BGM - Sunset

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I was at DisneyWorld and it was time consuming I'm not dead

Inspired from that picture of Luke and can I just say hOT DAMN

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Inspired from that picture of Luke and can I just say hOT DAMN

(Haha it was the inspiration for me to change from blue to red)

I can't decide what cover I like most now

Even visiting your boyfriend on tour didn't mean you had a lot of time together. His days were still crammed with interviews, soundchecks, and of course shows. You on the other hand, became well acquainted with the bus. Besides the occasional hour or day off, you spent the most time with Luke when he was sleeping after the show, sometimes you showered with him but that was about it. Although you were now geographically closer it felt like you were still thousands of miles away from him most of the time.

It mostly sucked, but it did make his rare free time even more precious. Like when he didn't have an interview or anything and you were all just laying in the back of the bus.

Your legs were intertwined with Luke's and your head was on his chest, listening to the slow beating of his heart. One of his hands was resting in your hair, occasionally running his fingers through it as you both watched Michael and Calum play FIFA. Ashton was off taking a nap in his bunk and you heard the occasional muttered word or snore drift in.

"GOOOOOOAAAAAL BEAT THAT BUTTFACE! OH WAIT?! YOU CAN'T!" Michael cackled as he scored the game-winning goal to beat Calum.

"Shut up. You're gloating is very unsportsmanlike. And buttface? What are you? Twelve?" Calum huffed and looked away, obviously irritated.

Michael only giggled and launched himself at Calum, tackling his friend into the ground. "Oh Calum, you can't be unsportsmanlike in a video game and you should know by now that I'm thirteen not twelve," Michael sighed and shook his head.

Calum tried to push him off but Michael wrapped his arms around his waist and was holding on for dear life, "my bad. It doesn't matter you're age because you're mostly just irritating."

You snorted and turned around. Under you, you could feel Luke silently laughing at his friends as well.

"You two love birds can pipe down," Michael was quick to chastise you, "I'm trying to have a conversation here."

"Yeah!" Calum called out, pausing for a moment from trying to hold Michael up and away from him.

"Fine, we'll just leave then," Luke moved quickly, you had barely registered what he said when he had sat up. You slid down his lap so he wrapped his arms under your shoulders and knees, scooping you up bridal style.

"Yes please," Calum waved as Luke began to walk out.


You rolled your eyes and rested your head on Luke's shoulder. Your stomach rumbled quietly as you were carried toward the front of the bus.

"Hungry Princess?" Luke's body vibrated with his laugh.

"Mhmmmm!" You giggled a little yourself.

"Well we can steal Michael's leftover pizza because he's being a jackass," Luke offered as he walked toward the fridge in the kitchenette.

You quickly agreed and Luke carefully placed you down on the table so he could get your snack. But when he pulled back you quickly tugged him back down for a kiss first.

He happily pressed his lips against your own for a few seconds before again pulling away and kissing the side of your head. When he moved again you were satisfied with watching his but while he bent over.

"Like what you see?" He teased, shaking his hips side to side.

You flushed red at being caught and looked away while Luke laughed at you. As your head swiveled your attention was drawn to something else entirely. The window.

You peered out to the most beautiful sunset you had ever seen. The sky was a stunning ombré of yellows and pinks and blues all melting into the golden rays of the sun still just peeking over the horizon.

"Whoa," you stood up and walked over to the window without even thinking about it. You just had to get a better view.

Your forehead pressed against the glass as you gazed out at te beautiful sight. You barely registered the sound of Luke walking over until you felt his warm body press against your back.

He let out a low noise of appreciation, "it's beautiful."

You agreed, "yeah." And you looked up and saw a view even prettier than the one outside. Luke's long curls framed his face as the soft glow illuminated his bright blue eyes, and left a shadow on his cheekbones where it was blocked by his long lashes.

"Thanks babe," he grinned down at you, quickly kissing the tip of your nose.

You hadn't even realized you had spoken out loud.

"I think you're hotter than the sun," Luke giggled and pressed a hand to your side before making a sizzling noise and pulling it back.

You smiled at him fondly and let out a sigh, "you're a dork."

"I'm your dork," he corrected you.

"You're my dork," you amended, "and I love you and your dorkiness."

"I love you too," he smiled, "to the sun and back."

"That's really far," you raised your eyebrows.

"Further than the moon," he agreed, glancing back in the direction of the back of the bus.

"SHUT UP HEMMINGS!" Michael somehow heard him and yelled, ruining the romantic moment.

You rolled your eyes as Luke replied, "WELL IT'S TRUE!"

"I DIDN'T SAY IT WASN'T. I SAID SHUT UP!" Michael repeated.

Before Luke could yell something equally as idiotic back you tugged him down by his collar for a long kiss. His eyes fluttered close and he eased into it, pinning you against the bus window. Much better.


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