BSM - You Play A Prank On Calum

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Listening to Little Mix rn 🙌

"Hmph," your brother made a noise of discontent from across the room.

You glanced up from your book at him. He had stopped scrolling, his eyebrows were furrowed and his lips tilted down in a slight frown.

"What?" You asked, bookmarking your place in your novel.

"Calum posted an ugly picture he took of me," Luke answered unhappily.

"So get him back," you rolled your eyes. No need for him to overcomplicate things.

"But how?" He set his phone down, "I'm terrible at revenge."

"Prank him," you shrugged, "that's what I do to you."

"Yeah, thanks for the green hair by the way, it's still not all of the way out," Luke glowered at you while picking through his curls until he found one that still had a slight greenish hue in the sunlight. "See!"

"Yes I see, it was temporary but blonde hair stains," you waved him off, "but back to the prank at hand, what are you going to do to Calum?"

"Uhhhh, I couuuuuld steal his shoes," Luke offered, looking at you for approval.

Your face scrunched up, "what? Shoes? Are you serious Luke?"

"Well what do you suggest then?" Your brother crossed his arms moodily.

"Uhm," you took your lip between your teeth, "we could spray tan him in his sleep?"

"What else?" Luke considered it for a moment before shaking his head.

"We could move everything in his house a little to the right so he runs into stuff!" You proposed.

"Noooo," Luke shot that one down too, "that's too much work."

"We could hack into his Bluetooth speaker system and loop Honky Tonk badonkadonk until he goes insane," you grinned evilly.

"He'll just turn them off," Luke reminded you.

"We could wait until he falls asleep and then do his makeup," you were beginning to run out of suggestions.

"Makeup?" Luke perked up a little.

"Yeah I've seen it done on YouTube a couple of times. Calum's a heavy sleeper right?" You drummed your fingertips against your thigh.

"Yeah, you have to be to sleep on a bus," Luke chuckled a little, "alright, but make sure it's all waterproof so that it's more permanent."

You nodded and scurried off to go get your supplies.

You waited until Calum's scheduled afternoon nap before hopping in Luke's car and driving to the bassist's house.

Luke retrieved the spare key from it's place inside of the faux rock in Calum's landscaping. He held a finger to his lips as he opened the door and tiptoed inside.

There was immediately a loud snore to your left, in Calum's living room where all of the big comfy couches were. You gripped the handle of your makeup bag as you and Luke crept through the house to get to him.

"Do you have it from here?" Luke mouthed at you.

You sent him a thumbs-up and unzipped your bag. You had some samples in Calum's skin tone that you were able to use as foundation and concealer. Luke wasn't joking about Calum being a heavy sleeper either, besides the movement of his mouth along with the gentle snore, he didn't move as you applied the makeup.

You really went all out, when you were finally done, Calum had foundation, concealer, contouring, highlight, falsies, shimmery gold eyelids, bright red lips, and filled brows. You thought it was a great look, especially the long, dramatic, winged eyeliner.

"Done?" Luke whispered, pulling out his phone.

"Yep," you nodded and stepped back.

Luke fiddled with his phone for a few minutes before whispering to you, "wake him up Y/N."

He videoed as you stepped forward, nudging Calum's shoulder, "Cal! Cal! Wakey wakey!"

Calum groaned tiredly, swatting your hand away, "go away Y/N."

You looked over at Luke helplessly.

"Wait Y/N?!" Calum had a delayed reaction as he bolted straight up, "What are you doing here? And why are my eyelids heavy?"

He wasn't used to the lashes, and when he moved to rub his eyes, he flinched when his fists brushes against the long, black, falsies. "AHHHH! WHAT DID YOU DO?"

He opened his eyes fully, to see you trying not to laugh as Luke filmed him.

"If there's a penis on my face so help me God I will kill you both," Calum threatened as he grabbed his phone to check his own reflection.

Only there wasn't a dick on his face, just a lovely face of glamorous makeup.

"Hellllllo gorgeous!" Calum batted his long eyelashes, "Where have you been all my life?"

"Are you flirting with yourself?" Luke was dumbfounded.

"Hell yeah! I look hot!" Calum admired his face from different angles, enjoying the glitter on his cheekbones.

"Well we tried," you shook your head and looked back at Luke.

"Tried what?" Calum asked, staring over at you.

"Pranking you," Luke said miserably.

"Well I don't know about a prank but I do look good!" Calum praised you both, "So there's that. It was really more of a nice surprise."

You again made eye contact with Luke, "make a note of this, so we won't do it again."

He nodded, "noted."

"I don't know what y'all are going on about but you should definitely do this again," Calum interjected.

"Dually noted."

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