Chapter Twenty-Four

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Your POV

I jolted up from my bed from someone banging loudly on my door, causing me to fall off the bed and hit my head against the bed frame.
"Ow fuck" I laughed at myself as I rubbed my head, already feeling a bump starting to form. I heard the door open and a large, muscular tan man walk in with a slight annoyance on his face.
"Why are you on the ground?" He asked, I could tell he had some kind of accent, maybe British?
"I fell when someone scared me" I glared at him, causing him to kiss his teeth as he looked away.
"Right, well get up" he demanded, causing me to roll my eyes and get up, crossing my arms as I stood up straightly.

He swung the bag on his shoulder and began to unzip it, taking out a pair of black joggers and a black tee shirt. He threw me the clothes and I quickly caught them, giving him a glare.
"Get those on, your training starts soon" he spoke with a cold tone, making me question if this guy has any feelings at all. He zipped up the bag and put it over his shoulder then looked over at me.
"Well? Are you going to get dressed?" He asked annoyed, making my eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"Well, are you going to turn around or leave?" I asked in the same tone as he did, making him smirk and laugh a little from being so annoyed.
"God you're annoying, I have to see what your body type is. To see what you need to work on" he said calmly, trying his best not to get angry with me.

"Why can't you just see my body type through my clothes?" I asked, causing him to take a deep breath in and look at me.
"Because, It's just what I'm told to do" he said with a slight attitude, making me ask myself if I was actually being annoying to him.
"O-Okay" I spoke with a tint of sorrow as I began to remove the hoodie I had on, causing the cold air to rush onto my skin causing goosebumps. Once it was fully off I felt a rush of anxiety go to my stomach, causing me to feel sick. I looked around and keep myself focused on what was happening and began to pull of my pants. I felt completely violated and uncomfortable, causing me to become tense. Once my pants where off, I felt extremely cold and all I wanted to do was to be back in Marks warm arms.

I began to slide on the joggers, giving this guy a death glare as I did so. He just looked away, placing his hand on the back on neck. I rolled my eyes as I began to put on the shirt. Once it was on, he looked back at me an gave me a sarcastic smile.
"Great, now come with me" he spoke coldly as he lead me out of my "room" and down the pale gray hall says that reminded me of a hospital. As we walked down the hall my footsteps echoed, causing it to make an eerie feeling. Once we got into a bigger room that was filled with gym equipment, making me cringe.

"You'll be here a lot, so get used to the sight" he spoke to me coldly making me whine, causing him to look over at me with confusion.
"You don't have to be so...ruthless you know?" I asked him with concern, causing him to roll his eyes at me, making me scoff.
"Listen, sweetheart, I don't want to be here. With you, helping you, so would you just stop talking" he told me while stepping closer to me, causing us to lock eyes. I could tell from his dark blue eyes that he felt bad for what he said, but his face and body language said otherwise.
"Sorry" I mumbled, causing him to kiss his teeth and then away from me.

We continue to walk around the gym, he was explaining things to me, like how this place was ran and who I would have to respect, blah blah. Once he showed me everything, he lead me back to my little room that reminded me of an asylum. As I walked in my "room" I saw him grab my clothes from off the floor.
"What are you going to do with those?" I asked in a panicked tone, causing him to raise him eyebrows at me.
"I was told to get rid of them" he said, then began to turn back around before I stopped him.
"No!" I yelled and he gave me a confused look and I cleared my throat before taking again, "I really like my clothes, don't get rid of them. Please?" I asked in a softer tone with mercy. His face began to soften and he looked down at the pile of clothes he had in his hands, then back up at the wall to think.
"I was told to put these in the trash" he told me as he was giving me back my-Marks hoodie, placing it in my arms.
"Hide that" he whispered at me before walking out and closing the door behind him and quickly walking off.

I held up the hoodie, getting a good look at it before pressing it against my chest, feeling it's warmth. When I pulled the hoodie away I smiled to myself and quickly laid back down on my bed, very uncomfortable bed. And I suddenly realized how much I missed Mark. All of them, actually, I just wanted to be back home in my bed, warped around his arms.

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