BGM - CoC Werewolf AU pt3

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I love the new aesthetic personally

Also look at how memeable they are

Also look at how memeable they are

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Then perish

You know he had to do it to em

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You know he had to do it to em

I literally took a break from this to write another 1700 word Ashton imagine oml

"Lesson?" Luke chuckled and settled himself back against the headboard, pulling you with him. You watched him stretch with interest, nearly losing your train of thought as his muscles became taut under his skin.

"Yeah," you licked your lips and forced yourself to look away from Luke's arms to his smirking face, "yeah, what do I need to know first?"

"Well," Luke couldn't hide his grin, "I guess I could just tell you..." he trailed off.

"What do you mean 'you could'?" You narrowed your eyes at him, "you already said you were going to teach me?!"

You watched as Luke's smile widened and his hands began to sneak their way around toward your butt, "oh I will. I just wanna know what you're going to give me in return."

Five minutes. Probably less than that. Luke had gone from comforting you to making some rather inappropriate suggestions in the same number of minutes as you had fingers on a hand. Men.

You snorted and slapped his hands away, the previous distraction he had caused you was now over. Two could play at this game, "if you won't teach me I'll ask Michael and Ashton, or maybe Mali." You paused for a moment as if to think, ignoring the way Luke's hands were tightening on your hips and his eyes were narrowing in warning. "But I guess if they're busy I could always ask Calu-"

The jealous bastard didn't even let you finish. He tackled you back onto the mattress in the blink of an eye. His enormous body held yours down, one hand pinning both your wrists behind your head as the other snuck around to push your chest as snugly against his as possible.

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