Chapter Two

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Your POV

I told Mark that I wanted to get more sleep, even though I just woke up, I felt completely exhausted and completely drained, like all my muscles in my body didn't have the energy for what step I took next. He said it was alright and walked me back to my room, before I could open it he gently grabbed my hand. I looked over my shoulder to see that he wanted to say something but the words were stuck in his throat. He then took a deep breath and I locked eyes with me.

"I just wanted to say, that if you need anything, or someone to talk to I'm always open" he said in a calming voice, making me smile slightly.
"T-Thank you" I stuttered out and then turned around and warped my arms around his waist, bringing his body closer to mine and hugging him.
"No worries" he simply said as he hugged me back.

I felt so warm being in his arms, as if I just rapped myself in a huge fluffy blanket. My stomach turned to butterflies and my I could feel my hands start to sweat, along with the rest of my body. As we pulled away, I could already feel the feelings soaring out of my body. He sweetly smiled at me and started to walked away when I turned and walked into my room and closed the door softly behind me.

I went to go lay down and then realized that I was getting extremely uncomfortable in my jeans that I was wearing. I then went over to the dresser and pulled out the first drawer: nothing. I closed that one and pulled out the second one; nothing once again. I then did the same for the third one and I found what looked like a red flannel.

I quickly pulled it out and held it against my body, examining it to see if it would fit me, and it sure looked like it did. I slid off my pants and folded them and laid them on the ground next to the bed, not knowing what to do with them. I had a black T-shirt on, but I decided to take that off too, due to this flannel being long sleeve and pretty thick, I didn't want to get hot. I then unbutton the shirt and softly slid it on my cold arms.

Once I had the flannel on me and had it buttoned up to the second to first button, I realized that it went little ways down past my thighs, making me nod my head in approval.

'I should tell or ask Mark that I'm using a flannel that I just randomly found' I thought and furrowed my eyebrows. 'What if he gets mad?', I thought as I felt my heart beat a little faster and anxiety started to wash over me.

"No no it's fine" I thought and then walked over to the door. I hesitantly grabbed the door knob and slowly twisted it and then pulled, opening the door. As I walked out and down the hall a little I realized that Dark and Mark where talking to someone, someone who had a weird choice of clothing. I decided not to judge so I just walked a little closer until Mark caught my glance, looking over at me.

Once he turned his head and paid full attention to me, his eyes widen slightly in surprise and amusement as he scanned my body, making it very clear that he liked what he saw. I felt my whole body tense up as he did and my face heat up.

"Well well well, who is this perfect master piece you call a human?" The one man ask and I looked over at him and finally got a good look of him. He had a pink mustache that was curled at the tips of it, along with the same facial features of Mark and Dark.

"T-This is Y/n, and don't do anything stupid" Mark finally choked out as he looked over at the man. I knew his from somewhere but I could land my finger on it. He walked closer to me and grabbed my hand, causing me to slightly jump at his sudden touch. He bent down on one knee and bring my hand to his mouth, his mustache slightly rubbing against it.

"For you, are a beautiful goddess from Greece, the gods have given me a gift of your beauty" he simply said as he kissed my hand. I felt my cheek heat up and I slightly smiled at him as he let go of my hand and stood up properly.
"And that's it! Well Y/n how about me and you play some Mario cart eh?" I heard Mark say as he quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch. Then I finally remembered who he was. It was Wilford and I remember that we just had a conversation about this and now I felt stupid.

As I sat down on the couch and Mark sat next to me, I heard the noise of rushing and I then felt Wilford sit next to me. I looked over at him and he smirked at me causing me to scoot a little closer to Mark. Mark sighed as he got up and grabbed four  remotes, wishing he only had to grab two. He hand me one and the other two to Dark and Wilford and turned on the game system.

As we started to play it was completely silent, the tension between the boys made me extremely uncomfortable. Once we started to race, I was in first place which made a smile appear on my face. But then Mark bumped into me and made me run into the grassy part, which slows you down.

"Aw Mark what the hell" I whispered as I turned my cart and started driving again, being in 8th place now.
"Sorry, you were in my way" he said and chucked.
I started to catch up and soon enough I was behind Mark. I bumped into him, causing him to run into a pole.
"That's what you get you sneaky bitch" I whispered to Mark and we both busted out laughing.


After a couple of games, I became extremely tired, to the point I could barely keep my eyes open and I would yawn every five minutes.
"I'm going to go to bed" I said and I went to stand up but Dark stood before me, causing me not to stand up.
"Allow me~" he said as he took a step back and grabbed my hand, lifting me up. I could feel Wilford's and Mark's eyes glaring at us, making me slightly uncomfortable. He held my hand as he walked me down the hall and to my room. He opened the door for me and allowed me to walk in.

Just as I went over to my bed and pulled the sheets over my body, I heard the door close. I then felt chills go down my spine and the air around me drop.

'Sweet dreams kitten, for soon you'll be mine'
As soon as those words echoed threw my mind my eyelids dropped and everything went black.


A/n: Edited on 1/22/18

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