Chapter Seven

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Your POV

It was nearly ten pm and I still needed to go grocery shopping. So I quickly walked over to the nearest grocery store, which happened to be target. It was cold out, and dark and the only thing lighting the streets where the lights of buildings and the street lights. Once I got inside the store I went and grabbed a cart then straight to the chips and grabbed my favorite kind. I looked at the bag, and then grabbed another one because why not. I went down to the frozen foods and grabbed a frozen pizza, along with a couple of little frozen dinners along with egos waffles.

After my cart was full of fresh food and snacks I turned sharply and bumped into someone, making them drop a carton of eggs. I pulled the cart away a little and quickly said I was sorry. I looked up to see who it was.

"Oh my god" I whispered to myself as I made eye contact with the brown eyed man.
"Sorry" he said and smiled at me.
"Uh...yeah right okay" I said in stupidity as I realized I was starring at him. I back up my cart a little and he moved to the side so I could get through but walked up to my side.

"My names Mark" he said kindly, you could tell from his actions that he was bubbly person. I glanced at his hand as he put it up for me to shake, and then looked at him in confusion.
"Nice name" I commented as I pulled my cart and turned away from him. I never liked being rude to people but for some odd reason my mind told me to ignore him. I had shuffling behind me and Mark quickly jumped in front of my cart, causing me to stop.

"What's yours?" He asked, his tone was confident and charming so you could tell quickly that he wasn't going to give up, which I found adorable.
"Why does it matter?" I said as I raised an eyebrow in question as he put his hands on the end of my cart, making sure I couldn't leave.
"I'm just trying to be friendly" he said in a joyful tone, which made me cringe a little due to how happy this man was. I huffed and looked down at my hands, which were squeezing the carts handles. All I wanted was to go home and sleep, and he was in my way from doing just that.

"It's Y/n" I said flatly, not wanting to have this conversation move along anymore.
"That's a pretty name" he instantly said right after, making me uncomfortable. There was absolutely no way that a man I've known threw YouTube, someone I've literally watched for hours upon hours, was trying to make a pleasant conversation with me.
"Thanks..." I trailed off, you could tell how tired and grumpy my voice sounded, even through my fake happy voice that usually wares off this time of day. His once happy, joyful face faded and washed over with concern and his sweet smile turned straight.

"You sound tired" he simply said and I looked up at him with a sarcastic surprised look and he quickly got a point. "Okay, I understand you just want to get home," he said as he moved out of the way. "But can I at least get your number? To like hand out or something?" He asked. I looked at him, my face was simple and clam. I studied him, searching for whatever funny idea he thought this was to mess with me. But I didn't find that, or anything to seem like he was joking, or just lookin for sex, so I took out my phone and went to my contacts. I then gave my phone to him and his face lit up with joy as he typed in his number. Once he was done he gave me back my phone, a smile on his face the whole time, said goodbye and went to a different aisle.

I stood there for a second trying to warp my head around what just happened. I softly smiled to myself thinking about but then quickly shook my head, having thoughts about boys wasn't going to get me anywhere in life, I've learned that the hard way. I then made my way to the cashier. Due to it being so late there was hardly anyone here, so I immediately got rung up.

As the worker bagged my items I realized that I would have to carry all of them back home, which was just my luck, almost 5 blocks away. I mentally slapped myself as I gave the worker money to pay for the food. I started to grab the bags, four in one arm and three in the other. I thanked the worker and smiled at her, she obviously had a bad day and rolled her eyes, making me feel completely stupid for trying. I walked out of the store and stopped, 'if I get kidnapped hopefully they kill me before anything' I thoughts. I started to walk out fo the parking lot and towards my apartment when a black Jeep pulled up aside of me.

'This was it. I was gonna die' I thought as I felt my heart stop as the window started to roll down. I felt the cold air blow through my hair and the hairs on my neck stand up.

"You need a ride?" He asked and once I saw who it was, I rolled my eyes and slightly smiled.
"Are you stalking me?" I asked playfully and his face lost color and shook his head, denying it.
"It's going to rain" he said and I looked up, I could hardly see the moon though the thick clouds but it some how still managed to shine threw. I looked over at him, debating if I should really take his offer.
"Promise not to kill me?" I asked and he laughed.
"Promise" Mark said as he opened his door and stepped out, a wide smile on his face. "You can put your bags in the back" he stated as he opened the back door to his car and looked over at me with a face asking me if I really was going to do so.

I made my way to the back door and Mark grabbed most of my bags and put them in the back, he tried to grab the last two but I moved my hands away so he couldn't and put them in myself. Once I pulled away his eyes were filled with amazement. He smiled at me and shut the car door. He quickly went around to the passenger side as I followed him. He opened up the door for me and I smiled at him as I slid in his car, my back hitting the cold leather.

I gave him my address and started a conversation with me as little droplets landed on the window shield. I got to know him a little better, he got to know me a little better. The whole time we were in the car, I felt like I never wanted to leave. It was so calming and relaxing, just having a pleasant conversation made me feel good inside, something I haven't felt in months. But soon, it was all over and I was back to my little melancholy world.

Mark helped me with my bags, even though I told him not to. He carried them all the way to my apartment, we we're still having our conversation, which was about how Mark played a trumpet in high school. Once I got to my apartment I pulled out my keys and went to unlock it.

"Looks like I know where you live now" he said playfully which made me shake my head at his stupidity.
"Don't come and rob me" I said sarcastically and he chuckled, which lifted my heart. Once I got the door open I walked in and set down the bags on the island in the kitchen, Mark almost followed me in but I quickly stopped him.

"Sorry but don't allow strangers in my home" I said as grabbed the bags from his hands and looked up at him, who was a small smile on his face.
"Alright okay" he said as he backed up a bit and stood outside my door as I put the other bags along with the others. I then walked back over to him, who was standing there patiently waiting for my next move.

"Thank you for the ride" I said and he smiled at me, his lips turning upward.
"No problem" he said, his voice was warm and welcoming. I didn't want to smile at him, but I did anyway and then I started to close my door.
"Text me" He said before I shut the door on him.

Edited on 2/15/18

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