.:Instructions on how to love!:. (Ulquiorra love story)

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Chapter One: The Beginning.


I sat there alone, listening to the wind mock me. Hearing it ringing in my ears. Feeling it's coldness nibbling at my ears, turning them numb and red. I could feel winter slowly making its way. It was mid-fall, more or less. The clouds in the sky were white, and hanging low. I shuddered in the cold night, clutching my kimono shirtcloser to my body.

Dad, where did you go? How could you leave us? You have no idea the trouble me and Kagami went through. Where were you when Kagami needed you the most? You promised dad... You promised. What ever happened to that promise?

The bruises on my body stung terribly, but i ignored the pain, and focused on the numbness that was now taking over.

(My Past)

My older sister, Kagami, has always been there for me since I could last remember. Our mother was a drunk. She would get drunk, than she would always take out her frustrations and anger on me and my sister while my dad was away on a job. Our dad seemed to always be away on some kind of a job. And one day.... He just never came back. He disappeared when I was 6. Kagami was 8. We assumed our father had left because of our mother's alcohol problem. The last thing thatwe heard from him saying was "When the time is right, Kagami, I will come and get you."


He never came. We waited years for him, but as time passed, our hopes began to dwindle down to nothing. And now, there is no hope to see him. Why would that be? Because Kagami died. He said he would come back for her, not me. But why would I want to see someone who left us with a drunk.

My name is Mai Ichimaru. I am 17 years old. My sister, Kagami, and I are identical. But we are not twins. She is 2 years older than me. Or at least she was when she was still alive. She died 2 months ago. I don't know how or why. One day she was healthy as a horse, than the next day I go to her house to find her laying on the floor dead.

Since I was ten years old, I remember being able to see ghosts. They never hurt me in any way, nor did they speak to me. I just ignored them, pretending I couldn't see them.


I am 5' 4". I have blonde choppy hair that goes past my shoulders by 2 inches. My eyes are a blue-ish gray color. I'm a bit of a hyper, out-goingtype of girl. I'm not a loner at my school, nor do I fit in exactly. I have my friends, and that's all I could really ask for.


I felt the first drop of snow this year touch my nose. I looked up at the sky to see snow falling lightly down to the cold ground. They were small little puffy balls. I was sitting in the back of my apartment, in my white kimono, thinking about the things going on. I have been taking a class in High School teaching us how to fight. There are 4 levels in this archery class. (No it's not shooting arrows. It's fighting with wooden poles. Hand to hand combat. That kind of stuff.) I'm in the 3rd year.

My mother was in the apartment drinking her booze like usual. Since my sister has been gone,her drinking had incresed, and she would take her anger out on me now.She would beating on me. I refused to hit her back. She is to fragile for me to harm her.

I don't know how people can ignore it, but there have been sudden monsters appearing here in my town. I began noticing them since Kagami died. It was strange. I would usually just turn and walk away, leaving them to do, whatever it is monsters do.

I felt something strange. It was some kind of pressure. It didn't quite hurt, but it made it hard for me to focus, breathe, and even stand. I stayed where I was sitting at, waiting for it to pass by, but it never did. It were as if somehow, if possible, it were getting closer. The roaring of the monster quit. But the pressure never seemed to decease.

I tried to stand, but couldn't seem to find the strength to do so. All of a sudden, I felt something hit me, and I went out cold.

I woke up to find myself in a white room. I looked around. The bed I was laying on was white. The floor was white. Even the bed stand was white. There was a large window, high up on the wall. I was unable to reach it.

I heard a light tap on my door. Someone walked in. I felt stiff when I saw who it was. I couldn't seem to find the right words to say. I began to shake with sudden surprise.

"How....... How can this be....?" I ask out loud, not realizing it till the words had already left my mouth. Standing before me, was the guy whom my sister and I expected to be dead. We expected to never see this man again. This man was our father.

Before me stood a man who was 6' 1". He had white hair. His eyes were closed, while he had a grin placed upon his face.

"Well hello there, my daughter." He says, his smile never faltering the slightest bit.

I just stared backing total surprise. As I said before, I just couldn't see to find the right words to say. He just stood in my door way, seeming to be waiting for something.

"Gin." A voice says, "would you come with me for a moment? There seems to be someone disturbing the others with some loud commotion."

He turned around, and walked away, shutting my door after him. I couldn't seem to believe it, but it's true. He's still alive. My father, Gin Ichimaru, is still alive.

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