to start to head back to the rooms.
"Y/n, can I talk to you?" Mark said, stopping me before I could even make it into the hallway. I looked at Dark, giving him a look saying that he should just go back to the room. He huffed as he headed back to the room, leaving me and Mark alone in the living room.
     "Yeah Mark, what is it?" I asked as I turned my body so that it was now facing his.
     "It's" He said and I could feel the tension in the air start to thicken. All of a sudden I wanted to leave the entire house.
    "Yeah..? What about us?" I asked, acting a little stupid so he could say it all.
     "I've been wanting to know about us. I'm sure it's clear that we all like you but I was wondering if you had an idea who you like?" Mark asked and my face soften.
    "Mark, I don't even know yet. But as soon as I know, I'll let you know. Okay?" I said as I grabbed his hand, giving him a soft smile that warmed his heart. He pulled me into a hug and warped his warm arms around me as I took in his Cologne, causing me to feel warm and safe. Once I pulled away, I looked into his eyes for a brief second. Our eyes dashed from our lips and back to our eyes, but I turned my head and backed away. 
     "I'll see you in the morning?" I asked and he smiled and nodded his head at me. I gave a smile back before heading into the room I was planning on to sleep in.

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