BGM - I'll Miss You

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Okay updating schedules are hard and Bleeding Hearts is hard and QUITTING IS GOOOOOOD


One week. Seven days. One hundred sixty eight hours. That's how long you had until your boyfriend left you for an eleven month international tour, never returning for more than a few weeks.

You could feel the seconds melting away in your heart and mind, each leaving its own sting as they reminded you that soon you'd be Luke-less. Your bed would be larger and cooler, you wouldn't wake up to his guitar or piano, no more stacked pizza boxes or mushy carrots from forgotten health kicks. Luke's laugh and hulking presence would be gone, and even endless texts and phone calls couldn't replace that. A deep sense of dread was already forming in your stomach. It coiled itself tightly around your heart and lungs with thick dark tendrils, contracting more and more with each passing moment until he left, you knew that when he got on the plane your breath would leave along with a little piece of you, because you loved Luke and you hated seeing him go.

You knew he was feeling the rapidly approaching separation as well; he held you a little tighter at night and was glued to you more than normal during the day. Neither of you wanted him to go, but you both knew it was his job, and he didn't really have any other choice.

Despite normally being a night owl, Luke followed you up to bed at nine when you turned in.

"You don't have to go up with me," you murmured, "I don't mind if you come up in a couple more hours."

"Nonsense." Was Luke's reply when you even suggested that he continue strumming on his guitar over sleeping with you.

You smiled widely at his answer, earning yourself a quick kiss to the nose, "lead the way Princess."

You giggled and intertwined your fingers with his much larger ones before pulling him to your bedroom. Once there, Luke only watched as you scurried about, putting on your pajamas and disappearing into the ensuite to carry out your nightly routine. You felt his deep blue eyes on you, smiling a little to himself as he watched before slowly getting himself ready for bed as well.

When you were done, you shuffled over to turn off the lights, your fingers only barely leaving the switch before two warm hands encircled your waist and a chin rested on top of your head.

"Couldn't wait?" Your murmuring voice seemed so much louder in the dark room.

"I just don't want to ever let go," he admitted softly into your hair.

You twisted in his hold so that you were facing his chest, giving your arms enough room to reach up and smooth your palms against his skin.

"Me neither," you agreed.

With a soft pressure, Luke led you back to the bed, gently laying you down before crawling on top.

"I'm gonna miss you so much baby," he sighed and pressed his forehead against your own.

Your hands tangled themselves in his long blonde curls, "I'm going to miss you more than I think I can bear."

He sighed and kissed you, deeply and slowly. Your eyes fluttered shut as you lightly pulled at the hair still twisted in your hands.

"You can bear it. For me?" He pleaded softly.

"I'd do anything for you," you promised.

Long arms encircled your waist and you were brought against Luke's warm chest where you laid your head to rest.

"Goodnight Luke," you said quietly.

"Goodnight Princess."

Six days.

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