Chapter Twenty

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Your POV

    Mark dropped my off at my house so I could change into a different outfit, since I was meeting new people I wanted to look good, even though Mark told me over and over again that I look good the way I was. As I opened my door, my eyes immediately went to the black briefcase that I found earlier today. I shook my head as I closed my door and walked to my bedroom to change. When I got in there I quickly went through my closet, picking out when I imagined the cutest thing ever, so I grabbed those items and put them on. (Outfit above my little piglets).

I went to my bathroom and put on my makeup that I wanted on and then quickly did my hair that fitted with me the best with the outfit on. I then grabbed a black handbag and put a couple things in there, like my charger, cap-stick, etc. I looked up in the mirror to and fixed up my hair a little before grabbing my phone and text Mark that I was done, and I was coming out. Before I stepped outside, I went over to my medicine cabinet in my kitchen and saw my bottle of Valium, something I used to use for my social anxiety. It's been extremely high since I moved here, and the last thing I want to have an anxiety attack in front of people I'm meeting for the first time.

I took the pill and grabbed a water bottle and took a drink, quickly swallowing it and rushing out to Marks car. Once I hopped in his car and put my seatbelt on once more I looked under at him with a small smile, locking eyes with him.

"I don't know how to say this" he paused, looking down at my outfit, causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"What? Do I look bad, should I go change?" I asked and he looked back up at my eyes.
"God no, you look amazing, I'm speechless I didn't know someone could look so good" he spoke with a amazement tone, causing me to lightly blush and looked over and down at my hands.
"Thank you" I softly said and smiled to myself as he started to drive his way back to his house.

Mark had everything ready, a large snack table, beers and other alcohols in the freezer/coolers, and lots of balloons that we both took an hour to blow up. He had to put Chica in a room for the night incase she tried to zoom out the front door while people were coming in. It's was nearly nine, and I felt nervous, my hands were sweating, causing me to constantly whip them on my shorts.

"What's wrong?" Mark asked startling me, causing me to jump and little and look over at him.
"I'm just nervous to meet new people, that's all" I said sweetly, smiling at him. He walked up to me and grabbed my hands, holding them in his own.
"Well you shouldn't be, your a beautiful, funny kind person and everyone will love you" he said, locking eyes with me. I blushed deeper than ever and bit my lip to keep myself from smiling. A blush crept on his face and he let go of my hands and warped them around my waist, pulling me chest to chest with him. He placed on hand on my chip and lifted it up so we could me eye contact. He slowly leaned in, and so did I. Soon enough, the faster my heart beat the slowly world around me stop, and I could suddenly feel his warm, soft lips on mine.

I placed my hands on the sides of his face and pulled his closer, if that was even possible. I've never wanted something to last for so long, yet a sudden knock came at the door, causing us to pull away and look at the door. I let go of Marks face and as my arms fell to the sides of my body I looked up at him.
"Sorry, we'll talk about it later" he slightly smirked, causing me to blush again. He walked over to his front door and opened it, letting in some of his friends and Sean. Sean saw me and smiled and waved, causing me to do the same.

"Woah! Mark where'd you find this angel?" A guy with brown, curly hair asked, looking over at me.
"That's Y/n" Mark said rudely, causing the brown haired man to look over at him weirdly, making him clear his throat. "She's a-uh close friend of mine" he finished in a more sudden tone. I blushed a little and waved at him and he did the same.

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