BGM - When the Helmets Come Off

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Okay this one is where Luke is QB for the 49ers and Y/N is sent to interview the team

I'm so dumb I have like 75% of another version of this done where they're in high school and play high school football despite the fact that I was requested to do professional football so let me know if you want to see that one

Uhm also I don't know how professional sports work or journalism so disclaimer I made this up

"Miss Y/L/N, I have an assignment for you to do tomorrow," your boss dropped by your desk on his way out to lunch.

"Of course Mr. Clifford," you smiled and took the packet so that he could continue.

"It's pretty much a fluff piece, go interview the 49ers as they train in the preseason, get some good shots, write a cutesy article to make the fans happy, the usual," he yawned and leaned back on his feet, "we can't just report about concussions and drug tests."

"Nope," you said excitedly as you thumbed through the paperwork, "this looks perfect though, thank you."

"I thought you'd like it, I'm going to have you cover the team this year," he smiled and then straightened back up, "well, enjoy."

"I will, thanks again sir!"


The next day you were at Levi's Stadium with Calum, your cameraman, bright and early to record their morning workouts. You were guided down to the field by an assistant that worked in the stadium office, and then told to wait until Head Coach Irwin could speak.

"Look! There he is!" You mumbled to Calum, pointing to a large metal sled being dragged across the turf with a man with a megaphone on it.

"GO! FASTER! MOVE HEMMINGS I WANT TO FEEL THE WIND IN MY HAIR!" He screamed through the megaphone to the player dragging him down the field. Since it was your job, you knew that 'Hemmings' was actually Luke Hemmings, the quarterback of the team and one of the best in the league.

Just then, Coach Irwin noticed you, "ARE YOU THE REPORTER HERE FOR THE INTERVIEW?" He megaphoned in your direction.

You had to rip your eyes away from Luke, who was looking particularly good shirtless and sweating , to answer, "yes, sir." You nodded with a smile, holding up your microphone.

Luke looked over at you and did a double-take, pausing his movement. You caught his eye and it nearly made your heart stop. His hair had gotten long since you'd last seen it on TV, he had it back in a bun but a few pieces had escaped and were stuck against his sweaty face. His mouth was slightly open as he took deep breaths to keep up with the intense workout and you watched as a single bead of sweat formed on his brow and trailed down his face, dropping off of his chin. It was official, you were in love.

"HEMMINGS?" You nearly jumped as Coach Irwin used the megaphone again, and your eye contact with Luke was broken. He let out a low grunt, and then slowly began to pull the sled again. "FEEL FREE TO GET SOME SHOTS OF THE TRAINING!" Coach Irwin aimed his megaphone toward you even as he was slowly being pulled away, "YOU CAN TALK TO THE PLAYERS THAT ARE FINISHED!"

"OKAY," He was far enough away you felt like you needed to raise your voice a little to make sure he could hear you, "THANK YOU!"

"NO PROBLEM!" He megaphoned back, returning his attention to Luke, "GO! GO! GO!"

You looked over at Calum and gestured toward the other side of the field where drills were being run, and a few players were chatting by the giant water coolers, resting. It would be hard to get any audio while Coach Irwin was screaming in the background, but you could at least get some footage of what was happening and set it to music or narrate over it.

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