BGM - A Different Kind of Band (Blue Box part 2)

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Requested by: camjensen

Nothing was going right. You were two weeks out from your wedding and your DJ quit, your maid of honor just went into labor, and your bridal store couldn't locate your dress. How could you be a bride without a maid of honor, music, or a gown? It was all just going so very very wrong.

You let out a quiet cry when you received the text from the DJ, apparently he had won the lottery and was no longer interested in being a wedding DJ at all. This was of course after your best friend and maid of honor's husband texted you at three in the morning that she was in labor with her twins and the call you got from the bridal store a few hours ago that your final fitting would have to be rescheduled so they could find the dress that had been misplaced. It was just a really stressful day so far and you weren't handling it well. You just wanted to have a special day where Luke could put the wedding band on it and you could drive off into the sunset as man and wife. But nooooo everything just had to go wrong at the last minute and wow where did all the air go. It soon became apparent to you that you were hyperventilating and that's not good.

"LUKE!" You managed to scream as the room began to spin. Your hands flew down to grip the table but it did nothing to anchor you as your vision swam with black dots and grew even blurrier with tears.

The loud footsteps of your fiancé and his friends barely registered as you began to feel the water spilling from your eyes and wetting your cheeks in sharp lines down your face. It was all ruined! What were you going to do?

"Y/N? WHAT'S GOING ON?" Luke burst in, Calum, Ashton, and Michael were just behind him.

He saw that you were panicking and rushed forward, pulling you into a hug. "Baby? Shhhhhh," he pushed your head to rest on his shoulder as he cradled you close and ran a hand up and down your back. His warm body and firm grip helped you calm along with the steady hand rubbing your back and quiet shushing noises. Slowly, the panic receded back into your mind and your vision cleared as you started breathing normally.

A final deep breath in, and out, and you were finally okay enough to pull back from Luke.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly. He frowned at the tears still on your cheeks and gently cupped your face as he wiped them away with his thumbs.

His blue eyes contained only concern as you laid your hands over his and answered, "what isn't? Y/BFF/N just went into labor and can't be my maid of honor, the bridal shop can't find my dress and our DJ canceled on us so we have no music."

Luke sighed, "well-"

But before he could properly answer Calum butted in, "I can be the DJ!"

"You're a groomsman," Ashton protested, "you can't be the DJ!"

"Yuh-huh, it's called multitasking." Calum scoffed as if it was so ludicrous that Ashton even suggested otherwise.

"See!" Luke was totally on board, "We already solved one problem! Don't worry, it'll all work out."

You weren't so sure that Calum was the man for the job. Your point was illustrated by his next words, "can I pick the song you walk down the aisle to? Because I think it should be the Imperial March!"

"Bum bum bum bum-bum bum bum bum bum," Michael sang, titling his head down to make his voice even lower than usual.

"I don't want to walk down the aisle to Darth Vader's theme song."

"Okay but hear me out..."


Luke was right in the end. The store quickly found your dress and your fitting went smoothly, one of your other bridesmaids took over the role of maid of honor, and Calum ultimately did get to be the DJ but you refused to walk to the Imperial March. You had to draw the line somewhere.

So as you stood, arm through your father's as he prepared to walk you down the aisle, the only thought running through your mind was how incredibly happy and blessed you were. You had your dress, your music, and your friends. But most importantly, you had the man of your dreams and the love of your life waiting for you. By the end of the hour you will have promised to love him as long as you both shall live, and he you.

That was what made it all worth it. The stress, the tears, the waiting. It all came down to this day, this hour, this moment, and Luke.

So when your preferred music started and you began your slow walk down the aisle your mind went blank. You could finally see him, standing there waiting for you. His jaw dropped when he saw your dress and you giggled a little at the sight. He looked incredibly handsome in his tux, standing near the pastor that would marry you with his hands folded in front of him. Ashton, who was the best man in order to keep Michael and Calum from fighting so much, clamped a hand down on his shoulder and whispered something that made a wide smile break across Luke's face.

His dazzling expression made a similar one bloom on yours. When you got close enough, he stepped down and took your hand from your father's, helping you up to the altar and taking the other so that you were facing each other in front of the pastor.

"I love you," he mouthed quickly.

"I love you more," you responded.

And you were already crying and that didn't stop at all through the service because you were just so happy. You were happy when you exchanged your vows and when Luke slid your wedding band on your finger and when it was announced that, "now you may kiss the bride."

Luke dipped his head down and kissed you lightly as neither of you were fans of people who shoved their tongues down each other's throats on their wedding day.

And maybe, when you exited the sanctuary, the Imperial March played. But that, is a story for another time.

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