BGM - I'll Give You The Best Years

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Married and Pregnant wife of Lucas Robert Hemmings and sister of Ashton Fletcher Irwin Full Name Emmy Bernice Irwin Hemmings Emmy and Luke Have been married for 5 and a half years Hobbies singing dancing cooking cuddling with their dog Petunia  and Emmy fears Losing Luke can Ashton tell Luke about Emmy's fear and Thats how best years was dedicated to Emmy Luke walks in on his wife dancing to the new album while she cooks dinner she's cooking penne pasta and sausages in the spaghetti sauce and Garlic bread  and Luke finds it adorable and then they Have a Degrassi Tv show Marathon and snuggles and kisses he always calls her Emmy Baby on the phone after Ashton tells Luke Emmy's fears about losing Him to other girls she works at the studio also so Ashton should walk in on her crying in her office because she's pregnant again and she fears of losing Luke Thank You xx How should Luke respond when his wife tries to go Upstairs when they fight because she's crying He should follow her Okay No problem could we Have Luke walk in and he Hugs her and they make up because he finds out about her anxiety and trust issues perfect he Calls her Emmy Baby when he finds out and he rubs her Babybump and he gives her a kiss and she giggles and they pinky promise to each other never to fight They go on a romantic weekend trip  They go to Kingston Ontario and Ottawa Ontario and Emmy Blushs as she unlocks the hotel room door because Lukey wants kisses  where they are on their romantic weekend trip in his Car  and their dog Petunia comes on the trip too Emmy giggles as petunia Jumps on the bed while Emmy and Luke are Kissing  Zero cheating please this is new Yayyyyyyy Thank You Emmy's parents Names are David and Elaine and they adore LukeEmmy is a Huge 5sos Fan and Emmy's Parents Tell Luke and he starts teasing Emmy and Emmy blushes and whispers in his ear for some romantic time in their bedroom Emmy is a Huge 5sos Fan and Emmy's Parents Tell Luke and he starts teasing Emmy and Emmy blushes excellent Ashton is Emmy's brother and Once Ash sees His sisters Lip quiver he gets mad at Luke for making her cry and Emmy hates fights That's why she runs upstairs to her's and Luke's room with Petunia in their room

Housekeeping notes:
*I feel like I'm obligated to inform you that this imagine (much like the request lmao) is very long (~8000 words) and I didn't follow it exaaaaactly there were some minor creative liberties taken in the name of plot 
*it's not like historically accurate so don't come for me pls I acknowledge my shortcomings
*only minimal proofreading occurred
*Y/N is Luke's wife and Ashton's sister (I don't write imagines in 3rd person)
*pls enjoy

Luke (& to a lesser but still significant degree Ashton)

You awoke with a start, rocketing out of bed in a panic fresh out of a distressingly realistic dream. Really though, it was more of a nightmare, and this had been the third time you'd had it this week alone.

It always started perfectly normal, you in your office, or out at your Friday brunch with Ashton just enjoying your day. The ending was always the same, and it was what had you propelling yourself out of bed at 4:30 with no chance of falling asleep anytime soon.

You'd find yourself on your front porch staring at the door Luke had painted a bright yellow along with an entire leg of his jeans on accident. It was the same door, but it didn't remind you of your husband's sunshine grin or the stained jeans tucked in the back of a drawer somewhere in your bedroom. The door in your nightmare made you feel a particular sense of dread, a cold emptiness lodged deep in the pit of your stomach. And you knew what was going to happen because you'd been there before a different night, in front of the same door with the same sweat leaking from your palms and the same fear slowly start to make the hair on the back of your neck raise. You knew what was going to happen but you opened the door anyway and stepped into your house. Unlike the outside, nothing past the threshold even pretended to look like your home. It was large and dark, and empty, void of all light and pretty much everything else.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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