BGM - Your Child Misses Him While He's On Tour

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I should be asleep but I'm going to write one of these things b4 I do just to test them out

"Mummy, when is daddy coming home?" The same question was asked every night by your daughter when you tucked her into bed. Her big blue eyes always widened, and her lips would form a pout nearly identical to Luke as she'd look at you with so much hope and adoration.

Only to receive the same news, "not for a long time sweetie," you combed your fingers through her thin hair while she blubbered.

"But I want him now," she whined, little fists balling up as her wide eyes began to fill with tears.

"Shhhhh, I know baby I miss him too," you sat down next to her on her big girl bed that she was very proud of and rubbed her back comfortingly.

"I wa- wa- want daddy!" She sobbed, finally breaking after months of being told she couldn't see her father yet.

"I'm so sorry pumpkin," you cooed, gently pulling her from her blankets up to your chest and holding her close while she cried. She burrowed her little face into your neck while you held her firmly to you and continued to rub her back and make soothing noises. You wished that your husband was there with you, he was always able to soothe her quickly by singing, but you were so bad that you'd undoubtably make her cry harder. What you could do however, was snuggle with her until she became too tired to even cry.

"Tell him to come back," she demanded as her cries turned to hiccups and she had to fight to keep her eyes open, "I want daddy."

"I know sweetheart, I'll talk to him maybe you can Skype tomorrow," you offered while sliding her back under the soft blankets of her bed.

"Hmmmm, okay Mummy," she murmured sleepily while you shut off her bedroom light.

"Goodnight my sweet baby girl," you whispered while leaning down to press a featherlight kiss to her temple.

"Goodnight Mummy I love you," she smiled a little and snuggled deeper into her bed.

"I love you, sleep well," you smiled and walked silently out of her room. You snuck one last glance at your sleeping baby, beginning to suck her thumb subconsciously before you shut her door with a quiet 'click' of the lock.

It was your turn to go back to your cold bed. There was no Luke to cuddle you, or tell you that it was all going to be okay. His side was depressingly empty, and while you didn't like that at all, you couldn't mess up your daughter's schedule by dragging her along on an international tour. That would be hellish and frankly unfair as she wouldn't know what was going on at all and just be tired all the time thanks to timezones.

But you had promised her a call with Luke the next day, and you knew she'd hold you to it, so even though you wanted nothing more than a warm shower and soft bed, you dialed Luke's number on your phone.

"Hey babe what's up?" Thanks to the time difference in whatever country he was in, he was actually awake.

"Our daughter misses you is what's up," you sighed.

"Awwww, how's my little princess holding up?" Luke sounded concerned so you told him everything. From the constant questioning to the recent breakdown.

"Wow," he said quietly when you were done, "I didn't realize she'd take it so hard."

"She's a daddy's girl Luke she adores you," you reminded him, "I'm just sloppy seconds around here."

"Oh baby that's not true," he tutted, "you're her mother and I would have no idea what to do if you weren't there."

"Thanks babe," you smiled a little and looked down at your bare feet, "I wish you were here too. It's so hard just the two of us."

The other line was quiet for a moment, "...what if I came to visit?"

"What?!" You were taken aback. His touring schedule was crazy how was he going to fit in a visit?

"It wouldn't be long, but wow I don't think I can go much longer without seeing either of you in person. I miss my girls," he said affectionately.

"Yes absolutely come! I can't wait to tell Y/D/N-"

"Wait don't! Let's leave it a surprise," Luke suggested.

"Oh alright, just hurry," you teased him with a roll of your eyes.

"Yes ma'am."

That weekend Luke managed to get Friday and Saturday off so he could fly down for the afternoon and night. His flight landed at two so just after lunch you strapped your daughter in her car seat and started on the long drive to the airport.

"Where are we going Mummy?" She asked, playing with the stuffed penguin Luke had gotten her for her last birthday.

"You'll see," you said cryptically.

"How much longer?" She pressed you.

"A while," you shrugged, trying not to smile when you saw her pout.

"Are we there yet?" She tried again.

"You tell me."


One circular discussion later, you had parked and were waiting in the airport for Luke to walk through the gates.

"Why are we here Mummy? Are you leaving like Daddy did?" Y/D/N squeezed your hand and looked up at you sadly.

You frowned but then realized that she had only really ever been to the airport when seeing Luke off.

"No baby, I'm not leaving you," you assured her, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze back.

When she was satisfied, she went to ask another question but instead you felt her freeze and tense up. You looked down in alarm only to see her staring at something off in the distance.

"DADDY!" She exploded, tugging you forward in the direction of Luke who had just gotten through security and was looking for you.

When he heard his daughter's voice his gaze locked to her instantly and while she run-waddled toward him. he ran for her. They met in the middle when Luke scooped her up into a big hug.

She giggled as he spun her through the air much to your dismay, "I missed you princess."

"I missed you more daddy," she replied, attaching herself firmly to him.

"I'm sorry I've been gone so long baby," Luke apologized, holding her on his hip while he walked out, "haven't you and Mum been having fun?"

"Yes," was her immediate answer, "but I missed you."

"I missed you more," he chuckled while pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I missed you most," you reminded him, slapping his butt lightly while walking by.

"You know it," he chuckled and bent down to kiss you as well.


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