Chapter Thirty

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-Two and a half weeks later-

Justin's POV

"Y/n? It's time to go! The car is waiting for you outside." I yelled while knocking on the iron door. I then unlocked it and let Y/n step out into the gray hallway.

She looked lifeless. So lifeless, her skin was paler and her eyes looked grey, they were grey. She looked sad? But mixed with anger and frustration as well.

"I just can't wait." She said sarcastically as we walked down the hall way together, a thick tension was in the air. It hasn't been the same since she's changed, and I can't help but blame it on me for not helping her out.

"Do you remember everything I've taught you?" I asked, trying to start a conversation with her; something I haven't had in a while.
"Do I have a choice?" She asked coldly, looking over at me with a blank expression.
"No..." I trailed off. She took a deep breath in when we got to the end of the hall way. I looked over at her, looking her in the eyes.

"I'm going to help you, as soon as you leave I'll be on my way to make sure you don't hurt the ones you love." I told her in a rushed whisper so no one around us could hear.
"What do you mean? I don't love anyone." She said flatly with the slightest of confusion.
"Of course you don't remember." I said ruthlessly while stepping into the elevator with her, quickly pushing the first floor.

I then looked over at Y/n again. I saw her hold up her hands and stare at them with an expression of lost and confusion. She blinked a couple of times, her eyes flickering between completely black and her original e/c eyes.

She was fighting with her dark ego. And it made me wounded if bringing up Mark and the others had to do with it. She was clearly remembering her "loved ones".

"Are you okay?" I asked, and she quickly looked over at me with a blank expression.
"Yeah, everything is...fine." She spoke softly as the elevator doors opened up. I saw two men all black tux's waiting for Y/n with blank expression.

We walked over to them and as soon as we got in front of them, one gave Y/n a gun. She held the black pistol in her hand, examining it. She then quickly put in her back pocket and then looked up at me.

"It was good knowing you...I guess." She said, while holding her hand up for a high-five. I smiled and gave her a high-five; she still had her goofy personality.
"Bye." I said bluntly, and she nodded her head and they all walked out of the building, and into a black SUV.

Once they pulled out of the parking lot and into the street, I quickly made my way down the hall way. I walked over to the elevator and went to the fifth floor, where the lap was. I was already growing impatient, and wished it would hurry.

When I got to the floor, I calmly walked to the end of the hall. I saw that there was only one person working in there, so I quickly typed in the code on the key pad and unlocked the door. When it opened, the women looked over at me, her face full of confusion.

"Excuse me, why are you in here?" She asked suspiciously, causing me to grow worried.
"A experiment went wrong and I need the biomeds to fix it." I responded and she furrowed her eyebrows at me.
"What experiment?" She asked, crossing her arms.
"The one involving Y/n L/n." I stated and she widen her eyes with realization and quickly nodded her head.

She walked over to a white table and opened up a briefcase that had three different needles in it, all with a light blue liquid. She picked one up before turning around to me. She grabbed a small paper back and placed it in there, then sealed it.
"You need to inject it into her neck, around the same spot she was injected with the first time. It will take a little less than four days for it to clearly remove for her. So she will have spasms, just find a way to calm her down." She spoke calmly. I nodded my head as she handed me the bag, giving me a small smile.

"Justin?" I heard someone ask, making my self freeze in the moment. I turned my head to see him.
I swallowed down the fear that was jumping in my throat and responded.
"Yes, Sir?" I asked as he stepped towards me, a face full of doubt and suspicion.
"What are you doing?" He asked, and the women looked at me with a confused expression. I looked at her and she squinted her eyes at me, looking annoyed.

I slightly laughed before running, I pushed him out of the way and quickly ran down the hall and into elevator. I pushed the first floor over and over again, quickly as I saw him get up and started running towards me. The doors quickly shut before he could get to me, causing me to let out a sigh. I gripped the little bag in my hand as I got anxious.

When the doors opened, I saw him open the door of the stairs, looking at me with complete anger. I raced toward the front doors, running towards a motorcycle I saw that had keys in it. I then felt a stinging, burning pain rushing into my left shoulder, causing me to groan in pain. I turned around to see him with a gun in his hand, and a smirk on his face.

I shook my head, telling myself to snap out of it and got on top of the motorcycle. I quickly turn the keys and felt it rumble, signaling me that it's on. I put my foot on the petal and placed my hand on the handle, squeezing it, causing it to go forward. I turned and quickly left the parking lot. I had Marks address, and I quickly raced towards it.

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