Chapter Eighteen

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Your POV

I just got off work and as I started to head out I saw Mark waiting at the entrance for something. Once he saw me he smiled and his eyes lit up, causing me to smile as well.
"Your cheek is looking better" I commented and he slightly blushed.
"Well yeah, I used the bandages you got" He said as he held the door open for me, letting the cold night air in.
"Sorry about that, you didn't deserve to get hit by that asshole" I said, folding my arms due to it being so cold out.
"Eh, shit happens" he answered as we began to walk towards his car. "You cold?" He asked me, causing me to look over at him.
"Uh, yeah but I'll be fine" I answered as we meet the sparking car the Mark owned. He opened the door for me, causing me to blush slightly and smile at him. I slid in the car and he closed the door after me then quickly walked to the driver side and opened the door, letting the cold hair in the car.

Once he got in he reached in the back of his seat and grabbed what looked like a black hoodie with what seemed like his merch.
"Don't ask, just put it on" he said, causing me to giggle and blush even deeper. I grabbed it from him and slipped it on, it was bigger than me so it overlapped my arms, but it was warm.
"Thank you, I'm probably gonna keep it. I like it" I said, looking over at him and he made eye contact with me.
"Good, I have to many" he said, causing me to look back at the design. It was a holographic 'M'.
"Why?" I asked, even thought I already knew the answer, he sell merch for his fans.
"Ah, well I work for YouTube, and I sell merch for fans that have been asking for it since like 2015" he chuckled and I smiled.
"I knew you look familiar when I first saw you" I committed and he smiled.

"I'm having a party tomorrow night, your more than welcome to come" he said as he started the car up, letting slightly warm air flow through the vents.
"Is there gonna be a lot of people there?" I asked and he thought about for a second, then answered.
"Maybe 30 or less, it's just a bunch of people who haven't seen Sean in a while for the time he's staying here".
"That's literally the cutest thing ever" I whispered to myself as well as smiling to myself, feeling my cheeks warm up once again.
"What was that?" He asked as he began to drive out of the parking lot and on the way to my home.
"Nothing" I blushed and looked over at him, who was smiling while he kept his eyes on the road ahead.

Once I got home, I was going straight to my room until I saw Wilford sitting on my couch with the TV on. I shook my head at him and just walked on to my room, closing the door behind me. I took of my shoes and threw them in the corner of my room, making a loud thud. I began to talk off my pants, slightly tumbling over myself and fall backwards. Expect for falling on the floor, I fell into a pair of tan, muscular arms.

"Wow you must be that tired to fall" Wilford laughed as he held me up.
"Sorry, I just want my pants off" I laughed as I stood up straight and continued to take off my pants, throwing them into my laundry basket.
"Need help with taking anything else off?" He question in a tone more lowing a softer then it usually is, causing me to blush madly.
"U-Uh no, I think I'm just going to sleep in this" I said looking away from him and to the ground. I saw his legs move closer to me and I could feel him starring down at me. He grabbed my chin softly, causing me to look up at him, sadly locking eyes with the pink hottie.
"I liked what happened earlier" he said, causing me to blush even more, by now I could feel my entire face become warm.
"Wil, I-I'm still trying to figure out what feelings I have a-and you making me blush so much isn't helping" I swallowed down and he smirked.
"I'm not trying to do anything" he whispered as he warped his arm around my waist and pulled me chest to chest with him.
"Yes you are" I said and tried backing away but he held me captive in his warm warms. "I wanna sleep" I spoke up softly, swallowing down the small lump that was forming in my throat. He let go of me and placed his hands on my shoulders, looking over me then smiling.
"Then goodnight" he said, quickly kissing my head and leaving me alone in room, shutting off the light and closing the door. I hesitated, then began to smile like an idiot.

Edited on 4/23/18

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