Chapter Nine

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Your POV

Once I got home from the cold dark night I quickly got warm pajamas on and went to my bed. I grabbed my phone and saw that Mark texted me, making me slightly smile.

What are you doing tomorrow?
I have work at eight, so basically nothing till then.
Do you maybe wanna hang out?
Depends, what are you planning?
Oh you know, causally was gonna rob a bank.
Oh, charming, yeah I'll be there.
Alright, bring a mask ;)
You got it

I smiled at my phone and turned it off and turned off my light and laid back in my bed, getting comfortable again. I heard my phone go off again and I picked it up again, thinking it was Mark but it wasn't. It was by an unknown number. 'Don't go to marks' it read. I felt shivers run down my back and I cringed at the text. I shook my head, thinking of the possibility's that it might be a person who got the wrong number or something, but nothing seemed to change my thought about it. I decided it to ignore the extremely creepy text and turned off my phone.

I laid my head in the pillow and starred at the ceiling until I felt my eyelids get heavy. I fluttered my eyes shut and started to drift off to sleep, until I heard a loud crash come from my kitchen, making my once heavy eyelids turn into paper light.

I felt every hair on my neck stand up and the air around me immediately drop. I pealed the sheets off my body and my feet made contact with my carpet as I raced over to my closet, where I kept a baseball bat. I quietly grabbed the bat and held it tight in my hand as I opened my bedroom door, trying my best not to make a sound. I took careful steps towards the sound, swallowing down my pride as I did. Once I got to the kitchen all I saw that there was a plate broken on the floor. I squinted my eyes in disbelief as I got closer to the plate.

"How the fuck does that happen" I said to myself as I lowered the bat and went to grab a broom when I felt a cold chill rush down my spine. I quickly turned around and saw a dark figure of a man and quickly slammed my bat against his head. He grunted and grabbed his head in pain while I screamed and did it again. I squealed as he fell to his knees and gripped his head harder, I heard him growl and I did it once more except a little more harder.

"Why aren't you passing out!" I yelled as I went to hit his head again but his hand quietly shot up and grabbed my bat, holding it tightly. "Shit." He threw my bad across the room and it hit the wall causing it to make a loud thud. He got up, rubbing his head and I backed up but ended up hitting the back of my kitchen counters. I turned around and opened one of my drawers looking for a knife but it was just cooking supplies. I went to go for the other drawer but the mans arms quickly and swiftly warped around my waist, stopping me.

"I didn't expect this princess to be so fierce" he chuckled making me swallowed to make my throat clear. I touched his arms and tried to peal them off me but he only held on tighter.
"Fucking let go of me!" I yelled as I tried to get away but he only made it harder for me.
"Now why would I do that?" He asked, whispering in my ear sending chills down my spine.
"Your a fucking prick" I said furrowing my eyebrows in frustration and stopped trying to get away, knowing that I wouldn't get anywhere.
"No need to be so rude princess" he stated and I grunted as I went to get out of his grasp. I swiftly bent down so I could see his hands and leaned in, once I got my mouth close enough, I bit his skin as I hard as I possibly could. He yelled in pain and his arms fell back to his sides. I ran over to the corner of the kitchen, searched the drawers and found my silverware and grabbed the biggest knife I saw.

I held the knife up and pointed it at the man, who, for some reason looked like he was wearing a light gray suit, something someone would wear at a wedding or something.

"I swear don't you come any closer" I said harshly and he stood up, cracking his neck as he looked down at me. He was much taller than me, which made me feel overpowered and weak. He took a step closer to me and I could now see his face due to the moonlight hovering over him. He had the same facial features as Mark, like the exact same jawline and everything. His hair was a lot droopier, which made it go over his left eye a little. His eyes were the thing that scared me the most, they were completely black and soulless. Then it hit me, I knew exactly who this was.

"It's good to see you know who I am princess" he stated and chuckled darkly causing me to tense up.
"I'm not a princess" I quickly said and he smirked at me, admiring my confidence.
"You could easily be treated like one" he said stepping closer to me, I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What? No! Dude get the hell out of my house!" I yelled and his once devilish smirk turned into a angry frown, his eyes having a tint of red in them.
"We could do this the easy way or the hard way" he remarked, gritting his teeth to keep his anger in. I felt my mouth gasp open a little in disbelief, to think this guy really thinks I'm going with him.

"What buffoonery drug are you on to thing I, will ever go with you? I will give you ten seconds to get the hell out of my house or I'm calling the police, and telling them that I'm only 16 and you tried to rape me so they come quicker" I said as I crossed my arms and starred at his now, red soulless eyes.

"Hard way it is" he harshly mumbled as black smoke started to form around his body and came closer to me. I felt my entire body freeze up, making me drop the large knife on the ground beside me. I couldn't move for the life of me and he came closer, close enough to where he grabbed my chin harshly and smirked. Soon enough, the black cloud of smoke was now completely around the both of us. "Night night, princess" he chuckled and I felt my eyelids get heavier and heavier before they fully shut and my consciousness slips away, causing everything to become black.

Edited on 2/22/18

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