Chapter Twelve

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Your POV

Wilford started to bust out laughing making me and Mark both look over at him. Dark hit his stomach, signaling him that he needed to be quite. Dark saw us starring and smiled at us.

"I'll take kitten home now" Dark said plainly and Mark stepped closer to me.
"It's Y/n, not kitten" Mark said and I looked down and started to blush of embarrassment.
"Oh right," Dark said and laughed. He walked up to me and grabbed my waist, pushing me into his chest. He snapped his fingers before anything else could happen and black smoke surrounded us. One second we were with everyone and the next I was back in my kitchen.

"That's so cool" I said as I examined my kitchen, which looked exactly like how I left it.
"Why thank you" Dark said making me looked over at him. His arm was still warped around my waist, making me blush and step away. Dark faced me and pressed his body against mine, making my back hit the island in my kitchen. "I never got to tell you how beautiful you are" he said, making me widen my eyes at his statement.
"Oh uh, thanks" I said and he backed up, eyeing me as he did.
"God, your gorgeous, how are you still single?" He asked and I blush at all the compliments he was giving me.

"I wasn't until about a month ago" I said and his face went plain.
"Did he brake up with you?" He demanded.
"No, I broke up with him" I said and his eyes went back to being soft.
"Oh why?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Him and one of my ex friend's hooked up" I said, and after I did I heard the sour in my voice. I looked up at Dark who looked mad.
"Watch the news for the next day" he said and I looked at him weirdly, then realized what he was saying.
"Don't hurt him" I said and he smirked.
"I'm not kitten" he said as he placed his large, gray hand on my cheek, locking eyes with me. "Only hurt him, extremely badly so he wished he was dead" he said as he kissed my head and snapped his fingers. He teleported back, leaving a fog of black smoke. I starred at my kitchen floor for a little bit, trying to warp my head around what he just said.


I headed my way towards work, already in my work outfit unlike last time. It was nearly summer time, which made me think about the times I used to go to the beach with now old friends. Once I got to the bar, I quickly made my way over to the bar where Star was getting ready. When she saw me she smiled.

"Hey" she said cheerfully, which made me in a good mood.
"Hey" I said as I went behind the counter along side her.
"Zach told me to teach you to make some drinks so our bartender isn't doing it all" Star said and I nodded as she got a couple shot glasses along with a couple bottles of alcohol.

I looked up to scan the room and saw Dark, who was sitting on a couch on the top floor. Star handed me something and I looked over at her and grabbed a shot glass. I looked back up and saw no one on the top floor, making me squint my eyes, positive that I saw someone.
"What are you looking at?" Star asked snapping me out of my glaze.
"Nothing, my mind was just playing tricks" I answered with a smile.

Once eleven o'clock rolled around, the sights of Dark just got worse and worse. I would glance at him and once I would look back, he wasn't there. I tried my best to just ignore it but, it's hard when someone is that attractive. A group of men came through, wilding each other up and setting down at a table in my section. I grabbed a tray and walked over there with a fake smile on my face. Once they saw me walking over they all stopped horsing around and sat up straight.

"What can I get you all?" I asked and all the guys looked at each other, like they were all thinking the same thing.
"Can we just get some shots of vodka?" One asked and I smiled and nodded at him.
"Will that be all?" I asked and one of them leaned forward and smirked.
"Could I get a blowjob as well?" He asked and the rest of them started to slightly laugh.
"No sorry, we don't have those. But we do have a kick in the ball if that's what your asking for?" I said with a sarcastic smile, making everyone but him laugh their ass off. He rolled his eyes and turned his head away from me. "I'll be back with your order" I said and one thanked me before I walked away, rolling my eyes. Star saw me and laughed while I told her what happened.

Once I gave the table of men there drinks, they payed up. The one man who I got in a disagreement before offered me a tip, so I kindly thanked him. He reached out and put it in my front pocket for me, getting extremely close to my womanhood. I glared at him and thank him once more before moving on to the next table. "Fucking asshole" I mumbled to myself as I offered to take orders for a group of colleagues.

Just as I finished up making some drinks, I heard people start to yell which made me flick my head up to see what's happing. The man who was constantly flirting with me was standing up, holding his neck as if he was being choked, his face was a bright red and his friends where smacking his back; trying to make him cough whatever he was choking on. I felt shivers go down my spine as I saw Dark standing there, a smirk on his face as he stared at the man. I widen my eyes as I looked over at Star, who looked over at me with a scared look on her face. I quickly walked over to the man to see he was still choking, making me furrow my eyebrows in anger. I looked over at Dark and we made slight eye contact, I mouth "stop" and he payed fully attention to me. His smirk widen into a dark, devilish one and he cracked his neck, earring  few screams.

But they weren't screaming at Dark, they couldn't even see him. I turned around to see the man on the ground; with a broken neck.

Edited on 3/3/18

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