Chapter Thirty-Four

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Your POV

After Mark explained everything to me, I didn't know how to respond to something like that. It scared me to think that I could try to hurt my friends again, and the fact I had absolutely not control over it. I bit my lip while worry filled my face. I then looked up at Mark with a scared look.
"Don't let me hurt anyone." I simply said and he gave me a reassuring smile.
"I wasn't planning on it." He said, placing his warm large hand on top of mine, giving me sense of comfort.
"Is it okay if I take a shower? I promise to be quick." I asked Mark as he ran his hand through his hair.
"Yeah, I'll get you a towel and wash cloth. You can take as long as you want, there's another bathroom." Mark said while walking down the hall with me behind him.
He opened up a closet and got a light white towel and wash cloth and matched it, giving them to me. His hand brushed up against mine, causing me to slightly blush. 'Quit blushing werido.' I thought as I gave him a small smile, thanking him. He gave one back before turning around and leaving me at the bathroom door. I walked in but I simply remembered that I don't have any clothes, like none, at all.
     "Uh Mark?" I questioned, causing him to turn around and walk back over to me.
     "Yeah?" He asked, moving his black fluffy hair out of his eyes.
      "I don't have any extra clothes..." I trailed off awkwardly, causing him to blush slightly as an idea popped in his head.
     "I could give you a one of my shirts, and I have a pair of shorts I'm sure that you fit you." He said, giving me a soft smile afterwards.
     "And I have a pair of underwear for you!" Wilford said, running down the hall and placing a pair of red laced underwear in my hand. I looked at him with my eyes furrowed.
     "Did you just pull this out of your ass or something?" I asked, and his lips turned into a weird smile.
     "No, I can do magic," he said while snapping his fingers and pink fire came onto his hand. Then a matching red bra came into his hand and handed it to me.
     "What the fuck..." I whispered as I slowly took the bra, giving him a sly look. He winked before walking back into the living room, leaving me with Mark again. I looked at Mark and he looked down quickly.
     "I'll go get you some clothes." He said, walking past me. I pulled in my lips as I was confused on while we left so fast, but quickly let it slide and stepped into the bathroom.
     I placed my things on the bathroom counter as I waited for Mark. I realize how nice the bath room was, lightly brighten up by one light and it had marble floors with a gold counter top. Along with a huge mirror, causing myself to look at my reflection. My hair is a mess, along with my mascara basically smuggled all over my face.
"Here you are, a shirt and a pair of comfortable black shorts." Mark said, snapping me out of my glaze to look over at him. I gave him a warm smile before speaking.
"Thank you Mark, I really appreciate it." I said, causing him to slightly blush and give me a grin.
"Anytime, love." He said, now caused me to blush and looked away with a smile wider than before. Mark left so I could close the door and I then began to figure out how the shower worked. After what seemed like forever, I finally got it and warm water began to spring out. I then quickly got undressed and placed my dirty close in the corner. Once I finally stepped into the shower, my body relaxed and I felt better already.


      As I was putting on the clothes, I realized that the black shorts Mark gave me barely covered my butt, causing me to feel a little uncomfortable. But luckily Marks shirt covered it, kinda. Mark also gave me socks, fuzzy white ones that went past my ankles. I wondered where he got all theses girly things but I didn't let that bother me. I then grabbed my dirty clothes and opened the door to the bathroom and sat them into the room I was sleeping in. I placed them somewhere near the corner and the door, then made my way to the living room where everyone was.
      As I walked into the room, everyone's heads snapped towards me, causing me to feel uncomfortable. I slightly smiled at them and they returned the energy, making it seem as if I never left. I walked over to the couch and sat down at the end of it, propping my head up with my hand.
"So what do you guys wanna do why were on house arrest?" Anti said, slightly floating off the ground with his arms crossed, going him the goth, edgy type personality.
     "I'm sure Amy has Mario Cart." Mark said, catching everyone's attention, but he was only looking at me. I felt my heart race faster as we made eye contact and I gave him a soft smile, letting him know that I was willing to play. He gave me a teeth-y grin before going over to the TV stand.
      It wasn't long before the pulled out Mario Cart for the Wii U along with six different controllers. I got excited quickly and hopped off the couch and sat in front of the TV with my back against the brown wooden coffee table; crisscross applesauce.
     "Why'd you move?" Dark asked me, slowly sitting next to me, so close that out knees were touching.
     "I like sitting on the floor when I play games, I've did it when I was little and I guess I just got used to it." I said warmly along with giving him a small smile. His dark eyes studied mine before he spoke up.
     "So I'm guessing you're good?" He asked, a smirk starting to form, slightly showing his sharp teeth that I was now no longer afraid of.
     "You could say that." I slightly laughed. Mark then gave me a remote, along with everyone else and as the game started, I could feel Dark get slightly closer to me, causing me to blush deeply.

Well, this took like two months to finish. No one told me high school was this stressful and time consuming. Also, I took exams today and got a 42% on my math one :). Once I get on Christmas break I swear I'll upload more, I low key just wanna be done with this book. I have so many new ideas that I'm ready to write.

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