BGM - CoC - Werewolf AU - pt5

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Part! 5!

You were relieved at the distraction, "come in!" You yelled as you pushed yourself up to sit criss cross in the middle of the bed, looking eagerly at the door. Surely you'd go stir-crazy if left alone, and traipse off to find your mate.

The door opened and in walked Mali and a girl you'd never seen before. She was tall, even with flat sandals on. Her white denim shorts brought out how tan she was, and you could see lighter lines around her prominent collarbones indicating she spent lots of time in the sun. Her hair was long and dark, pulled back in a high ponytail, but some wispy strands still drifted into her face, and she pushed them back with the heel of her hand as she walked in. When she looked at you and grinned you could see how dark her eyes were, her irises were nearly black and the lights reflected galaxies into them. On her right shoulder there was a mark very similar to yours, but clearly healed. Hers were silvery lines that shined in the light and yours had miraculously stopped scabbing over, but still had new dark pink skin underneath.

"Future Luna, meet Juliette, she will be your third ranking female," Mali smiled and gestured to the girl next to her.

"Third until the Beta's find mates that is," Juliette shrugged like it was no big deal, but you could see the fire in her eyes. You liked that.

Wanting to greet her personally, you slid yourself down from the bed, "Juliette! I just met Jack this morning! We're going to be sister-in-laws?" You held out your arms like the hugger you were. Juliette nodded and accepted your hug, pressing her cheek against yours in the process. You had another werewolf sign of affection to remember.

"Yes Luna, we will be sisters through the bond once you and Luke finish yours." Her smile didn't falter when she spoke, but there was a underlying tone in her voice, one that very much implied she was not in agreement with your waiting at all.

Your eyebrows furrowed and you tried to think of a way to respond, but Mali cut you both off, "Luna, Juliette and I came in here to talk about the bond actually, and what responsibilities leading females take on."

You were mildly surprised. You had figured that the current Luna would be the one to tell you, perhaps she was busier than you imagined. "I'm glad, Luke still hasn't told me much," you smiled and shrugged. Luke always got distracted when you tried to ask him things. Not that you blamed him, you got distracted by him too.

"What has he told you?" Juliette tilted her head to the side and raised an eyebrow.

You repeated the rules you'd heard so far, "uh, don't piss off the alpha, pack is family..." you paused for a moment and sucked your bottom lip into your mouth, "I mean that's all he's really said about 'rules'."

Juliette and Mali exchanged glances then looked back at you. Neither looked impressed. "That's it?" Mali's face scrunched up and she put her hands on her hips, "that's not even completely correct."

What? Luke had lied to you? You were about to ask what was wrong when Juliette added, "so you haven't completed the bond or talked about the pack? What have you two been doing?"

You were slightly offended. "Sleeping mostly," you rolled your eyes, "I've only been here a few hours."

"Usually the bond is completed in a few minutes," she countered, "especially the bond between Alpha wolves. This isn't nor-"

"Juliette," Mali hissed, "Y/N wasn't raised a wolf. Humans don't have soulmates, they take years to settle on who they want to be with." She glared at her companion, probably regretting bringing her along at all. You had to agree that Juliette wasn't being very considerate.

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