Chapter Eight

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Your POV

It was twelve and my shift started in less then ten minutes, so I quickly grabbed my phone and keys and slid them into my pocket as I walked out the door. I quickly made my way back to the bar, quickly walking due to how dark it was outside.

When I got to the bar, it was already packed and it took me awhile to get through all the dancing body's. When I got to the managers door I knocked and after a second it opened up with the same man I saw earlier. He smiled at me and let me in and shit the door behind him.

"I have your work outfit over there, Dark will help you make drinks once you get to the bar" he simply said as he sat down at his desk slowly and steadily.
"Dark?" I question and he looked up at me with a confused look.
"The girl that you met earlier, Star, did she not give you her name?" He asked and I shook my head no, pretending that I didn't hear something else. "Oh, well get dressed and hurry up" He indicating as he flicked his wrist towards a small rack of clothes over in the corner and got back to sighing papers. I furrowed my eyebrows at him in disbelief and confusion and started my way over to the clothing.

I grabbed my size, the outfit just contained a white v-neck along with black high waisted shorts and black suspenders that crossed in the back and connected with the shorts. I turned back to him but he continued to scan and write things on papers. I cleared my throat causing him to looked up at me.

"Where do I get dress at?" I asked and he sighed as he got up from his desk and walked over to a small door in the corner of the room. He opened it up and turned on the light and then stepped away and pointed into the room and looked over me at with a blank face. "Oh. Sorry" I said flatly as I walked over to him. Once I got to the door I looked in and it was a small bathroom. He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked back to his desk. I quickly got into the bathroom and closed the door and started to change.

When I was done changing I got a text and quickly grabbed my phone to see who it was. "Hey wassup :p" it read, it was from Mark. I silently smiled at my phone and texted him back. "Hey" I texted back as I shoved it back into my pocket and grabbed my other clothes and walked out.
"Where do I put these?" I asked moving my clothes a little in my hands, letting him know exactly what I was talking about.
"Just keep them here for now, It's was to busy for you to put your things in your locker" he simply said and I grabbed my phone and slid it into my pocket as I laid my clothes next to the bathroom door. I then quickly walked out of his office and was greeted by happy, probably drunk, college kids dancing. I giggled and shut the door behind me and tried my best not to bump into someone on the way.

Once I got to the bar, I quickly walked in and Star looked completely stressed, trying her best to make drinks for the people in front of her. Once she saw me her eyes lit up and she smiled and quickly finished her drink and gave it to the man in front.

"Thank god your here, here's a tray and I'll help you make the drinks, by the way sometimes guys like to put tips in your shorts, just let it happen" she said and I backed my head up a little in disbelief.


After what seemed like hours, it was nearly time for me to go, which it was only 3 am. There were still some drunken men at the bar stools but they were about to leave. Once I got every glass and gave it Star, I helped her wash them. Once I was done with that, me and her counted up our tips.

"Two hundred seventy five" she said as she slammed her money on the table making me smile.
"I got two ten, that's so much" I said and she giggled.
"Well if your hot, you usually get a lot more than other waitresses" she said and I blushed in embarrassment, I didn't find myself hot.
"Girls, schedules for the next two weeks" the manager said as he walked up to us with two pieces of papers. He handed me one along with Star and folded his arms, waiting for our answers.
"Cool" I simply said as I looked over my hours.
"Y/n" the manager said making me look up at him. "I saw how you worked tonight, keep it up" he said and winked at me before walking away, making me blush once again.

"Lucky" Star said once as he was out of sight.
"Dude no, I don't even know if name yet" I said and she giggled.
"His name is Zack" she said and I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Okay whatever" I said and we both laughed.

Edited on: 2/21/18

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