BGM - Soulmate AU

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I have like a billion of these to write now so here we goooo

This one is the one where soulmates can read each other's thoughts if they touch

You had probably the worse summer job ever. Y/N Y/L/N, gas station clerk. It was five parts boring as you spent most of your time scrolling through your phone, or reading the gossip magazines kept in stock; ten parts gross as when it was your shift, the bathroom was your responsibility and there had to have been some war crimes committed in those stalls and just thinking of some of the smells you encountered made you wish you were talking to a therapist; and the rest just convenient because your house was a two minute walk away and you got a snack discount so you could gorge yourself on M&M's while reading about Harry Styles and Barack Obama's secret love child.

It was only very occasionally something interesting happened, especially during the night shift that you were often assigned since it was assumed by your boss that young people liked staying up all night in cruddy little gas station convenience stores. Whatever the reason, you didn't mind too much, and at least there was less social interaction late at night.

Well, usually.

You were eating your candy and reading the celebrity gossip when loud voices could be heard outside at the pumps. You glanced at the security feed and nearly choked on a skittle because there was a giant bus parked at the diesel pump and four inhumanly tall dudes were climbing out of it while the driver refueled. And besides the fact that they were tall and dudes you couldn't make a whole lot out from the fuzzy camera footage but you wouldn't have to much longer because they were headed your way.

The front doorbell rang as they strode inside, mumbling to each other and heading back into the candy and drink area, or as you liked to call it, the best part of the whole place. One of them grabbed like four bottles of Mountain Dew while another raided the Dorito display and they seemed kind of familiar looking but you couldn't quite tell. You sometimes forgot things really early in the morning like that dolphins are real and not made up and that British people call lines queues and not just qs.

And you were so caught up on trying to put your finger on that vague feeling of familiarity you almost didn't notice that one of them had dropped a bottle of coke that said "share with Michael" on it and a bottle of red hot Cheetos on the counter for you to check out. But the literal shadow he cast over you because he was so tall he was blocking the nasty old light shocked you back to reality and you scanned them through while he dug through his pockets.

"LUUUUKE I FORGOT MY WALLET ON THE BUUUUUS COME PAY FOR THIS!" You glanced up at the backlit man and noticed for the first time he had bright blue hair and was wearing fuzzy Spider-Man pajamas. And wow, you wished that you could ride in a giant bus in fuzzy Spider-Man pajamas and get someone else to pay for your snacks. He was lucky.

"You're so irresponsible Michael," the one that had to be Luke rolled his eyes and walked over, dropping his own bottle of water and candy down to buy along with his friends food. "And really? You bought a coke that has your own name on it?"

"Shut up Hemmings," Michael swatted at his friend's arm and you had an out of body experience because you just put it all together.

Luke Hemmings. Michael Clifford. Ashton Irwin. Calum Hood. Five Seconds of Summer. They were in your gossip magazines not that long ago, but they were wearing significantly less clothing on that cover.

And wow you shouldn't be thinking of the man in front of you in the nude but it was too late and you were kinda staring at him. Luckily he either didn't mind or notice maybe because it was 3 AM and he was tired or maybe because he's used to it, you didn't know.

He just pulled out a twenty and handed it to you and like some stupid cliché romcom your fingers brushed as you took the bill and things got weird.

For the instant that your skin was touching one clear thought rang through your head and that was Do you tip gas station people? Or just waiters and bartenders because this one is hot. And you knew that it wasn't your thought because you never got tipped.

But if it wasn't yours, then...

And your head snapped up and you looked into the beautiful baby blues of Luke Robert Hemmings and he looked back down at you, shocked, probably because his own nude magazine cover just flashed through his head and he definitely noticed.

"Whoaaaaa," you dropped the bill and held your hand out. Without hesitation he laid his palm on top of yours and you could immediately see and hear what he was thinking. Knowing he could do the same you thought an apology for previously thinking about him naked at such an inappropriate time.

Blink twice if you can read my mind

You blinked twice right away, and he chuckled at your apology and you disconnected your hands and it felt weird.

It felt weird when you were touching and you knew what he was thinking sure, but directly afterwards when you lose it and you're alone again it's even weirder.

"What are you doing Luke? You're holding up the line!" Calum who was behind him whined loudly.

Luke just turned and grinned at him while pointing at you, "she's my soulmate."

Calum's jaw dropped to the floor and eight eyes were glued to you as your face heated up.

"I'm Calum!" Calum I introduced himself.

And Luke just cracked a half-grin staring at you cockily in a way that only made you flush more, "trust me dude. She knows."

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

Next up: Fade to Grey

Sidenote: should I republish Dirty Preferences publicly? I was thinking about it since it's private right now and idk if I want a completely private book

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