Chapter Twenty-Three

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Your POV

*two months later*

I was laying on my couch playing with Chica's hair. Mark was out of town for the week and I was taking care of her. I was watching TV when I got a call from an unknown number.

I picked up my phone and answered it.
"Hello?" I question.
"Y/n, my little girl, how have you been?" A man asked.
"Dad?" I asked confused.
"Yes, daddy's back" he said, I could feel him smirking, I breathed in hard.
"How did you get my number?" I asked, knowing the answer.
"Honey I'm own the F.B.I, I know everything" he said.
"Then what do you want?" I asked.
"I need you for a job; undercover job; there is a man in a black car waiting for you outside, hurry up" he said which made me confused.
"I can't just leave I-"
"I don't care what your doing, get in the car" he said harshly as I nodded my head.
"Okay" I said as I hung up the phone. I walked to my window to see that there was a black car waiting for me.

I went to my room and slipped on a pair of black leggings with a one of Marks hoodies along with a pair of black vans. I petted Chica goodbye, grabbed my phone and walked out. The man rolled down his window and motion his hand to come. I walked over, open the car door and slid in.

"Y/n" He asked and I nodded. He put the car out of park and we were off. I took my phone out and went to mark contact, to text him. The guy grabbed my phone and rolled down his window.
"What are y-" I started but he threw it out the window.
"What the hell?!" I yelled mad as hell.
"Your father said your not allowed to text or call anyone about this, to destroy your phone" he said not even moving a muscle. I huffed as I crossed my arms and face forward.

He better have a good excuse to throw my phone away

I thought as I laid my head on the window, remembering how far away his away was.

"Can I turn on the music?" I asked looking over at him.
"No." He said bluntly as I rolled my eyes and looked out the window.

I woke up from the guy shaking me.
"Where here" He said bluntly as I rubbed my eyes and looked over at him with a dirty look for waking me up. He got out of the car and I followed as we entered a y'all building. He took me up to the top floor where my father was, which I wasn't happy to see him.

As the elevator opened everyone looked at me as I went to his office. When the guy stopped in front of the door I knew it was my dads. I opened the door slowly and saw him in his big black chair. When he saw me he had a smile on his face and got up to hug; when he did I didn't hug him back at all.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" He asked which made me furious.
"You left when I was 14, hardly ever called, never visited, and one of your dumbass workers just threw my phone out a window, yeah I'm just so fucking happy to see you" I said giving him a sarcastic look.
"Ah there the temper I always loved" he said making me roll my eyes.

"Just tell me why the hell I'm here?" I said as he motion the guy to go away and he shut the door. He sat back down in his chair and I sat in the one in front of his desk.

"Your gonna need this" He said causally and slid a black pistol across his desk.
"Dad what the fuck! That's a gun!" I said putting my hands up.
"I know" he said as he leaned back into his chair.
"I don't know how to shoot that" I said looking at him with shock.
"We'll teach you. I hope your okay with going into compact training. Well you really don't have a choice" he said with a sicking smirk on his face.

"What the hell do you want me for" I said.
"Your friend Mark, there's something strange about him" he said making my eyes go wide.
"W-what do you mean" I said stupidly.
"You know what I mean, did I not say I know everything? Anyway, I need you bring him here, we need to do experiments on him" he said smiling.
"I'm not going to do that" I said breathing out.

"You don't have a choice" he said as he snapped his fingers and I felt something cold against my head. I licked my teeth as I kept a straight face.

"You would kill your own daughter for this?" I asked locking eyes with him.
"I would indeed" I said as he kept a straight face with me.
"Fine" I said coldly he motioned his hand and the gun was off my head and then he looked at me.

"You will stay here for a month, train hard, and then go out get Mark, come back and your mission is done. You'll be free to go" he said calmly as he looked at one of his men. Someone quickly grabbed my arm and raised me up and dragged me out of the room and down the hall to the elevator. We went 4 floors down to see that it was a huge room full of punching bags and other things. He took my down another hall and pushed me into a room and slammed it shut, locking it.

There was only a bed and a little room where the toilet was. There was also a small white dresser and the rest was white walls. I sighed and sat on the bed as I stared at the blank wall.

I just hope Mark is okay.

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