Chapter Thirteen

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Your POV

After the ambulance came and took the man away, most people left, making the once noisy bar into small talking. 'I'm going to kill Dark for this' I thought through out as I roughly cleaned shot glasses. I slammed a little to hard putting the glass down and ended up breaking it, causing a piece of glass to cut into my hand. "Shit" I mumbled as I grabbed my hand an held it in the pain. I cleaned up my mess before heading to the bathroom to clean my hand.

As I entered the bathroom the atmosphere instantly changed, getting colder as I stepped closer to the sink. I ignored it as I ran cold water over my hand, watching the blood and water run down the drain together. I took a deep breath and looked up at the mirror to see Dark standing behind me, his hands held together behind his back. I quickly turned off the water and turned around to face him.

"Why the hell did you do that?" I asked harshly in a whisper, making sure no one could here me
"What?" He asked, the playfully tone in his voice and the innocent face he held make me furrow my eyebrows in anger.
"You know exactly what, smartass" I spat, making him tilt his head in disbelief.
"No need to be so rude, I was only protecting you" he said, his tone of mischief slightly turned duller, making it sound like he really was.
"That's not how you protect someone!" I yelled, then stopped to calm myself, "I can protect myself perfectly fine". His face softened and his arms flapped against his sides.

"Listen, I don't know what your deal is but, I'm only trying to help" he said, crossing his arms as if he was my parent and he just gave me a lecture.
"I don't need your help" I stated, softening my words.
"Fine, be like that!" he yelled, earning a small tinge of red in his yes, signaling that he was mad.
"Don't be upset, Dark" I said in a simple tone, crossing my arms.
"I'm not!" he said harshly before snapping his fingers together and disappearing. I rolled my eyes and turn back to the sink and grabbed a paper towel and warped it on my hand.

I walked over to the door and opened it up to see that the bar was starting to fill up again, with it only be twelve, almost one, it made me question why. Star saw me and quickly waved me over.
"I heard you yell in the bathroom, are you okay?" She asked with a small smile.
"Oh yeah, I was just on the phone with someone" I answered her and her eyebrows raised up.
"Oooh, was it a boy?" She asked and I laughed slightly and shook my head.
"No, not into anyone at the moment" I told her and her eyes lit up.
"Then why not Zack?" She asked, with a silly smirk that made me roll my eyes.
"I'm not dating my boss" I said laughing and she did the same. I then grabbed a band-Aid and a tray an started to take orders.


Once the bar closed, which was about two thirty, I counted up my tips and went home. On my way home, I got a call from Mark, which made me think why the hell he was awake. I answered and put the phone up to my ear.
"Hey, did you get off work yet?"
"Yeah, almost home, why?"
"I always wanted to go to Waffle House at three am"
"You called me for that?"
"So I'm guessing you want me to come?"
"Please?" - "unless you were about to go to bed! I don't want to interrupt you, your probably tired you worked all night, shit sorry for-"
"I'll go"
"Yeah, I'm craving some waffles"
"YAY! Okay text me when you get home and I'll pick you up"

I pulled the phone away from my ear from the phone and hung up, them realized that I was smiling the whole time and stopped and quickly walked home. Once I got home, I walked to my bathroom and redid my hair, along with putting on some perfume on so I didn't smell like booze.

I changed into a pair of black leggings, which where so comfortable, and a light gray hoodie, along with black vans. I texted Mark and told him I was home. He responded quickly saying he was on his way, making me smile. I played on my phone until o got the text saying he was outside, which then I quickly got up and opened up my door and made my way outside.

I saw him in the dark night, waiting outside his car on the passenger side waiting for me. I smiled and waved at him as he moved and opened up the door for me, letting me slide in. His car smelled like him, mixed with a little smell of pine and dog. Once he got in the car, it immediately lit up, lifting all the negative energy and turning it into happy ones. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded my head.


"So what are you getting to drink?" Mark asked me, causing me to look up from my menu and smirking at him. The entire restaurant was lit, but hardly no one was in it, we were the only customers.
"Definitely hot chocolate with whip cream" I said, making him smile.
"Smart" he said, making me smile as well. A women came over, you could tell she was tired but she faked a smile for us as she came closer.

"What can I get you two?" She asked, her voice flat and tired.
"A hot chocolate with whip cream for the lady, and I'll have the same thing" Mark said.
"Alright, ready to order?" She asked, obviously wanting this thing to be over.
"Uh?" Mark said looking over at me, waiting for me to say yes or no. I nodded my head and smiled.
"I'll have a chocolate chip waffle with a side a bacon please" I spoke up, watching the lady write down my order. I looked over at Mark who was starring at me with an face filled with endearment, making me blush and look away.
"I'll have the same thing" Mark said, still looking at me.

Edited on 3/5/18

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