DDM - When Mom's Away...

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Hunter suggested I do a DDM to spice things up a little so here y'all are

It's inspired by the fact that I am also in a tent atm and hope to eat s'mores soon

The weekend had finally arrived! No more school for a whole two days! Nothing made you happier than when your teacher let you leave on a Friday. You'd run to the bus and wait eagerly until you got off at your stop, nearly bouncing out of your seat in excitement.

Luckily Luke was ready for that, he knew how excited you got on Friday afternoons. You were never allowed to have any sugar because of it.

When your bus finally stopped in your neighborhood you ran off, straight into your father's arms where he was standing, waiting for you.

"DADDYYYYYYY!" You squealed in excitement as he lifted you up off the ground.

"PRINCESSSSSSS!" He teased you, setting you back down but taking your backpack. You giggled at how comically small it looked slung over one of his shoulders. "How was your day?" He hummed, taking your little hand in his own as the two of you began the short walk home.

"Looooong and Mrs. Y/T/N gave us homework! She's a meanie," you frowned, huffing a little at the thought of your teacher. How dare she have the audacity to make you do work on your time off.

"That's not nice Y/N," Luke scolded you, but when you tilted your head all of the way back to look up at his face he looked more amused than mad.

"Sorrrrrry Daddy," you apologized even though you weren't sorry. Not even a little. You meant every word that you said. Especially meanie!

"It's okay sweetness, I'm sure that the homework won't be too bad, I'll help you," he said kindly.

But you thought that was weird. Your Mum always helped you with your homework. Your father almost never did.

"Why? Where's Mummy?" You frowned.

Luke looked both ways and shuttled you across the street before answering, "she's out on a business trip this weekend remember? Just you and me squirt."

"Oh," you squinted as you thought. It took you a few moments but you did vaguely remember your mother sitting you down and telling you that she was going to be gone for the weekend and to take care of your Dad. "Does that mean we can have McDonald's for dinner?" You loooooved McDonald's but it was usually reserved for special occasions around your mother. Your father on the other hand tended to be much more lenient when it came to your diet, schedule, and life in general. It was fun for a weekend but when your Mum was on weeklong trips things would get hectic so your Grandma Liz or Uncles and Aunts would have to help.

"I was thinking pizza," Luke said thoughtfully as the two of you walked up the big steps to the front door.

You liked pizza so you were okay with that, "okay Daddy."

"And I was thinking that we could do something fun to make up for the fact that Mummy is out," he offered slyly, knowing that you jumped at the opportunity to do fun things.

"OOOOO! YAY! CAN WE GO TO THE ZOO? OR A FOOTBALL GAME? OR YOUR WORK? OR ON A CARRIDE OR-" you started listing off every fun thing you could think of.

Well until Luke shook his head in amusement, "I had something else in mind."

"What? WHAT?!" You pestered him.

"Hmmm you'll just have to wait and see," he shrugged innocently, using a key to unlock the door.

You crossed your arms and turned the corners of your mouth down in a comical frown. You hated surprises you just didn't have the patience for them at all.

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