Chapter Sixteen

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Your POV

Once we got to the car, there was only five seats and there was six of us.
"Where am I sitting?" I asked as everyone got in, Mark was driving while Dark was in the passenger seat, and poor Wilford has to sit in the back with two drunk men, who were randomly laughing.
"Just sit on me" Dark said as he gave me a little smirk, his eyes glowing with mischievous.
"Are you sure?" I asked, blushing slightly and he nodded. I swallowed down the lump in my throat and slowly began to sit on his lap, feeling extremely embarrassed. Once I fully sat down, he slid his arm around my waist and closed the door, making my face just heat up even more. 

"It's okay baby, no need to be shy" he whispered in my ear as he leaned back into the seat as I smashed my lips together and blushed even more. I lifted my hands and covered my face, feeling how warm is was.
"Can we stop at 7-eleven?!" Jack asked, yelling and moving closer to Mark so he could hear him better, even though we all already could.
"No, God Sean why do want to?" Mark asked, making giggle.
"I want a slushy!!!" He screamed angrily then started laughing with Anti joining in.
"Me and Dark could take him in, We'll watch him like a child" I offered and Mark looked over at me.
"If it makes him shut up then please" Mark said and chucked after, making me smile.

Once pulled in the parking lot of the nearby 7-eleven me and Dark got out, and Jack did do. I gripped on to Jack sleeve to make sure he wouldn't walk off as we entered the store. The worker looked up at us, giving Dark a nasty look and then went back to reading his magazine. Jack went over to the slushes while me and Dark went to the snack aisle.

"We could watch a whole bunch a movies with snacks and pizza?" I asked Dark looking over at him. He smiled and stepped closer to me.
"Your so adorable, that's a great idea kitten" he said, causing me to blush and smile. "I've made you blush three times tonight, maybe I can start making a record?" Dark said, making me sigh and look up at him.
"It's probably because your hot-" I started but cut myself off, "I mean because I like hot pockets" I stated and he laughed.
"You suck at lying" he said and I frowned and looked back at the snacks, grabbing a bag of lays chips.

I heard something spill and I looked over at Jack, who was looking at the blue slushy on the ground, who looked like he was about to cry.
"Jack?" I said as I walked over to him and he looked up at me with tears in his eyes.
"My slushy" he whispered and I pulled my lips in, trying my best not to laugh at him.
"Hey it's okay, we'll get another one for you" I said as I placed my hand on his back and rubbed it, hoping it would make him feel better. He nodded his head and I grabbed one of those yellow sighs and placed it over the spilled slushy.

I made Jack a new slushy while Dark grabbed drinks and snacks for everyone. Once jack got his slushy, he immediately lighten up and hugged me, thanking me more times I can count. While I was walking to the cashier I grabbed a box of bandages. Dark was already up there, with the drinks and snacks covering the whole table. I put Jacks slushy up on the counter, along with my bag of chips and the bandages. The cashier mumbled to him self about how much he hated his job as he was ringing up our snacks.

"Your total is 45.78" he said in a tried voice. I began to pull out my wallet when Dark placed his hand on mine, causing me to look up at him at him. He took out his wallet and took out enough money to cover it all. As the worker bagged our snacks, I eyed Dark, waiting for his next move. Once the worker was done, Dark grabbed all nearly all the bags, before he could reach and grab the last one, I quickly grabbed it, giving Dark a smile.

"Have a good night" the worker said, causing me to look over at him.
"You too" I sweetly said and began to walk out with Dark and Jack, who was happily slurping on his slushy.
"Thank you so much Y/n" Jack said while walking beside me.
"No problem" I smiled at him as we reached the car, opening it for Jack.
"-It's not my fault she's hot!" Screamed Wilford has soon as we opened the door.
"What?" Dark asked, turning everyone's head.
"We were just having an argument, it's nothing" Mark quickly replied to me, then saw the bags, "uh what did you guys get?" He asked.
"Snacks. Y/n had an idea that we watch movies and order pizza so I got snacks for everyone" Dark said as he slid in the passenger seat, setting the bags on the floor.
"Cool" Mark smiled as I placed the bag on my lap and sat back on Darks lap, closing the car door.

Once we got to Marks, I helped Jack to the front door while Dark helped Anti. Once Mark opened the door, a golden retriever began to jump up and down with excitement, her paws clicking against the wooden floor.
"Ugh, the dog" Anti mumbled as he stepped in after the rest of us. Mark closed the door and I helped jack to the couch, once he sat down he fell asleep immediately. Anti flung himself in the cough as well, making an "oof" sound as he did. I turned around to see Dark and Mark talking about something as they unpacked the snacks. I saw the golden dog hopping at my feet, making me smile. I sat down and on the floor and began to pet the golden doggo, while it jumped and wagged its tail.

'Chica' I read her collar as I petted her head. I looked up at Mark, who was already looking at me with a little smile on his face, but once he saw me he blushed and looked away, causing me to blush as well.
"What movie are we watching?" Dark asked us.
"A scary one" Wilford said as he walked past me, catching my eye.
"What about a super hero one?" Mark asked, and both Dark and Wilford gave him a dirty look.
"Shut up nerd" Dark said, making me giggle and get up.
"A scary movie sounds good, just nothing to scary" I said and Dark nodded as he picked up his phone and looked up the nearest pizza place.

Once the pizza got here, we all got comfortable on the couch with our snacks, after Jack moved to the guest bedroom and Anti joined us. I sat in the middle of Wilford and Mark while Dark sat next to Mark and Anti sat next to Dark. Dark snapped his fingers and the lights turned off, making me quietly awe. Mark started playing the movie and I grabbed a piece of pizza, smiling as I did so.

The air was filled with the smell of  hot pizza and ice tea, everyone was in a good mood, which lead me to a good mood as well. As the movie started, I heard Wilford yawn and stretch, softly throwing his arm around my shoulder and pulling my closer to his chest. I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked down and smiled, feeling my heart to thump and race. I looked over at Wil and he gave me a little smirk before looking back at the TV, making me blush even more.

Edited on 4/13/18

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