Chapter Twenty-One

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Your POV

     It was nearly two in the morning and I was drunker than I was supposed to be, considering I had about three drinks and only stopped about thirty minutes ago. I became really good friends with Gabbie and Liza, along with everyone else in their little squad. Many people were leaving, saying there goodbyes and exiting out the door. Before Gabbie and them left, they all gave me my number so we could hang out again some time, which was I excited for.

After may people left and it was just me, Mark and some of his close friends left, so I decided to tell Mark goodbye and get ready for the hangover for tomorrow morning. As I walked over to Mark, I felt someone touch my shoulder, slightly gripping it. I turned around and saw Anti, who was slightly cleaner than usual.
"I need to talk to you" he firmly said, moving his hand and warping his arm around my shoulder, causing me to stumble and walk towards an empty room.
"Ugh, why?" I asked as we entered what looked like a bathroom and he shut the door behind us.
"I read your mind the other day-"
"You What?-"
"Shut up and let me talk. I can tell your devolved feelings for Dark, Wil, and Mark" he finished, causing me to blush slightly and look him in the eye.
"Why? Pfft noooo" I said, sounding way more sarcastic then I intended to.
"It's not that hard to tell either, your all blushy and happy around them I can tell by your aura, it's gross" he said in a pissy manner, making me furrow my eyebrows in disbelief.
"I don't- I'm trying to figure it out right now, oh my I feel like I'm going to puke" I trailed off holding my head and Anti stepped away from in disgust.
"I personally think you should go for Dark-"
"Dude, I'm not even looking for a relationship at the moment. Why do you even care?" I questioned and he locked eyes with me.
"I'm a nosy person, and causing drama is what I do for fun, beside killing people" he said in a mocking tone, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Just, try to keep it a secret for now, I don't want to tell them all I like them, that would be bad" I said and then widen my eyes and looked up at Anti to see him smirking with a sick look in his eyes.
"Don't say anything" I threatened, causing him to chuckle and come closer to me, causing him to tower over me.
"Don't threaten me sweetheart, bad things could happen~" he laughed, causing my hair on the back of my neck stand up a shiver go down my spine. I locked eyes with his black filled ones and he pulled away from me and walked out, leaving me to rethink about what just happened.

I went to go find Mark, checking every room and soon once I got to the last one, I slowly opened it to see Mark talking to some girl with brown hair. He looked annoyed, as if they've just got into a fight. The girl raised her hand and placed it on his cheek and stepped closer to him, making me think that she was about to make a move.
"I know you miss me Mark, please baby I need you" She said, placing her other hand on his other cheek, squeezing his cheeks together a little.
"Amy-" he said, but was quickly cut off when she placed her small pink lips on his. I felt my heart drop into my stomach and it felt as if I was going to puke, but I continued to watch, scared to make a move. Once she pulled away Mark slightly smiled and she smiled even wider.
"You can't deny it" She said to him.
"I-I don't know" he simply said and she huffed, it wasn't the answer she wanted. Mark looked up and saw me standing in the door way, his face going pale and his emotions leaving his face.

"I'm sorry, I was looking for my friend" I quickly said and then slammed the door shut, making me squint my eyes asking why didn't I just leave. I quickly walked down the hall and raced out the front door, not wanting to waiting for Mark to come after me.

When I got outside I began my walk home, and I soon heard the front door open and shut quickly.
"Y/n!" I heard Mark yell, causing me to walk faster. "Y/n!" He yelled again, getting closer to me. I stopped and turned around, trying my best not look him in the eye so I just looked down.
"It's not what it looked like, I promise. She was my ex and she still loves me, I don't like her like that" he told me, but I knew what I heard and saw, so I didn't talk.
"I do not like her like that, at all, she's just a little drunk and it happened" he finished and I just rolled my eyes and went to turn around but he grabbed my hand.
"Mark." I said, gritted my teeth, "do me a favor and just piss off" I said but he only stepped closer to me.
"Don't be mad, please" he told me and I felt my eyes tear up, even if I didn't want them to and tried not to they did.
"I'm not mad" I whispered, "I'm just really hurt, and feel stupid to actually think someone like you cared about me."
"Don't, I saw you smile after you kissed her, don't worry about me, I'm totally fine"
"No, just stop trying to fix the problem, it's clear you still have feelings for her, I'm just stupid for actually catching feelings for someone who wasn't going to like me back, just leave me be" I said, looking him in the eyes, tears rolling down my face. He looked as if he was going to cry too, and he looked down at his shoes and then his eyes darted back up to my e/c eyes.
"I'm sorry" he whispered, his voice cracking a little. I felt as if I just stabbed a dog when he said that and I frowned even deeper and just turned around and started walking home, whipping my eyes and sniffing.

Once I got home, I felt like shit, like complete shit. I slid off my shoes, leaving them on the floor next to my front door and made my way to my bed. Once getting to it I flopped on it, warping myself in its warm covers, feeling a little bit better. I took a deep breath in, trying my best to cry myself to sleep. I picked up my phone, seeing that there was multiple texts and calls from Mark, making me want to answer but I knew it was just going to be a bad apology, so I laid it back down on my end table and left it to charge. I felt like sleeping, so that's exactly what I did, I slept.

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